Venturing: Final Fate
This revealed the one who wanted the raven dead and why the three other realms were covered in slime. With the meeting underway, can the Vaster police solve the case before their client is murdered?
Venturing: Final Fate
We ended up in front of a tall building. It was isolated from the other buildings. As we stared onto it, Yang turned to the Raven who chirped suddenly. Bobbing its head as if nodding, the dragoness sighed before glancing at the rest of us and spoke. "Already, lets just head in there." "What will we find inside?" Zander wondered, Kyro shrugged after while they followed us towards the front door of the building. Entering inside. We found ourselves upon the main lobby. It was a bigger room than expected however. Six glass cubes stands in two rows; They were place at the center of the room. Behind them was a brown door. Two lamps stands adjacent at that door. I looked around the room as Yang walked to the door that was across from us. I saw nothing except for the white stripe walls at the sides of the room. Pink lines running down from the ceiling to the flooring beneath our feet. I stared at the lines. Blinking while tilting my head to one side before allowing my voice to speak up through the silence of the room. Catching the attention of Zander and Kyro while Natty headed to Yang's side, growling about something.
"Look at this guys." I said, pointing towards the sides of the walls. They looked, noticing the pink lines that run vertical. Looking at one another, they frowned in silence before Kyro tapped my shoulder and shook his head a bit. Zander looked like he was about to laugh. I turned to Kyro and Zander, frowned while a bit of heat ran from my back. I shyly blushed a bit and gazed away, nodding afterwards while we stepped forward. Trying to meet up with the rest of the unit who was perhaps through the door already. For once we walked across the room, Zander grabbed the front door and opened it. The door allowed us through and we walked through the door as we entered into the next room. The door closed. We stared out towards the new room. Yang and Natty were already by the center of the room, walking straight towards the elevator while the raven started explaining to them about something. 'Rules, perhaps?' I wondered to myself as Zander and Kyro started jogging up towards them. I followed behind, taking the rear.
The second room was smaller than the first. Yet the room was not interesting as the first room however. With boring white walls and pink lines that continued running vertically, I had wondered who had designed these rooms at all. I frowned after catching up with them and gaze around the boring walls. But after a while, I spotted something interesting off in the distance. Over to my left, I spotted something sticking out from the wall itself. I never knew what it was because we walked passed it. But from a far distance, it kinda looked like a weapon of some sort. It was not a blade or a knife like those ninjas and samurai uses in the early seventeenth or eighteenth centuries however. But something unique. I never gotten a close look upon it. As we walked across the length of the room towards the pair of doors that stands before us, the raven started speaking while we piled up upon the door which was already parting by our close encounter. We founded out that the pair of doors was hiding an elevator that would takes us straight towards the boss, for the meeting to take place however. But the raven spoke interrupting our initial thoughts and dreams as our eyes turned to him.
"Now listen here everyone." The raven started with its eyes to us, "The boss is very cranky. One miss and it is all over for this raven. Regardless, the boss would still kill me even at the end of the meeting." "How long is the meeting?" "Not sure. It really depends on what the boss would feel. Every raven always get him into a good mood however." "And every other?" Yang questioned with a tilted head to the side to demonstrate her interest. The raven said nothing else afterwards, but handed us a slip of paper that was thin like a cardboard. As our eyes turned to Yang who received it however, she glanced down upon it and flipped over the paper. She turned towards the blank side of the paper then growled at the raven who urged her to turn back to the previous side. Yang did so as well. Before us was a written set of words. Carefully worded to prevent confusion however. But we were surprise when we went towards the bottom of the paper and saw, in red and bold, a warning. 'One try before the boss shoots the bird.' "What?" Screamed Zander, as his voice filled the elevator room. He turned angrily towards the Raven and grabbed him by the wings. He started screaming at him while the rest of us continued staring at the warning for a bit. Then Kyro, out of the blue, commented "That is a weird yet strict warning sign." "It is telling us that we do have one try however." Natty started, picking up from Kyro while Yang and me nodded in silence.
Throughout the elevator ride, we waited until the elevator was in a complete stopped and the doors opened for us. As the police unit headed out from the elevator, Yang turned to the raven who smiled cheerfully at us. But everyone else was in a misery mood. With our hearts beating together, Yang turned to the others and breathed a sigh. Either stress or relief, we would not know as our eyes glance to Yang who started speaking, rushing her words as if to get them out, "Quick. From the first floor find and gather anything you can. I doubt the raven will last long however." THus everyone nodded and split apart from Yang who remained standing still and turned her attention towards the elevator doors. Now this, today, was the time to panic. Why? I am not sure. But Yang's words had urged me... I mean us for something. Whether it was about the raven dying in the boss's hand or already exposed by the boss before he shall have dragons for dinner. I would not know. But the fear of being cook alive or dying was already settled upon the depths of my stomach. As I ran through a twists of turns and straight aways. Finally ending up upon a far right side of the large room where a bunch of clothes were already settled upon my eyes. I had pondered how I got here and also wondered if I had gotten far. But the sight of the white walls had already told me and I was relief to know it as well.
Disregarding the butterflies in my stomach, I breathed in and out of my nose and mouth to calm myself down and eased my beating heart. While my eyes searched around the part of the large room that I was in, I noticed now that there were a bunch of clothes clustered amongst themselves. An unknown amount were together; tangled with one another. Their bright colors blinded against my eyes whenever I chose to look upon them. Trying my best to ignore them, I walked towards the closest one that I could find and threw my claw inside. I felt the fabric torn itself while my claw dug itself further through the clothes. I shuttered, suppressing a memory that was deep inside my mind as I felt something at the very end of the tunnel. Snatching it from its spot, I pulled quickly to avoid pulling any fabrics and stared at my free claw. I was holding a strip of paper. On it were the words: 'Six letter words.' and 'The word rhymes with seven.' Tilting my head to one side, I pondered what these clues meant and how it relates to the raven at once. But choosing to ignore the answers throw my way, I turned away from the clothes section of the large room and retreated towards Yang. No one was there, which was my surprise as I spotted Yang in the same spot as always. I ran to catch up to her.
She turned to me in silence, I handed her the stripe of paper I had found in the clothes section and she smiled suddenly before nodding with approval. I smiled back. But that faded after a short while as I felt the fear running deep inside my stomach while lowering my eyes towards the grounds beneath our feet. With thoughts circulating around my head, I pondered silently to myself. It took a full minute to argue with myself while I was ignoring Yang's voice that was throw directly towards my ear. But by the time I returned to reality was when Yang tilted her head to one side. "Go to the toy section where Kyro and Zander are. I think they need help with something." "What is it that they needed help with?" I frowned, answering her. But she said nothing afterwards, leaving me confused. I said nothing in answer but turned around and walked away. This time heading in the opposite direction from the initial direction I had went through. I ended up upon the toy second after a while.
To my surprise, I saw shelves empty. Only one toy stands upon the ground. A white tag was attached it to. I looked at the toy. Noting its colors of red and yellow before chuckling to myself and walked towards it. I flinched and backed away a bit when the toy became alive. Loud sounds echoed from its speakers while the toy started moving. Lights from its sides started blinking as if it was operating something. I stepped away and stared at it. Watching the toy move, spin and raised its front wheels before landing to the grounds once again. It stopped just as it started moving. I walked to it and grabbed onto the toy. Turned it over and switched it off; But the switch was not at its belly. Instead, I noticed another note attached. It was the same strip of paper from the first time I saw it and my eyes widened in surprise upon seeing it. I ripped the paper from the toy and dropped it afterwards. It breaks into pieces upon touching the floor while I stand at its death grave staring at the strip of paper in front of me.
On the paper, it said this 'The last four letters of the alphabet starts with this thing I am talking about.' I pondered a bit, frowning while tilting my head to one side. I repeated the question in my mind, then recited the things or objects that were the last four letters of the word 'alphabet'. Starting with T, then E, then B and finally A. I could not find anything. I scratched against my brain with my claws, growling a bit in irritation before remembering something. 'I was suppose to find them.' Slapping my claw against my forehead, I recited the names of my own comrades in my head before opening my mouth and called out towards them. "Zander?" "Kyro?" I called, repeating the names over hoping to hear something other than the silence and my own voice entering into my ears. But after a while, I heard nothing else. I turned my attention towards the shelves again, staring at how empty they were. I noticed thousands of little holes peaking up from the depths of the shelves. Every one of them had this however. As I looked upon the holes, my ears flickered and warned me about something. I glanced towards the source of the footsteps and spotted Natty standing there with her arms crossed over her chest. She looked a bit irritated and growled when I said nothing. I flinched and remained animated as I answered her. "Have not seen them." "They were suppose to be here. I hope they did not get caught by the boss however." "I am sure that they did not." I answered back, she glared at me afterwards. I flinched but quickly changed the topic.
"By the way." I trailed, gaining her attention as she turned to me. I walked up to her suddenly and place upon her claws two stripes of paper. Both of which recites the words I was pondering over before. "Give this to Yang. I am sure she would be answering these two quickly." "Why two?" Natty questioned, confusions ran through her face instead of anger as her eyes stared upon the two stripes of paper. I winked, a bit smiling to her. Although I was a bit embarrassed and heated up to even answered Natty's question. I watched her go and disappeared from my sights as I breathed a sigh and closed my eyes. Turning around, I had remembered that I need to find the boys. I growled in irritation, pondering as to where they were. My eyes narrowed while glancing back upon the toy section before me and quickly looked around for anything unusual. It was a short while of searching however before I had noticed that an opened door was towards my left after reaching the end of the aisle I was in. I turned towards that direction, I tilted my head and walked closely towards the door. I did grabbed my pistol however and hoisted it towards the horizon as I entered through the door. A thought rushed passed me before I could comprehend it however after I entered in.
Another form of darkness returns to my eyesights as my pupils adjust to the darkness surrounding me. Slight ringing echoed my ears while i pulled them back against the surface of my head to clear off the sound. I aimed my pistol high and stared upon the horizon as I suddenly found myself locked inside some sort of hallway. Golden walls surrounded me. They ran towards the horizon where they disappeared suddenly. Emptiness was upon the now realized hallway. I gaze back. Towards the door behind me. But saw nothing there. It was as if it was just an one way or... I shook my head, narrowed my eyes and focused upon the secondary objective as I brought my foot forward, alternating with steps sounding in my head. Advancing forth towards the direction of the horizon before me. A few seconds later into the boring halls landed me upon the first door of many that was located towards my side. To my surprise, it was already opened. I leaned forward, through the door and glance around the room. It was pitch black. It was impossible to see through. Groaning, I stepped back to the surface of the door and yelled out through the silence for the two officers. But nothing came back. I was a bit surprise however and a little worried as I continued advancing through the halls.
More and more doors appeared to my sides. All of which were opened and darkness spilled from the inside. I kept staring to the horizon, ignoring the doors darkness and the emptiness inside each of the rooms. It took a while before I ended up upon the very end of the halls where I decided to look towards the left. There, I spotted some stairs that ascend towards the next floor above. I stepped towards the first but somehow something is blocking me. Lowering my eyes, I spotted another strip of paper beneath me. I crouched and grabbed onto the paper, hoisting it towards my eyes was where I started to read what was written on it. 'Anyone can attack with it.' I repeated the clue in my head as I raised to my feet and growled. My eyes narrowed as my head started running through some thoughts. Cycling each of them in ponderance of what the four hints meant as I turned towards the wall in front of me. Except, no wall was there. Instead was a white door. Four letters were written onto that door. I read it out as 'Exit'. I grabbed onto the knob. But the door was already opened. I entered through, no hesitation as the bright light blinded me.
I opened my eyes, groaning as my vision came back onto me. My sights returned to normal. But I still have a headache some how. Growling while swatting whoever was surrounding me, I got up onto my feet slowly and turned towards my surroundings. My own unit was standing there, all looking confused and blinking as their eyes were pointing directly to me. I said nothing to them. No response. Just a shook of my head, urged them all to answer with a relief upon their stressed faces. As Yang returned to work mode, she growled to the rest of us with her eyes narrowing. She held up the strips of paper that I was holding and gave to her before and answered to us. "We figured it out. It never took that long to solve it anyway." "Child's play." Zander proudly spoke, rubbing his chest with a claw as his smug emerged from his face. Kyro and Natty rolled their eyes and settled over to Yang who spoke out after the black dragon. "Our client will be dead if the boss uses this." "We do not have time to waste then." I agreed and headed for the door behind Yang. But before I could opened it.We heard gunshot. Our eyes turned to one another. No one said a word. Yet we were surprise that he would used it immediately. Yang lowered her voice, her growl hidden behind it as her eyes turned to the door before me. "We got to escape now. The boss would surely come here then." "Then we got to make it to the elevator." Kyro said as I whispered to them "We got to keep our voices down however. The boss might be able to hear us if-" But the sounds of footsteps pounding against the grounds already interrupted me. My eyes widened while Yang hushed, "Quickly!"
We fled from the front door. Ran across the large room towards the elevator on the other side. Zander pressed the button adjacent to the pair of doors; but to our surprise it never worked. Upon the realization, Kyro stepped forward between me and Yang and grabbed onto the thin openings of the doors. Pulled them aside and forced the doors to opened. We ran in. Yang pressed a button and the doors shut off. We were given a few moments of peace. But none of us talked. The silence loomed over our heads as eyes turned, shifted and glance at one another. I could tell, everyone was nervous and afraid as our hearts pounded inside our chest. Awaiting for death to come was a fear as an officer; but it was also rewarding at times too, you know. Shaking my head while Kyro tried his best to calm everyone down, we heard a loud ping. The doors opened. We pour out from the elevator door. Running across another large room straight towards the doors. Exiting out.
Upon the parking lot was where Yang halted everyone. We all turned to her as she spoke, saying that she had a planned. We all know full well that the boss would investigate whoever was inside the room we were in previously. Through the elevator door and upon the first floor. It was certain that the boss would come level with us upon the parking lot. No one said anything. Yet Kyro and Zander gaze upon Natty who gulped nervously. Yang continued urging us. I nodded, followed by the other three. But before Yang grinned excitedly and could set up the 'trap' for the boss, I grabbed onto her arms. Pulled her close and suddenly kissed her. No one expected it at all. It came as a surprise for everyone else. With the warmth of her lips separating from me, Yang stared at me suddenly while I stepped back. SIlently nodded with a claw gripped tightly. It was then that she nodded, our claws slapped against one another as we prepared our trap for him.
Would it succeed? I would not know. For the trap took minutes to prepare. We had to gather things that were around the parking lot. Cars, trucks, trash, bags and amongst other things that we had found during our 'scavenger hunt'. For after that, it was already finish. Our trap. Although most were nervous and afraid of not working, Yang and me were the opposite of them. Why? We have one another. Including our coworkers who were already stationed at their positions. Poised with nervousness as we waited in the silence for the boss to come. For when the doors opened, we sprung our counterattack.