My New Life Ch3

Story by ShadowFist18 on SoFurry

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#3 of My New Life

NOTICE: These are my characters, only I can use them. If you want to use you may, but please ask me first

Its been a month since I got together with Aaron and today at work the time seemed to go by to slow, I work a music shop. I mean I love working with music, but since I got together with Aaron time with out him goes by to slow and I hate it. He does come by at lunch because we both work in the same mall and thats where we met.

"Derek, you can go now, its been a slow day, just take the rest of the day off." my boss said.

"Okay, thank you and if Aaron comes looking for me don't tell him I left." I said.

"Going to a surprise him?" he asked with big grin on his face.

"Yep." I said. So I rushed home and cleaned the place up bit and I started making dinner, I also pulled out one of my good wines and I pulled out the candles, if you haven't guessed I'm trying to be romantic. Around eight I heard his car pull up I turned out the lights and I lit the candles. I then went to the door and opened it for it for him making jump.

"Hey babe." I said then I kissed him.

"What's going on?" he asked part sarcastic and part curious.

"Oh you'll find out soon." I said as I played some music, he then started to blush, as I lead him to the kitchen and I pulled out his chair and poured his wine then I got the food out.

"I don't deserve you right now." he said.

"Don't say that, if its either of us I don't deserve you. You put up with homophobic friends and my getting over Sara." I said taking his hands into mine and kissing them.

"Aww babe, if it meant I'd have to wait thousands of years to be with you I'd wait." he said taking my hands and kissing them like I had just done to him. We just sat there looking into each others eyes. "So, where did you learn to cook?" he asked breaking the silence.

"Watching the cooking channel, watching you, and years of watching my parents." I said.

"It smells great." he said taking some of the food.

"Thank you, its something my mom always makes, I just added meat." I said as I took my share.

"MMMHHHH. Thats good." he said after taking a bite, he then went to the wine and smelled it and tasted it. "Really good. Where did you get it?" he asked.

"Mom, she gives me a bottle ever time I stop by home." I said.

"What year?" he asked

"1990." I said

"Amazing." he said taking another sip.

"Only the best for you." I said, then we finished eating. "Would you like desert?" I asked.

"What do you have?" he asked.

"A simple chocolate cake that mom used to make." I said

"Let us have it." he said. So I got it, I could tell his mouth was watering. I also knew my little foxy has a thing for chocolate cake. I couldn't help but laugh at the look he had on his face.

After we finished the cake we went to our room and he grabbed the wine. We both stripped down to our underwear.

"Okay, I have a few movies. Do you want to watch them or do you just want to lay here in my arms or both?" I asked.

"What kind?" he asked

"Romantic comedies." I said.

"I choose both." he said, so I got the first movie and put it in, when I layed down I got on my back, then he layed on my right side then I put my arm around him and kissed the top of his head.

"So tomorrow mom and dad were wandering if you'd want to come over and meet them." I said

"I'd love to." he said looking up at me and pulling me in for a quick kiss before the movie.

"I'm so glad we have tomorrow off because this all I want to do till we go to my parents house." I said

"Same here." he said. So we watched a few movies during the third one he started falling asleep, so I turned off the t.v. and fell asleep.

The next day we slept in till noon, when he got out of bed he dropped his phone and his ass was in the air.

"Have I ever told you that you have the sweetest ass in the world?" I asked.

"Nope." he said

"Well, you do. It looks so cute in the that tight pink thong." I said, he then gave his ass a small shake and and a flick of his tail. Now some guys would be thinking about pounding him, me I'm thinking of how amazing he looks and his amazing smile as he went to the bathroom. He came back ten minutes wearing only a towel and his fur was soaking wet.

"Purple or red?" he asked holding up two pairs of underwear.

"Which are tighter on you?" I asked heading for the shower.

"Purple it is." he said. After my shower he had a small bag in his hands.

"What's that?" I asked

"A small gift." he said giving the bag to me. When I opened it, inside was a black thong.

"Thanks babe." I said putting them on.

"Hopefully they show off your ass like mine do for me." he said putting on some even tighter shorts.

"Damn this feels good." I said rubbing my ass cheeks.

"And the view is pretty good too." he said looking at my ass.

"Thanks." I said pulling on my shorts. "My view just got better." I said as he bent over to get shirt from his bottom drawer.

"You should move your stuff in here." he said.

"This true." I said as I left the room, then came back with dresser and set it next to his, then I brought each drawer in one at a time.

"I didn't mean right now." he said laughing.

"I know, but if I didn't do it right now I'd forget to do it later." I said, he just smiled and shook his head.

"You're sweating like crazy." I said.

"Yeah, I'm just nervous." he said.

"Don't worry, they'll love you." I said, and just before I opened the door I placed a quick kiss on him to help calm him.

"Lets go." he said, so I opened the door.

"We're here." I said as we went inside. Then we went to the living room where my parents were sitting with each other and reading.

"Hi mom, hi dad." I said.

"Hi sweetheart." my said as she got up and hugged me.

"Hey bud." my dad getting up.

"Whoes this little fellow?" my mom asked.

"My names Aaron." he said putting his hand out to my mom who just hugged him.

"Nice to meet you, just call me Nancy." she said.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Robert." my dad said shaking Aaron's hand.

"So are my little brothers around?" I asked.

"They couldn't make it, they had a concert tonight." my mom said.

"Thats right." I said. A bit later we had dinner, thats when mom pulled out the old stories.

"So, my big bad wolf used to be afraid of clowns?" Aaron asked.

"Yeah, now I hate them." I said pouting.

"What caused that?" Aaron asked.

"A clown at his fifth birthday party surprised him." my mom said.

"Yeah, it jumped right in my face." I said "The only cool clowns are Clown from Slipknot and Sweet Tooth from Twisted Metal." I said a few seconds later.

"I know what we're doing for your birthday." Aaron said in a teasing voice.

"If you weren't so damn cute I'd have to hurt you." I said pulling him on to my lap and putting my arms around him.

"Who do they remind you of?" my dad asked my mom.

"Jake and Adrian?" she asked know she was wrong.

"No, they're more up front with each other." my dad said.

"Me and you?" she asked.

"Yep, Derek is me and Aaron is you." he said.

"How so?" Aaron and I asked at the same time.

"Well, your mother did more of the teasing and I played along with her." he said smiling at us.

"Also your father used to hold me just like that too." my mom said

"I hope this doesn't make you feel weird." my dad said.

"Nope." Aaron and I said together.

(hours later)

"Well its getting late, we better get going." I said

"Okay, it was nice meeting you." my mom said hugging Aaron.

"Nice to meet you too." he said returning the hug.

"If you ever want to come back make Derek bring you by." my dad said.

"Will do." Aaron said.

"Don't forget this." my mom said handing us a wine bottle from 1900, my jaw dropped when I saw the date.

"Are you sure?" I asked taking the bottle.

"Yes, its taking up space in the cellar." she said

"Thanks. Mom, there's room for hundreds of bottles." I said

"Quite complaining." Aaron said taking the wine.

"Alright love you guys." I said heading for my car.

When we got to the car Aaron planted a kiss on me.

"I love them." he said

"Good, because they really love you." I said then I returned the kiss. "So, do I get to meet your parents?" I asked teasingly.

"I'm not sure. They weren't to excepting of me." he said a bit upset.

"I'm sorry. I won't say anything else." I said hugging him with.

"Its okay, as long as we have each other we'll make it." Aaron said.

"I know, and we're all we ever need for each other." I said kissing him, then we went home.

The End