My New Life Ch4
#4 of My New Life
NOTICE: These are my characters, only I can use them. If you want to use you may, but please ask me first
The past few days I've seen some fur following Aaron, I couldn't tell what kind, but I didn't say anything because I know easily he's scarred. So one day Aaron and I sitting in the living room watching t.v. then someone comes to our house, so I get up to get it. Behind the door is a 6'0" huskey, he has on a simple black shirt and regular blue jeans on.
"Who the hell are you?" he asked.
"I should be asking you the same thing." I said crossing my arms.
"Who is it ba," Aaron said then stopping in the middle of the scentence when he saw the huskey. "Get away." he said getting behind me.
"Whats wrong?" the huskey asked trying to step inside of the house, I put my hand out stopping him.
"Don't get any closer." I said. "Who is this guy?" I asked.
"My ex I told you about." he said, I knew exactly who he was talking about.
"My name is Hunter." he said putting his hand out to me. I just stood there, I could feel Aaron shaking like crazy.
"I think its best if you leave." I said as I turned to look at Aaron I saw Hunter mouth somthing to him, I quickly turned around and he was acting like he didn't do anything. "Go away now." I said shutting the door. The moment the door was all the way shut Aaron practicly jumped in my arms.
"Don't leave me alone." he said sobbing into my chest, I just put an arm around him and I was petting his head and saying.
"I wouldn't do that, ever." then I kissed the top of his head. Alomst the whole day Aaron hadn't said a word. I just that holding him, wishing I could do somthing for him.
"You want to know what he did, don't you?" he asked
"Yes, but if you don't want to say anything you don't have to." I said hugging him tighter.
"Well, as you know we used to date I was eightteen. For awhile things were great until one day at work I didn't get a channce to call him, he filpped out. It wasn't until my boss told him. Things got better, than worse again, he goes out gets drunk. Then one night he came back so drunk that he started beating me because I wasn't there to welcome him home. The next day, he realizes what he's done so to make it up to me he proposes, I say no then I left him." he said.
"I'm so sorry." I said
So the next day I called the one person I knew I could trust with Aaron, my best friend Wes. He's a 6'4" german shepard, he's also a security guard at Jake and Adrian's concerts. The next he came over before we left for work.
"Thanks again, I owe you big time." I said.
"Its no problem, your Adrian's brother. Him and Jake have treated me like family, its the least I can do." Wes said.
"Okay, if a huskey starts talking to Aaron, go up to him and act like you have a question." I said.
"Got it." he said. "So, you ready?" he asked Aaron.
"Yeah." was all Aaron said
So we headed for work, I walked Aaron to his store and I waited till Wes walked in the store then I walk to my store. Every time I heard a phone ring I thought it was mine and I thought some thing was wrong with Aaron.
"Some body is extra jumpy today." Adrian said
"Yeah, you'd be the same if some was stalking Jake." I said.
"Okay, lets go eat. Jake is getting Aaron." Adrian said.
"Going for lunch." I told my boss.
"Okay." he said, so we got to the food court and Jake was talking with Aaron and he laughing.
"Hey babe." I said putting my arms around him.
"Hey." he said standing up then kissing me, I then sat in his seat and he sat in my lap.
"So, how have you guys been?" I asked Adrian.
"Good. So we recently watch a friend's cub for a few day and we loved it, we didn't want to give him back." Adrian said
"How old was he?" Aaron asked
"6." Adrian said.
"Yeah, now we've been thinkig about adopting a kid." Jake said.
"That sounds great, but you'd have to give up somthings." I said.
"Yeah, we know. Also, the band isn't doing to hot right now, we're pretty sure we're not gonna tour more." Adrian said.
"I'm sorry." I said.
"Its cool, enough about us. How have you guys been?" Jake asked.
"Good, he met mom and dad the other day." I said
"They're amazing, aren't they?" Jake asked Aaron.
"Yeah, they were great." Aaron said.
"Speaking of which, we need to go over there while we're in town." Adrian said.
"Okay." Jake said, then suddenly Adrian stood up and went behind me and Aaron, when we turned around we saw Wes running over to us.
"Get out of here, he's here and they think he's armed." he said out of breath.
"Okay, act like nothings going on." I said, but then he found us. He started running at us. Adrian stepped in front of us, when he got to us Adrian picked him and slammed him on the ground.
"If your going to mess anyone, take me." Adrian said.
"You don't scare me." Hunter said getting up, he started swingging at Adrian, who easily dodged each punch like it was nothing.
"Come on, I've fought people smaller than you who could land a punch on me." Adrian said teasing Hunter, the moment Hunter stopped and took a small breath Adrian ran at Hunter and landed a punch right on face busting his nose.
"You little punk." Hunter said but Wes was behind Hunter and he cuffed him.
"Come on." he said pulling Hunter away.
"Glad thats over." I said pulling Aaron closer to me, he just buried his face in chest.
"I love you." he said.
"I love you too and I won't ever let anything happen to you." I said holding him tighter.
A few days later Hunter got away. So they sent us way for a few years. All I can say is I almost lost my love durning thoose few years. Three years later he was caught and got sent prison for stalking, assault, running from officals, and other things. Me and Aaron are 24 now, Jake and Adrian are 22.
A few months later Jake and Adrian stopped by.
"Whats up bro?" I asked.
"Not much, we figured you want to see a picture of your future step-nephew." Adrian said.
"Oh yeah, let me see." I said excitedly.
"First, can we come in?" Jake asked.
"Oh, yeah. Sorry about that." I said, so went to the kitchen, I motioned at Aaron to follow us, he did. When we got to the table Jake got in his bag and pulled out a folder, then he opened it. Inside were some papers and picture of a small white wolf cub.
"His name is Aden, he's five years old," Jake said then Adrian intrupted him.
"He's five and half." Adrian said.
"Oh yeah. Yeah, his parents just left him. The only family he has is his grandma, but she to old to care for him." Jake said and he sound really upset and he layed his head on Adrian's shoulder.
"We've spent our days off seeing him, he's just so sweet. I don't see how anybody could've left him." Adrian said.
"So, why such a younge one?" I asked
"We want to help one of thoose kids have a real childhood." Adrian said.
"So, when do you get to go pick him up?" Aaron asked.
"After we leave here, your place just happens to be on the way there and back." Jake said.
"Sweet, you have to stop back by when your headed home." I said.
"Don't worry,we will." Adrian said getting the folder.
"Well, we better get going." Jake said as he got up and we all hugged then they left.
"Good for them,I'm glad things are going good for them because when they fisrt met, things didn't go their way. Up until their wedding things hadn't gone well." I said.
"Yeah, they're so sweet, and so cute." Aaron said.
A few hours later we saw their car pulling up.
"They're back." I said, a few seconds later we hear them knocking at the door so Aaron and I get up and open it. We see Jake and Adrian, I look down and see small white wolf cub with green eyes hiding behind Adrian's leg. He looked way when he saw me.
"Its okay, he won't hurt you." Adrian said looking at the cub and rubbing his head, I then squated down so I'm alomst eye level with him.
"Whats your name?" I ask.
"Aa-dd-en." he said nervously.
"Thats a cool name." I said then.
"Thank you, and he Adwian and that Jake." he said pointing at them, then he moved from behind Adrian's leg.
"Hi Jake and Adrian. My name is Derek and his name is Aaron." I said
"How old are you?" Aaron asked squating next to me.
"Five and half." he said proudly
"WOW! Are you sure your not six?" Aaron asked.
"Yep, I'll be dat old in a few months." he said. So they stayed for a few hours. While he was playing with Aaron I asked Jake and Adrian
"So, what is he gonna call you guys?" I asked.
"What ever he wants." Jake asked.
"Oh, thats cool." I said, then Aden came running at me.
"Wheres the potty?" he asked.
"Down there." I said pointing at the hallway.
"Thank you." he said then he ran off.
"Its time to go Aden." Jake said holding out his hand.
"Otay." Aden said running to Jake.
"Tell Derek and Aaron bye." Adrian said.
"Bye bye." he said.
"Bye." me and Aaron said at the same time
"See ya guys." Jake said.
"See ya bro, see ya Aaron." Adrian said.
"See ya." we said at the same time, then they left.
"He's so cute. He's one of the luckiest cubs, he has two great dads." Aaron said.
"Yeah he is." I said.
The End.
Okay, out of pure curiosity What is your favorite story I've done? Can be from any seires. Who is your favorite character?