Winning a Ninja’s Heart (A Canon Love Story) Story One: Blooming Love

Story by Colord44 on SoFurry

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#1 of Ninjara Related

So for the month of April, I'm trying a new thing in story form as I can't draw but I knew I always would. And that was paying forward to for getting and understanding me as well as being there for me during some of my darkest times. This will be one of a series of stories that comes out yearly for reasons and will not be the only thing I write for him. And we're starting with Ninjara from TMNT. For someone who isn't as big a fan and not knowing nearly as much as him or her, I feel this came out well even if I needed help. Since this is a first time doing a story during this month and time constraints only one chapter will be done this year and continue next year. Hope people enjoy.

Jason is from:


Read description first.


Winning a Ninja's Heart

(A Canon Love Story)

Story One: Blooming Love

Author's notes: So like with others, it's time I started paying it forward. How? By doing so for someone who's always been there and getting why I do the things I do story and art wise. Well he is in the same boat when it comes to loving certain characters like I do. And one of them, though I'm not evenly remotely close to being a fan of as him, is a character like every single one from any series that deserves a lot more respect and love. That character is the vixen ninja Umeko, better known as Ninjara. Until he mentioned how much he loves her, I hadn't met someone like me in terms of truly getting the character and loving them not just for their looks, but the whole deal of what makes them who they are. Most don't at all and only see a character for one thing. But my friend is different with how he sees Ninjara, and these series of stories of him and her together will hopefully show this. Especially to counter the fucked up thing of Ladies of TMNT Appreciation Month. Please; there is no appreciation for any of them. If there really was the art that has that key word wouldn't be fucked up abominations of them doing things they never would in all of eternity. That is why this story is for the rebranding of the true month meaning; Actual Ladies of TMNT Appreciation Month, meaning the real canon ones and apricating them for why they exist. And also branding the month of April as NRAM; Ninjara Reality Appreciation Month. In which case there the real ninja vixen is shown with her only love. And yes I can't stop people from misusing the key word and phrase but the truth is they are wrong and I know the truth. And I'm going to do that with a series of stories to show why things are as they stand canon wise. Finally due to the fact at the time of posting this I can't draw. That is why there is this one story for now. This will continue to be updated yearly so until 2023, this is all that will be posted. Also time wise I ran out to do another and probably for the better so I don't use up all my ideas in one go and have nothing for next time.


The clearing in the forest was quiet that day. Only the slight rustling of the brilliant green leaves that were out during the time of spring could be heard as the wind playfully tugged at them. The other sounds that added the silence of the woods here were that of the wild life like the birds and their chirps and the trickling of water from a nearby stream. But the clearing wasn't empty in the slightest. Besides the few boulders here was a lone figure who stood in the center of the clearing. Her figure remained motionless except the slowing steady rising of her chest from breathing. It was as if this female was waiting for someone or something to appear. But there was no panic, no sense of urgency in her pose as her right paw rested on her hip and the left arm was down at her side. The only other thing that moved on her body was the slight twitch of her busy red vixen tail. However it wasn't a full solid red for there were black ring tail like patterns on that part of her; just like what was found on a raccoon. But all the rest of her body was covered in gorgeous red color for the fur, as beautiful and pure like an untainted cherry. It went well with her black brown colored hair that was tightly tied back in a very short ponytail.

Just then and slowly from behind one of the boulders a foot emerged. No sound came from the step or the body the foot belonged to as the being slowly emerged. This new individual saw her back to him for it was a male. The vixen's eyes opened for they had been closed revealing quiet piercing, but beautiful dark blue eyes. She knew someone was behind her but still made no movement yet. Suddenly the figure leapt forward from his position and the vixen's head whipped around to meet this attack. Her right paw drew from the left hip a chisa katana to meet the blade of the regular katana the one attacking wielded. The former was shorter in length due to the vixen being smaller and a better fit for quick moves, but just as deadly attacks. The clanging sound of metal against metal rang out through the clearing, shattering the silence. But her opponent wasn't finished and lashed out with a strong kick from his left leg. The vixen in one movement met her opponent's kick with her right leg to block. In response her opponent who was a vulpine reversed his katana clutched in his right paw and swung at the vixen. She shifted her red furred body out of the way by bending back and using her momentum, did a back flip to get some distance between the two. The vixen landed gracefully on her paws and still held her weapon before finishing the flip on her feet. "You really thought you'd masked your presence, Jason?" she asked and was grinning as this wasn't a fight to the death for the two, but another sparring practice session.

The vulpine let out a chuckle. "I let you sense me on purpose!" he replied with a matching smile on his muzzle.

"Excuses..." But the vixen wasn't annoyed with her sparring partner; there was amusement dancing in her eyes and heard in her tone of voice.

She then moved and Jason was stunned that the female was getting serious due to moving faster now. Her chisa came down and it took all of the vulpine's speed to counter the blow with his sword. The vixen then flipped upside down to strike at him with a kick from above. The male shifted his body back and then jumped in the same direction to avoid another blow from her. Now the vixen went on the offensive, striking with her sword and body which ranged from kicks to punches. Jason managed to block them all. The last one forced the vixen to land behind him. Jason whirled around just in time to meet some of the dirt from the ground that his opponent kicked up with two kicks of her own. The vulpine shielded his face with his katana to cut through the dirt so that he wasn't blinded. But that was what the vixen was counting on for as soon as the projectile had been stopped, she moved in. Jason started to find the point of her weapon was right in front of his face. But she didn't go through with the strike. Had this been a real fight to the death, Jason would have lost and been slain right there.

The vulpine knew that but wasn't upset he'd lost; he just smiled, knowing there was a long ways to go for him. "And as always, you move like a true warrior and ninja, Ninjara," he said.

Her smile matched his. "Yeah, right," the vixen acknowledged him. "I'm just getting warmed up!"

Ninjara struck with a kick from her left leg which Jason ducked under to dodge. He lashed out with another of his own and the two foxes broke apart. The sparring session was over and shown by how the vulpine sat right at the foot of one of the boulders here while she leaned against another across from him. "That's a bit much for a warm-up!" Jason said.

"Well, I've hit that age where a female worries about that kind of stuff," Ninjara told him while getting to her feet.

"Worries?" Jason's tone took on a joking tone. "You don't have a care in the world, Ninjara!" The vulpine let out a laugh at his humor.

The vixen rolled her blue eyes before getting closer to him. "Don't think the same applies to you mister, you still have a long ways to go," she said.

"True, but I've learned a lot since I found and met you two years ago," the vulpine stated, getting serious.

Ninjara's face grew soft. "I know, you really have." Her smile was back again. "Don't let me down now."

Jason smiled back at her. "Yes ma'am." He then stood up as another thought came to his mind. "Oh, yes. I assume you'll be attending that festival tomorrow that celebrates the season of spring arriving, right?"

"Yeah, it's a good way to relax after how stressful things have been and all the training you've done." She began to take some steps to leave the clearing but then turned back to look at Jason with a smile over her right shoulder. "Plus given how far you've come in your training in the ways of the ninja, it's a good reward for you."

"Yeah..." He paused and decided to go for his idea that had been festering in his head for days on how to ask Ninjara. "Although... it would be more fun at it if we went to it together just us two if that's alright..."

Her eyes lit up with happiness, her smile getting softer. "Sure, I'd loved to Jason." The vulpine's heart lurched with the same feeling that the vixen wasn't rejecting him but agreeing to go with him.

"Then it's a date," came out of his mouth before Jason could stop himself and burned red when realizing what had been said. But she just giggled with amusement, also blushing too.

"Sure, it's a date." Her eyes bore teasing playfulness now. "See ya then, Jason." The vixen then took off out of the clearing.

"Yeah... See you then..." the vulpine let out in a happy sigh, pleased the asking part went well and what he hoped this would lead to.

Jason then thought back to the moment of seeing Ninjara leave and how her entire back side was to him when doing so. Including that lovely shaped ass, or as the vulpine referred to it in his head, that plum butt, due to how each of those cheeks were shaped and rounded like the fruit. Of course that wasn't the only thing that drew the male in to her. Every single thing about the ninja vixen did from the color of her fur, to her personality, all of it. The only thing that could have made it better was if she had been wearing purple during this little sparring session. If there was one thing that got to the vulpine, it was a sexy hot female in purple and it was the best color that could go on the red vixen. But she had been wearing black this time which might have been for the best. It might have been too distracting seeing Ninjara being that sexy looking in purple. But then Jason thought about it. If that hadn't been the case, then why the hell had her outfit been somewhat tight fitting and showing off every curve of that body for his eyes to gaze on? Surely there had to be a reason beyond that unless it was just to allow for comfortable movement, right?

The male then became a little down since being the gender he was, it was hard tell what was on Ninjara's mind when it came to him at points. It wasn't due to being the opposite sex, but also due to feelings for her. Yes, Jason was very much truly in love with the ninja vixen and wanted nothing more than to have her by his side. She was all the male ever wanted and need in his life and even beyond that since Jason was certain they could make it work as a couple. The vulpine had gotten to know her really well in the two years since meeting and the beginning of his training in the ninja ways that Ninjara knew. Of course the male had started on that by first finding her and that had been a journey in of itself.

Jason had originally lived in a hidden village tucked away in canyons found in the state of Arizona. But the male had been born with a special gift that had only gotten stronger as he gotten older, and that was sensing and picking up on things that could happen anywhere in the world. At first Jason had no control over it and it was only thanks to spiritual training and a lot of hard work that the vulpine had gained control of the ability. If not for that, picking up and sensing everything would have consumed his mind and quite possibly have driven him mad. At the same time while training his mind, Jason began to be trained in the use of firearms, specifically pistols, in order to be a defender of others. But it wasn't until he was about 20 that the vulpine would be hit with the one thing that would start his journey of finding her.

One night the vulpine dreamed of being far up north in the state of Alaska. Despite it being a dream, somehow in his sleeping conscious Jason knew where he was having seen pictures of the wild wilderness of that place. But there was more in this dream. During it the vulpine felt a glowing light shining upon him, one so bright and warm, it felt like the presence of a goddess. In the dream this light seemed to direct him through the Alaska wilderness to a cliff edge where the full glory of the Northern Lights could be seen. But then he noticed in the center of this was the figure of a female. She appeared as the source of the lights even if in reality Jason knew no goddess produced the Northern Lights. But then the dream took a dark turn as suddenly the lights were snuffed out as a bitter cold wind and darkness swept over him. And with that Jason in the dream felt a great pain and sadness radiating from the being in the center of the Northern Lights. Even worse the darkness then swept over her, consuming her and Jason in the dream was helpless to save this being. Even despite his best efforts, as in the case of dreams and nightmares, no matter how much the vulpine willed to move, he never could run or move fast enough to save her.

Only then did Jason jolt awake with a shout of pain, a bit sweaty, and breathing hard. The vulpine was visibly shaken by this before realizing he was awake. But this wouldn't be the last time for this same dream would come back every night for an entire week. The first couple of times, the male wondered what bizarre dream was plaguing him until realizing by the end of seven days this was his power picking up on something. And after consulting those who had helped trained him and the village elders, there was no doubt. There was only one thing to do, and that was head to Alaska and see what the cause of this was. With blessings of good fortune and luck, Jason took what he needed and began to head north to see what was waiting for him.

Finally the vulpine made it to his destination and began to trek through the wild woods in order to locate that feeling that had been gnarling at him in the same dream which had continued even now. Only when the source was found would it cease. The male kept going just like what he had always seen but only when the male got closer to that cliff did that feeling of sadness and pain from the dream hit his body. But there was also loneliness of a great kind, the kind one felt when they had lost someone important in their life. Jason shuddered with dread as this hit but knew he had to trudge on no matter what. The only question was where to when he got to the cliff? It was daytime after all and no Northern Lights in sight. But then the next help came from a local shaman as some were still around in the modern day. Though it might have been stated to be a cliché like from some movie or book, it was very strange like fate that this shaman had been here to help Jason. After the vulpine explained his situation, he was directed to a different hidden village here in Alaska, one of wolves.

The vulpine with this information successfully navigated to the entrance which he knew by seeing the entrance to the caves as described by the shaman. But upon getting closer, a pack of lupins from this village leapt out from their hiding places. They were fierce, ready to attack and defend their home. Jason did look like an intruder to them after all. But very quickly the realized he wasn't here to attack as during the confrontation, the vulpine only dodged and moved, but never struck one of them. And after talking to him and learning of why Jason was here, the vulpine was led through the caverns to the village itself. Upon setting foot in there, he sensed an abundance of the feeling from before and knew it was here he would find the source of what brought him here. It didn't take long for Jason to learn from the elders part of the reason this feeling was being sensed by him. Very recently the leader Mokoshan had been killed and in a cruel twist of irony by a hunter; the very same hunter who had taken the previous mate of the leader from him. So in addition to the sadness and death of the village leader, there was the chaotic order of selecting the new leader to deal with.

But the real source of what the male had felt wasn't coming from the clan, but rather from one individual who he would meet very shortly after learning this. It was Ninjara herself who not only was a resident not born of the village, but had been the next mate of Mokoshan. Jason would learn all of this from her to how she had come here and what had happened to her before. The moment she and Jason would meet would never be forgotten as it would be the beginning of not just something new for him, but also the healing of her broken heart and finding a new reason to live again. For him what also made it unforgettable with that meeting was first seeing her. The vulpine saw in an instant how miserable with the vixen's suffering was by seeing the look on her face which seemed to always be on the verge of tears. But he noticed even with feeling the pain of seeing Ninjara like this, the male could still see the beauty this vixen had. Jason saw it from the white gown on her body, that bright red fur, the dark blue colored eyes; the male was instantly smitten over her. However, he knew it would be better to keep himself in check. Ninjara wouldn't be in the mood for romance after all.

Even so, Jason suddenly got a case of nerves and shyness before finding the courage to just talk and introduce himself as to why he was here. While he was doing so, the vixen sensed that this male had the same kind of calmness and some other qualities that would be attractive to her had her heart not been hurting. But Ninjara could sense and tell how kind and genuine this male was. And after the two talked over why he was here, the vixen felt in her gut that perhaps, just maybe, by going with this male, it could be a first step to live again. Sure, some might say and think it was too much a coincidence or cliché, but there were things that happened in a person's life where it seemed something beyond human understanding was involved. However, Ninjara wasn't going to leave the village until the next leader had been properly chosen and after Mokoshan's pyro funeral. That will still take a few days, so Jason decided he would stay here in the village during that time and get to know Ninjara better. During these talks, the male vulpine was finding himself more attracted to her but kept the feelings in check. But here he learned more about her besides the easy part of figuring out she was Japanese. This even included she came from a third hidden village but had been exiled from. She was still in contact with her brother Naga and grandmother though.

But in turn with him learning more about her, she did too when it came to him. Jason's determination and how hard he had work did impress the vixen, but also his words of encouragement of not giving up on life and things spoke to her as well. This made a desire to return to her homeland awaken even if the village wasn't a possibility. But at least her brother and grandmother could be met outside of there. Japan was a country Jason wanted to visit in his life time so he suggested they both go there to continue help her heal and move forward. Ninjara agreed which began to re-awaken the ninja warrior in her as the vixen would need to do something again. Once the affairs of the village were taken care of, the two foxes left with farewells, starting on the next part of their journey through life. Despite still not fully over the heartache, she felt something she hadn't felt in days, a bit of hope and excitement for something new.

The two then made it and she began to lead him to where her only family would meet up with them. It was during that trip, Jason learned she knew the ways of the ninja and hoped he'd get to see some of that kind of action from her. Luckily it would happen after meeting her sibling and grandmother. They would learn of the situation for both foxes and then Ninjara would begin to delve more so back into the ninja ways in terms of combat having not needed it as much for the wolf village. Seeing her move inspired Jason and then he asked her to teach him. The vixen wasn't sure at first, but seeing him leave everything he knew behind like she had at points and seeing how determined he was willing to learn, agreed. The training began with Jason wishing to not only learn and grow in another way, but also to be worthy of standing side by side with the vixen. He knew in his heart it was also due to love and to make sure she never suffered again like when Jason had first sensed and found her. However the male had to first start with three trials to begin which Ninjara, given by her grandmother and brother to Jason. Only when these were passed would the real training begin. One was of spirit, the second of strength, the final of speed. Jason accepted these before first training and preparing for them. This wasn't going to be like what he had done back at his home after all. During this preparation, Ninjara at times would see him hard at work, starting to feel impressed with his dedication and seriousness to go through with this. Later when the time came, the vulpine was able to pass each trial. Despite it only being the beginning for the true training, it felt like a victory to him. But the male didn't let it go to his head. There was a long way to go after all when Ninjara told him if he wished to keep up with her. One thing that did happen was Jason did get to the hidden village the vixen had once lived in. Even though before this she had been banished, what had happened to her had changed the situation. It certainly helped that her grandmother was the leader of that place now so Ninjara was allowed back in. Plus the elder vixen saw Jason as someone who had really helped her grandchild out and was more than welcomed to live there.

Quickly a year went by with the vulpine training his body and mind in different ways than before. This even included in the art of wielding katanas too and of course getting used to living in this country and learning about it and the culture. For that Jason at times was like a sponge, soaking up the information. But it wasn't just the vulpine who was growing and changing. Ninjara was slowly healing without realizing it. It wasn't until this time she realized it had been happening. Thinking back on it, the vixen remembered there had been times when she smiled with amusement at Jason's antics, seeing the qualities she liked in a male, and it didn't hurt that the female thought the vulpine had handsome looks as well. To see how kind, gentle, and loving he was despite his growth with the ways of the ninja and that's when Ninjara realized what was going on with her. She had fallen in love again and with Jason. He had stitched her broken heart up with love of his own, leaving a mark that was never going to go away without her realizing this. The vulpine had been there for her in a way that nobody had when she had been hurting and now the vixen felt ready to give love and a relationship a try again. Especially with him being the one to fulfil her needs in a way that had never been possible unlike with a certain red masked male who had failed in that regards. Of course there had been hesitation on her end. It wasn't just the fear of losing Jason, but also the uncertainty if he loved her back. But those two things were put to rest quickly.

What followed in addition to training him as much as she could and spending time with Jason was the part of sending out hints and teasing the male. At first it was very slow but in the last six months it got worse for him as it felt like Ninjara was torturing him and he couldn't figure her out. From wearing purples at times, to teasing dropping things over just to bend over and pick the fallen item up, to even reaching out to touch his arm and also sneaking up on him to give the vulpine a fright and yelp. Jason loved and hated her for it but still didn't make a move. However after talking over this with her brother Naga and grandmother, the two did give out encouragement as both family members of hers could tell what was going on. In fact it was the vixen's sibling who gave Jason the idea of taking his sister out on a date to the festival Jason had mentioned and most of all to just be himself and make a move for her at it. It was more than fine in their book after all. Plus having a different area to train would be another way to practice fighting in a different location, even if it was very temporary. After all, one could fight in many different places, and each location could be different. The final good reason was to travel a little outside of the hidden village even if this place was nearby.

Back in the present Jason let out a small breath. "I swear on everything, if she does feel the same as I do for her and we do hook up, I will do everything in my power to make her the happiest vixen ever," Jason swore. "And I will treat her right as it should be like a queen. No, A ninja goddess..." With a smile and motivation to go for it, The vulpine now took his leave of the clearing.

The next day then rolled in with Jason already having a good feeling his time with Ninjara at this spring festival would be more than just a success. It even seemed to be reflexed in the morning air that the vulpine smelled after rising from his bed. He opened one of the windows in the bedroom, letting in that wind and also the other smells of the earth waking up with the new growth of plants, the sound of birds busy with nest building, and the glowing warm light of the sun that filled the bedroom. Jason took in a deep breath, a smile on his muzzle. "Seems nothing can go wrong, the weather and all of this is just perfect," he thought before turning to where his clothes for this festival were neatly laid out.

Jason first put on a blue colored Happi jacket were on the back was a Kanji symbol that translated to the phrase, Peace for the Earth. To go with this were blue colored Momohiki pants that went with the jacket. Plus the color was a good choice due to his style. For the feet, the vulpine slipped on Tabi shoes and finished with tying a Hachimaki headband around his head. After dressing, Jason made sure to be properly prepared smell and hygiene wise after eating something. There would be food at this festival but it wouldn't due to pass out from a lack of hunger on the date. Once the male then had everything ready on his body and the couple of other things that were needed at this event, the vulpine stepped out of his small home at around noon. His eyes scanned to see even more evidence that spring was really here now. The grass had become a brilliant shade of green, new budding leaves were emerging on the trees and even the wind carried some pink petals from the blooming cherry blossom trees. "First things first..." he mumbled out loud and began to walk down the path that would take him to Ninjara's place. Or rather it was the temporary housing she was at due to the two being visitors that had come here for the festival. It was just like a hotel situation in the city when visitors came for a major event. In this case, the festival did draw a number of visitors.

It wasn't long before the vulpine was outside the dwelling. It was just like the temporary housing for him, simple and made of wood with a sliding door to enter. Due to being close to this festival, Jason could already see over the hill the very tips of the booths and tents that had been set up. His ears also picked up the sound of music and chatter of the ones who had already arrived there. The male let out a breath slowly to relax the tension in his core and muscles just like she had taught him. Jason opened his eyes and knocked on the frame of the door. "Coming!" went the sound of her voice.

The door slid open to reveal the vixen with a happy smile. Her eyes lit up when seeing him standing there. "Hey there Jason; Oh look at you all ready for this!" she said, loving just how handsome he looked.

The vulpine in the meantime saw how the ninja vixen looked and his jaw almost dropped. On her body was a gleaming plum purple colored kimono that fit Ninjara perfectly. And if the male didn't know any better, the vixen had put on a tiny bit of a sweet scent. "What's wrong?" she asked with a tiny bit of teasing in her gaze and smile at him. Her head tilt to the right side a bit didn't help the poor male who was going red in the face. He was certain Ninjara could see that.

"Er... um..." Jason mumbled like a dork and the vixen couldn't help but smile with amusement and love at that.

"God, he's so cute when he's like this," she thought in her head and decided to save the vulpine from further embarrassment.

"Jason, It's fine," Ninjara reassured the poor male. "Just say what's on your mind." Her tone was encouraging and that was enough to allow the vulpine to get his wits back to properly speak.

"Sorry, it's just..." Jason cleared his throat. "I just wasn't expecting you to wear purple. That's what I like to see on a lot of things." He let out a sigh of relief in his head he hadn't blurted out the rest which was seeing that color on hot females.

"Well why wouldn't I for this?" she cooed. "It's a good color for me."

"Yeah." He then glanced to the direction of where the festival was. "Well, It's best we get going..."

"Mhm, sure." Ninjara then walked out but not before getting him with a tail brush. That big bushy furred part of her brushed against Jason's side, leaving him once again dumbstruck. But this time Jason was able to recover more quickly to wonder why she had done that. But then the vulpine realized it was dumb to think that way.

"She has to feel the same way... Right?" the male thought in his head as they both knew canines like foxes and wolves did that kind of tail brushing when it came to a loved one or someone they had feelings for. That had to be a tell-tale sign for certain and Ninjara had never done that to him before despite the other teasing things from before. Jason then saw that she was a little bit ahead and quickly caught up to her.

The two approached the boarders of the festival grounds and entered. A sea of colors greeted them from the tents, booths, and flags. Every single one was a combination of colors that went with the season of spring. But these weren't just random, they all were named combinations. Despite the ten different types seen, nothing clashed or stood out but blended in a beauty like the rush of the plants that bloomed during this time of the year. What added to these was the sea of colors from all those attended this. Ninjara and Jason could see the ones who came in groups, to the families and the individuals with their date. All of these species were dressed in a similar manner as they walked, talked, going from booth to booth and sampling the food and beverages here. In addition to the chatter, the music that could be heard added to the atmosphere. "Wow, look at this!" The red furred vixen with Jason stated, her bushy tail starting to swish with excitement.

Jason had a smile, a similar feeling in his body causing it to be seen on his muzzle. "Yeah, this is something," he added. "I'm glad we decided to do this together."

He then noticed Ninjara turned to look at him, as well as those hips swishing in such a way that was such a sexy sight to him. "So... what first Mr. Rockman?" The vixen asked, amusement on her muzzle again.

There is was again, the way the vixen looked at him that caused the vulpine unable to say anything in response right away and look like an idiot. But Jason somehow was able to while blushing again. "Um... Well let's just start on one side and work our way to another?" he offered.

"Sure, sounds like a good idea..." The female turned and once again got him with her tail and leaving Jason just standing there and stunned.

"Ugh, focus man!" the vulpine growled in his head before taking off after her.

The two foxes started to slowly make their way among the booths and tents. Some they had no need to check out as those were offering things meant towards kids. But that was fine as there was still plenty to see for Ninjara and Jason. They even spotted a Ferris wheel that had been set up that the two could see would give anyone riding in one of the cars a great view of the fair grounds. Since the cars on it were the kind that had glass walls, that meant the ride could be done during the evening and night when the lights came on and added another type of beautiful spectacle to see. Ninjara already had a pretty good idea of how to put that ride to good use if all went well. Jason was thinking the same thing but neither said anything just yet. "So, where to next?" Ninjara then asked Jason.

He wasn't paying the slightest bit of attention as his mind was off in fantasy land and thinking a bit more of just the two being in a car all to themselves. The vixen then cut through that with her voice. "Um... earth to Jason?" She even waved a paw across his face to snap the vulpine back to reality.

The male jumped, blushing again. "Er... sorry; just thinking," Jason blurted.

The vixen with him once again rolled her eyes with amusement and shook her head to match the feeling. "I swear, how did you advance in your training when you're this distracted now? It's like you'd have a hard time finding your own ears if they weren't attached to your own head."

Jason would have done a snappy comeback but didn't know how to since the male was dealing with his secret love after all. Luckily he then spotted another tent and his vulpine noise caught the whiff of something delicious being cooked there. "Wanna get a bite there?" he offered to her with a jerk of his head.

"Yeah, I could do with something," Ninjara said.

The two made their way to the tent and the one working there greeted them. The two foxes then ordered what they wanted and paid. But nothing happened in terms of romance until both Jason and Ninjara reached for some napkins and chopsticks. Their paws and fingers crossed and brushed against the other. The owners of these things hadn't meant for that to happened but still jumped a little and blushed while looking at the other, a bit stunned and awkward. "Um... sorry..." the vixen mumbled, now being the one who was acting like Jason had earlier.

He was the one who was more in control this time of the situation and gave his secret love a reassure smile. "It's okay, it happens." Jason's tone matched his smile and made him a bit more risk taking by giving the paw his had touched a loving squeeze. To his great delight and surprise, the vixen did it back in return. But neither let go and holding their food items in their free paw along with the napkins and chopsticks, the two made their way to find somewhere to eat.

During the meal, the two talked a little about what to do next, how this festival looked and what they had liked so far, and then a bit more with how her brother and grandmother were doing. Jason could tell both seemed to like him. What the vulpine didn't know was that both relatives had talked to Ninjara about him to her when he hadn't been around. And both her grandmother and sibling approved of Jason as they could tell the vixen really loved Jason. It was not like for a friend, but for a special someone and she really did. What Ninjara didn't know was why the vulpine seemed unable to return her feelings back. "I wonder... is he that bad at reading me?" she wondered in her head at one point. "I have been dropping hints since I think Jason does feel the same and I trust my family who seem to guess he does. Plus it's better that it's him than anyone or anything else..."

What the vixen meant by that was every single image and comic out there that featured her. But many, if not most, featured her in situations that were far from flattering. Not only would they show the wrong sexuality for Ninjara, it ranged from being with the wrong male, female, or thing, to behaviors and taking things up her holes that the vixen never in eternity would do. That was due to her being straight and would never share her body with more than one male. And above all it would only be due to love and who she was dating. Ninjara at this point had long since recovered for that loss and was single, but hopefully Jason would take up that role of being the one she dated. Given what her grandmother and brother Naga had picked up on him, she knew he saw her as more than just another beautiful female. Jason loved her not just for her looks, but everything that made up who she was. The vulpine certainly had a lot more respect for her than how many saw her as just another thing to be used for sex which wasn't true at all. And hopefully during this, Jason would make it so him and her became something more romantically and show why they belonged together.

However, nothing was said on that as this was supposed to be a time spent to enjoy themselves at this. So Ninjara and Jason finished their meal and stood up with a stretch before throwing the trash away in a nearby can designated for that. "That hit the spot," the vulpine said with a content smile now that the two were well fed and ready for the next activity here.

By this point it was closer to two in the afternoon and judging from what time was left, if the pair stopped to watch some of the shows and performances, it'd be sunset and a perfect time to hopefully lead to romance for real. "So where to now?" Ninjara asked, thinking on the same lines as him. "I think there's a few areas of the grounds we haven't been to yet and there should be some things starting soon."

Jason held up a finger and looked at a schedule they had grabbed earlier that listed the times for the shows and stuff and where they were located on the map. Each one also had a small description about what each were about. "Here, I think these right here are ones we can both enjoy," he stated and pointed them out to Ninjara. She looked over and nodded in agreement.

"Well then, lead on," the vixen told him with her dazzling smile again. Jason blushed but was better able to keep his cool this time.

The two began to make their way towards the first showing, but found they had to get through a bit of a crowd due to how many others were going to see this. "Huh, guess it wasn't just us who had the idea to see this," Jason said, wondering if he and Ninjara would even be able to find seats for this.

Just then the two almost got separated and she on instinct reached out for his paw to grab onto. Her fingers made contact with that part of his body. The vulpine felt that and was surprised how things had suddenly taken a turn like this, but welcomed it the next second. He was thrilled as this wasn't just a first, but the male wanted that. Ninjara, realizing what she had done, blushed. But then to her great delight, the male didn't back off, but grabbed her paw with his. "Keep close," Jason whispered, giving that part of her a gentle and loving squeeze. She did it back and the two made their way to sit down.

The whole time during the shows and performances they saw, the two didn't let go of the other unless they had to do an applause. But even when that action was over, Ninjara and Jason went right back to holding paws. That is until the vulpine wrapped an arm around her. The vixen snuggled into him with warmth and love, surprising the male even more to feel her nuzzle him with affection in response. This really did encourage him even more she had to feel the same way. Now all that was left was to make a move of some kind and claim Ninjara as his girl only. It was late afternoon, just on the verge of sunset when the two left the last performance. And she was holding onto Jason's right arm much to his delight. "So... did you like those?" he asked, trying to make conversation.

"Mhm," she replied before looking up at his face with a loving and dazzling smile. "But more so cause you were with me..."

So close, her lips were so close. But still Jason didn't make a move even though his muzzle was towards hers. "Dude, who cares if others are here; just do it!" went one side of him. "Just kiss her and get it over with!"

Ninjara had her head tilted to the side a little, a perfect position to meet in love and passion. But not yet as just before the two foxes could meet, something interrupted them. The male felt something bump into him, just hard enough to get his attention. Jason reluctantly pulled away from her to see what had caused it and she looked as well. At first they didn't see it and got confused. That is until the foxes looked down and noticed it was a ball that had rolled right into the vulpine. It was a very simple red looking one but clearly belonging to a child somewhere nearby. "What the hell?" Jason asked but then saw a young male of five looking over from a spot up ahead. From the looks of this new being, this had to be the owner of the ball and was shy about getting it back.

"Awww..." Ninjara cooed and looked over to the little one in encouragement. It was heard in her voice calling out to the child. "It's alright little one." The vixen picked up the ball and held it out to the young male despite him being a bit far away. "Here, is this yours?"

The little one nodded and slowly came over, taking it from her grasp. "Thanks!" he said, a big smile coming onto his face. Someone then called him over and the young one left the two foxes. Jason and Ninjara saw the one doing the calling over had to be his folks.

"He's a cute kid," the vixen then said softly to Jason.

"Meh, I can't get mad at him," the vulpine added. How Ninjara had reacted and the look on her face stuck out in his mind. "So..." Jason paused before speaking. "You like kids huh?"

"Yeah, I actually do."

"Same here." This caught her attention as this was something new to the vixen when it came to getting to know the vulpine. "Plus I know what a friend of mine would call them; precious little ones and the future generation."

Ninjara smiled as she knew who the male was talking about having met that friend. "They are both of those things."

Jason got a grin and noticed the way the sun looked now as it was just beginning to set. The mood to get to romance was starting to approach and he had an idea in order to finally cross that line and become something more with this vixen. "So... can you come with me Ninjara?"

"Sure..." she replied without missing a beat before grabbing his arm. The vulpine blushed but smiled with her as she looked him right in the eye. "Lead on then..."

The two made their way to a small grassy hill that offered a good view of some of the fair grounds at a higher angle. By this point it really was sunset with the fiery orb in the sky descending down. Jason and Ninjara took a seat on the hill, looking at the fairgrounds from where they were, their fingers intertwined. The vixen let out a happy and content sigh. "You're in a good mood," the vulpine whispered to her.

"Yes..." Here she laid her head on his left shoulder with love and affection, resting against him. "I'm the happiest I've been..."


"Well... so far..." In Ninjara's mind, she knew being with Jason would shatter that in a good way. "You've really made this day a very fun one for me Jason. I can't remember the last time I had a date like this. You really are something and why I'm very happy and grateful when I met you and decided to help train you..."

"You... you really mean that?" His voice was soft like hers.

"I do..." Here she turned to look up at him, their eyes meeting. "You've still got a long ways to go before you're at the level I am ninja wise. But you've shown much growth in the last two years Jason for the ninja part." The vixen got a little closer to his face. "But that's not all I've seen..."

The male seemed to just be lost in those eyes of hers but even so Jason was able to reply. "You have no idea how happy I am to hear that from you..." The vulpine also moved in a little closer too. "And I'm just as grateful too to learn from the best. But that's not all."

"And what else is there...?" Her voice had hope and encouragement in it. Jason took a deep breath and just said what was on his mind with how he felt about Ninjara.

"Ninjara I... I think you're not only the best ninja out there, you are an absolutely beautiful shinning treasure. Your eyes, your smile, your gorgeous red fur, your laugh; everything that makes you who you are calls to me and my heart..." Here their heads and mouths got even closer. "And it's not just your physical looks and beauty that gets me, but also your personality that shines brighter than any gem or star to me..."

His body then took over and closed the distance between them. Jason's lips met hers in the most loved filled and passionate kiss the vixen had ever gotten. Her eyes went wide with shock that not only this male had made such a sweet and loving confession, but also had taken the initiative like this. But her eyes closed a second later and she lunged at Jason, her arms wrapping around him and kissing him back with everything the vixen had. In the male's body relief flowed through his body as his arms brought Ninjara in closer, their tongues dancing like mad serpents. Finally at last what Jason had dreamed of doing with this vixen ninja goddess was really happening and not in his fantasies or dreams. And for her, what the female wanted most of all so far was real. To be in his arms, to feel and taste Jason that she loved so much, this had to be heaven on earth. And it was far better for it to be this vulpine who truly loved and respected her in the right way. Certainly more than what many, if not most saw her as nothing more than another female to be put in horrid, fucked up abominations with the wrong male, female, or thing. But that wasn't what or who Ninjara was; she was a straight female, only into males, and only dated one at a time. And now the vulpine who was kissing and holding her was the only being and male in the whole of existence and reality she wanted to be with. And she wasn't leaving his side or sharing at all.

In the smallest part of her mind that wasn't caught up in the kiss, Ninjara knew how this had happened. After the death of the last love she had, the vixen had been devastated and prepared to close her heart off. Even with all the others in that village or other males out there, nobody could have healed her. But then Jason showed up and through everything that vulpine had won the vixen's heart. Ninjara wondered what if up above there was something or someone watching over her. And what if they had made it so she couldn't be happy or find love unless it was with the male who supposed to be and always meant to be with her no matter what. To not just give back the love missing in her life, but to be so much more as her boyfriend, mate, eventually to a family and marriage that nobody until this vulpine would be able to give her. The vixen was more than happy and able to accept that now that she was lip locked with Jason.

It could have been days or even longer before the two foxes pulled apart, breathing hard, her paws stroking the back of his head while his held the vixen close. Ninjara noticed the strand of saliva still connecting their mouths and came in with another sigh of passion to kiss Jason again. This one didn't last as long as the first but was just as wonderful. Both then came apart, their foreheads touching, stroking their one and only with love. "Damn... Jason, you just surprised me again..." Ninjara breathed as she and him managed to get their breath back.

"In a good way?" he whispered.

The vixen let out a small chuckle and smile of amusement, their noses touching. "Silly, it is." Ninjara was happily teasing him.

Jason paused and then said it. "I... I love you Ninjara... I love you, my goddess ninja vixen..."

She kissed and nuzzled his left cheek before pulling back to look him in the face, her right paw stroking his left cheek. "I love you too Jason..." the vixen softly replied. "I love you so much..." The two locked lips again, their hold on the other as a sign and intent to never let go of the only one for them no matter what.

"I find it a bit hard to believe this isn't just another of my dreams," the vulpine said after they pulled back, both smiling and looking deep into the other's eyes. "But it's real, I can tell. You have no idea how long I've wanted to do that with you. You Ninjara are really a goddess and beautiful treasure to me..."

"Awww... Jason..." Ninjara cooed happily and snuggled into him, nuzzle him with affection and love. "I am so happy to hear that from you. You are the best thing to happen in my life. And I will show how much I am and never leave you..."

"Then I guess there's only one thing to do..." Here his right paw found her left and their fingers intertwined while the two foxes look at the other. "Ninjara my darling treasure, I will show the whole world and universe why I love you and why we're meant to be together no matter what. Will you go out with me?"

"Yes; and I will show all why I can't be with anyone but you," the vixen replied without missing a beat and the two kissed, officially a couple and would make it work no matter what.

As soon as they pulled back, the vulpine helped her up, both smiling and tails swishing. "So... about that Ferris wheel..." Jason began.

Ninjara nodded. "I think I know where you're going with this..." Holding paws, they made their way to that ride and boarded an empty car after waiting in the line. The two rode it like a small seat heading into heaven of the setting sun, happy and content, still holding onto the other. The memories from this fair would always live on in their minds, hearts, and souls. Jason saw her loving smile never left her muzzle the rest of the time spent here. By the time the two got back to her place so the vixen could be dropped off, the sun had mostly set, the hour of twilight here. For now it was time to say goodnight for Jason and Ninjara, but it wouldn't end here. This was only the beginning and it was felt and know after the two hugged and had a long kiss before whispering to the other how much they loved each other before she went inside. Jason and her couldn't get rid of their grins, and why would they when they had gotten their true loved one now? And during the time of sleep, the two dreamt of nothing but the other. Jason and Ninjara were happy for certain and looking forward to the future as a couple.


Author's notes: So how was that? I've gotta say for doing a story about a couple where one of the characters is from a series I'm not very familiar with, I think I got it down good. Sure I had help, but it was mostly on me to take that step forward. Now due to time constraints I could only do one story this year. But next year this will continue when the horrid thing in April comes around again and I'll have to show why Ninjara aka Umeko is with Jason only.

Hope people enjoy.