A odd sandwich filling (hard vore)

Story by matt-the-mutt on SoFurry

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I give you the hard vore version of http://www.furaffinity.net/view/4568066 granted it hasnt been changed a lot, but if i get enough faves on this, i may just do a new hard vore story for you all :P

Unaware hard vore anyone?

CLACK! You find yourself awake all of the sudden once again in total darkness your surroundings freezing cold you notice making you grab at any of the sheets you can to pull over yourself only getting very thin one only making you colder as you pull it over yourself soon drifting off quickly once again despite the cold for some reason.

Totally unknown to you its is 12 PM, lunch time and a teenage canine has just got a sandwich out of the fridge that his friend made for him last night your "bed" being just one half of it, the large canine just dropping the cold plate on the table as he sits at it causing the clang, completely unknowing of your small form inside one slice as he picks up the first quickly taking bite after bite of that sweet sweet sandwich shutting his eyes as the flavours wash over his tongue "damn sooo good"

You are once again woken up from sleep as what sounds like thunder booms around you this time a lot more aware of your surroundings your arms pushing and pulling about on your surroundings feeling for your normal layout near you bed your grasping hands only meeting cold slippery walls the only things around you that you recognise being the smells, you defiantly know it but cant place it squirming yourself about in your surroundings you can get move forward a little bit a weight almost pressing you down to the floor.

Licking his fingers slowly the teen looks down grumbling seeing one half left "not to make it last" he says to his self as his fingers wrap around it with no problem lifting it to his maw licking over his lips and opening his maw slowly edging the bread forward to his waiting maw, the walls around you seemingly close around you making you give a yelp of shock as the firmly pin you in place despite your squirming your mind wheeling about all of the possible locations where you are suddenly seeing threads of light coming from far around you but nothing visible of the outside world at all.

A gust of warm air blows over you suddenly a strong scent of weak dog breath contained within it that sure on your front half picks up for a moment with a horrible crunching sound filing your ears from all around, a wall of white appearing at the same time only to seemingly pull back large furred walls covering these with a muffled crunching and slopping sound, all at once everything clicks in your head with the sudden shock, the smells of ham, mayo, chicken becoming clear the feel of everything clinging to your fur making it heavy unable to see bread but you know its there,

With a single gulp the unknowing teen sends the large ball of chewed up food own his tight throat a very ominous sounding gulp sounding from the throat at you watch it then for the first time you see that muzzle, opening ahead of you making you squirm with all your might as you look into that warm cavern, strands of drool connecting teeth and breaking up as you watch little chucks of chewed up damp food looking at you getting closer and closer and you shift then you slip past the lips looking at the slick insides as the light is cut off, his lips shutting behind you, a loud crunch seemingly filling your skill as the jaws effortlessly bite that muzzle full free, and start their jobs grinding and separating chuck after chuck of food all happening in a blur of mess when you hear a very distinct cracking and snapping sound just to your side pain taking a while to reach your brain as you start to scream as you feel a hellish pain in your arm as it is sheared off blood mixing with the saliva and food around you colouring it a very clear red, a rush of flavour greeting that the tongue under you a loud humming echoing over you as the tongue slides the lump that caused that taste to his cheek

Squirming like mad now with the total pain as your body is pushed and shoved about by a tongue saliva seeping into your gushing wound that slick tool moves away from you quickly giving you a few moments of relief only to have the canines jaw rush down once again quickly and roughly shearing off your leg again causing you to scream and squirm, a huge pressure covering you totally as everything seems to go into slow motion loud cracking's and hellish pair filling your head the jaw pressing down completely smashing your delicate little body along with a pile of food, as his jaw moves away quickly pushing and pulling all of the food along with your lifeless form into the centre of his tongue this muzzle full a lot more red than the rest, but the unaware canine will never knows as he gulps down happily sending you in a pile of chewed up food into his waiting stomach.

A odd sandwich filling

a very tiny bit of micro fur faggery, under 800 words i have you know, this i did did off the top of my head after getting the last part of "the long term visit" done AND also a unaware paw story, done in the point of you, so what ever you want is the...

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The long term visit part two

Well furs, this is this last part, but by far the longest, wall over twice its length! i would give you the normal "dont read this is your under blah blah blah" but i know people under age read this stuff, all i cant say is enjoy and its not my...

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Your odd morning

a very tiny bit of micro fur faggery, under 500 words i have you know, this i did did off the top of my head after getting the last pawrt of "the long term visit" done, but you guys get to see that later :P ohh and i did it in the point of you, so what...

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