The light and darkness (arco story)

Story by Arco the wolfdragon on SoFurry

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#5 of Arco stoies

After sneaking away I was thrown into new world for me It was cold there was no light I walked on the white soft snow as each step my paw sink into them but after what felt Hour I slipped down a hill and rolled down and hit my back again a tree as passed out but I was able to still hear but it wasn't great since all i hear is like loud beaming noise on my ear but I felt my body being dragged Later the next day I wake up on a warm cave After not knowing what happened But in front of me I saw A dragon looking at me I backed away but I was stuck in the back of the rocky walls "Ww.What you want?!" I shout it scared as he walked "Ill bite you" My ears lowered as he was in front of me "well Bite me puppy Ill just toss you to the wall and now relax"