A Simple Question

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#3 of Harmony

After the encounter with Brent last night, Luke, Tom and Atlas know exactly were to go on this Saturday afternoon. A place were some delicious and thoughtful surprises await them.

Saturday really was the best day of the week. At least for Luke. His mom would close their flower shop (Striped Roses) earlier, so he would have the whole afternoon and night to do whatever he wanted, without the need to wake up early on the next day.

And he already had something great to do on that afternoon, so the tiny feline found himself walking calmly through the suburbs, until he found a certain light green house in the lower corner of a slope, with a very beautiful garden in the front.

It was where Tom lived with his family, and not only was the red arthro bull already waiting by the front porch, but Atlas was there too.

Luke: Oh. Guess I'm late then.

Tom: Nah. You're on time.

Atlas: I'm just early because I had to pick the subway from the shore to here.

Luke: So you live near the beach?

Atlas: Yeah. My family was responsible for the lighthouse even before the city was built.

Luke: Neat.

Tom: Yeah. Anyway... Let's get going. I'm kinda hungry.

Luke: Heh, same.

So they started walking up the slope, until they reached one of the main streets of the suburbs, connected to a highway just a couple hundred meters to their left.

And not so far from it, but a bit closer to them, was the elegant yet rustic yellow building that was their destination. The Morning Star Bakery.

Luke: Well... We're here.

Atlas: Already?

Tom: I said it was close to where I live.

Atlas: Yeah, but living in a city as big as union heart gives me a broader sense of what's close.

Luke: Heh. I feel ya.

Without hesitation, the three of them walked closer to the building, and even before entering, they could see not only the many treats on display, but also a huge indoor pond besides the tables, so that fish and other aquatic costumers could just swim in though the underground tube system that ran bellow the city.

Nando was already there, sitting calmly on a mossy rock ornament, and smiled smugly as he saw his friends approaching.

Nando: Took you guys long enough.

Atlas: We don't have the water current in our favor.

Nando: Heh. Fair.

Tom: Anyway... Did you talk to Brent already?

Nando: Nah. I was just waiting for you guys first.

Luke: He must be working in the back, as he said.

Tom: Then let's go get some snacks and talk to him.

They walked closer to the counter, as Nando followed in the pond. Luke's mouth was already watering, just by having a closer look and a good whiff of the scent of the many treats on display.

And that was a great thing, since there was already someone in the counter eager to serve them. A short yellow bull with dark hair and horns that split into two near their tips. Quite long too if compared to Tom's really short ones.

Bull: Hello and Welcome to the Morning Star Bakery. How may I help you?

Luke: Is Brent busy by any means?

Bull: I don't think so. He just put in the oven the next batch of bread.

Tom: Great. Could you call him?

Bull: Of course... Wait... Were you the guys that helped him with the oranges yesterday?

Atlas: Yep.

Bull: Then go sit down for a moment. I'll go get him. But do you guys need anything?

Nando: I'd like a chocolate donut, please.

Luke: And I'd like a slice of that chocolate cake.

Tom: That lemon pie looks delicious....

Atlas: And a Strawberry Shortcake for me.

Bull: Okie dokie.

In a few moments, they were sitting on a table by the pond with their delicious desserts, as the other bull went into the back to get Brent.

But before he could even start eating, Luke's attention was pulled to a pair of familiar faces that were entering the building at that moment.

The first one was Lavander, a light purple chubby folf with shoulder length cyan hair. She was a taur, which meant that she had a feral lower body, like the centaurs of old myths, but fully canine. She also wore glasses, a mint-green top and a light blue mantle over her lower body, with lots of pockets like a tool belt.

The second one, however, was an arthro brown pig called Jade. She had a few light green spots, dark brown hair with mint tips tied into a bun, and was checking something in her tablet. Her usual serious visage being broken by a little smile.

Jade: Yep. Those are some amazing blueprints.

Lavander: Aw, thanks! Think you can handle the coding?

Jade: Of course. It'll be a nice challenge.

Luke: Hey gals. What are you talking about?

They were slightly surprised by the boys presence, but not in a bad way.

Lavander: It's a little project of ours.

Jade: A series of life-size helper bots.

Tom: Oh. Neat.

Atlas: And what will they do, exactly?

Lavander: We don't know yet. They're still on very early development.

Jade: We want something that would help with our limitations. Like a driver assistent for taurs.

Lavander: Or something to help fish explore the land more easily.

Nando: Really? That's so great to hear!

Lavander: Heh. Reactions like this are what keeps me moving every day.

Tom: I feel ya.

Jade: We might as well be able to move the whole damn world if this project goes through.

Lavander: Yeah... But that begs the question... What makes every single one of us move? And I'm not taking in a physical kind of sense.

They laughed a bit at that last sentence, but Luke felt them all silently thinking about the weight of that question.

Luke: I guess it's all a matter of perspective. I'm always in search of inspiration.

Atlas: Me too. On the places I go, the people I meet...

Tom: ... The stories I hear, and the moments we share.

Nando: Wow... Guess inspiration really is everywhere.

Jade: Yeah... And it is the force that keeps us pushing forward.

Lavander: That's what I love about people, and why I'd like to help them expand their horizons.

Luke: That's... Beautiful.

But it was at that moment that the large kitchen doors opened, and the bull came out of it, followed by the towering figure of Brent, wearing a white apron and a hair net, and carrying a tray of freshly baked muffins.

Bull: Surprise!

Brent: Thunder... Don't make a fuss out of this.

Thunder: But it was your idea.

Brent: It's just a "thank you" gift.

Tom: And a nice surprise indeed.

The two of them then came closer to the group, and put down the tray on another table nearby, because of the other desserts they were eating.

Atlas: They smell delicious.

Brent: Thanks... I made them with the leftover batter from the cakes, so consider this a taste test.

Nando: Too bad I already devoured my donut.

Luke: Heh, mood.

Lavander: Can we join the fun?

Thunder: Of course. The more feedback, the better.

Jade: That's what I like to hear.

And so, they all had fun eating those delicious muffins, made with so much care by Brent, like the other desserts they already ordered.

But the question from just a moment ago was still echoing in Luke's mind. Maybe, just maybe, a new idea was taking shape right then and there.