The Hidden Discoveries (arco story)

Story by Arco the wolfdragon on SoFurry


I was confused with questions to what he said and what was Supernatural? "Um I'm what?" "you're Supernatural meaning you have strange powers within you that you yet haven't or have leashed out" Well there goes my thought...Wait what powers? does this I'm a some sort bomb weapon? this thought Overwhelmed me deep in me "Are those bad!? does this make dangerous?" Yup when you don't Know when calmed Down hearing this stuff making me nuts "urrg" I can tell Elder was struggling like prey pinned down by it predator try find way to calmed me and not freak out much "yes and no Arco if you learn to use them right" "meaning what that I'm going to have them for rest my life and be feared?" "Arco look at the bright side not the dark they can be really handy in your problem besides you can change your sizes, you body shape, heal yourself and maybe others" "oh? well I'm not going be able use them if I don't how use them" "you have point I don't know either all I Know is magic Arco but remember one thing" I turned as I wonder what he was going to say "Mhm?" "With great powers comes with big responsible meaning learn to use it right don't let the powers take over you Arco" Its was clear was he said as I nobbed as elder picked me up as he looked at him as I snuggled him "I will Elder"