Wolfie Steel, Assassin/Bodyguard for hire, Part 37

Story by Wolfie Steel on SoFurry

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#37 of Wolfie Steel, Assassin/Bodyguard for hire

Wolfie Steel. ©

Assassin/Bodyguard for hire.©

Written by Wolfie Steel©

The rights to all the characters depicted in this story belong to me, Wolfie Steel, with the exception of Linkin Doberman, Matt Bond, Hammy and Loboron. The rights to these characters belong to their owners and creators and are used with their express permission and with my never ending gratitude.

_ MORE legal stuff, this story contains scenes of a homosexual nature, mild violence, mild to strong use of language, if you are easily offended by any of this, or are not old enough to read the material, please go no further, otherwise please enjoy._

Linkin Doberman: Linkin Doberman ©

Matt Bond: kashito91 ©

Part 37.

I slowly walk back towards Doberman Manor with the image of Calvin playing on my mind, so much so that I don't even notice the construction equipment waiting at the main gates until I'm practically standing right next to it. Senior Doberman is talking to the foreman of the building crew when he sees me; he walks to me and gently wraps an arm around me and speaks.

"Wolfie, I know that your house has many memories for you and there are parts that will hold special sentimental value for you. I have asked the foreman of the building crew to help Mikey and Leo clear what is left of your valued items, but if there is anything that you desperately want to keep that they don't know about, tell either Mikey or Leo now and they will find it for you"

I nod to the Doberman and head over to Leo and speak to him.

"Leo, in the study you will see a key rack which is screwed to the wall, providing they haven't been knocked off by the force of the blast you should find two sets of car keys, one is for my car and the other is for Tony's mustang, now be careful in there boys, if you can get the keys, bring them out to me please"

Mikey, Leo and the building crew foreman head up to the house to begin their search. After a wait of fifteen minutes, the three furs walk back towards me, Mikey has three framed pictures in his paws whilst Leo is carrying the two sets of keys. Mikey walks up to me and I can see that he is crying, the picture he is looking at is of the day where they joined Tony and I as our sons, four very happy faces.

I quickly throw my crutches down to the ground and grab both Leo and Mikey in a massive hug. After we have hugged for five minutes or so, I pull away and begin to speak to them both.

"Boys, I have something to tell you, and I want you to hear everything that I have to say before you start hating me"

Leo speaks before I can continue.

"It's the Black Lab isn't it? You are falling for him aren't you?"

I hang my head low and reply.

"Yes boys, I have spoken to Calvin just this morning, but please know this, though I want to pursue Calvin with the view to maybe becoming his mate, I won't dishonour Tony's memory, we both agreed that if something bad should happen to either one of us that the other would move on. I know that probably means nothing to you both, and you both probably feel that I am rushing into a new relationship, but I will tell you both now, I still love Tony with all of my heart and I always will, but I have seen a love and kindness in Calvin and I know that he wants to help repair my life, and maybe repair our lives. I also want you to know that one condition of me taking Calvin as a mate is that he accept you both as his sons, you will not and I repeat WILL NOT be going back to the orphanage"

Mikey wipes his tears from his eyes and replies.

"Dad, how can we hate you for wanting to honour Tony's wishes? I certainly don't hate you, I mean think about it, I still have Leo, as yet you have no one, you forget that both me and Leo have seen you and Tony together on many occasions, and you were both so in love it was a joy to see. Sure at first when I considered you taking this Calvin as a mate, I was still thinking of the way he attacked you and the way he scared us, but I look into your eyes now, and I see a new determination, a new flame burning bright"

Both Leo and Mikey take each of my paws in theirs, and speak in unison.

"Go for it dad"

A sudden feeling of warmth and love runs through my body as I feel the positive energy flowing from Mikey and Leo. Senior Doberman bends down to pick up my crutches, he turns to hand them to me and then looks deep into my eyes, a shiver runs down his spine. A gasp leaves his muzzle and he speaks.

"Wolfie, you are not going to take these crutches are ya? I have seen that look of determination on your face too many times"

I turn to Leo and tell him to hand my car keys to Senior Doberman, and then to hand me Tony's keys. Leo looks to Senior Doberman with a look of shock on his face, but Senior Doberman just nods his head and then speaks again.

"Ok Wolfie, go get the mustang, nothing I will say will make you change your mind, I will follow you in your car just to make sure that you don't do anything rash or stupid"

With no more words I begin a slow and unsteady journey towards the parking garage. After ten minutes I arrive at the garage and stare directly at the mustang, like my Range Rover it is in one piece just heavily shrouded in dust. I press the unlock button on the key fob, the doors unlock and I open the driver's door and slowly lower myself into the seat. It takes a little while to get comfortable but eventually I'm ready.

I put the key into the ignition and start the engine, the huge V8 roars into life and I buckle myself into the racing harness, I look down at the gearbox and realise that joy of joys it is an automatic. I select reverse and release the brake; I slowly reverse out of the garage and turn to head down the driveway. I stop as I hear the rumble of my Range Rover's V8 firing up, I look in the rear view mirror and I see Senior Doberman behind the wheel.

I look at the passenger seat and see the baseball cap that Tony used to wear, I pick it up in my paw and examine it, that's when I realise that he has had it custom made. One word adorns the front of the cap in fancy lettering, WOLFIE, I place the cap on my head and then select drive, I slowly drive down the driveway with Senior Doberman following behind me.

We pull through the main gates and onto the main road, a wicked smile graces my muzzle and I plant my foot paw onto the gas pedal. The engine roars and the rear wheels struggle for grip, suddenly they grip and we race off down the main road. Where am I heading? Who knows? There is one thing that I know for sure, I will never get rid of the mustang.


After driving for many hours I pull into a picnic area with Senior Doberman not far behind. He gets out of my car and leans on the driver's door of the mustang with a beaming smile on his face, he winks at me and speaks.

"That felt fucking good didn't it, admit it, this car is Tony, it is going to be a link that you will hold to your lover, go on, tell me I'm wrong, and I will call you the biggest fucking liar on this planet. Now let's head home, I'll ask Mr Styles to give both cars a loving clean and polish then they will both take pride of place within the garage of the main house"

Senior Doberman gets back into my Range Rover and once we are both ready, we fire up the engines and head back to Doberman Manor.


We arrive back at the main house and I can see that the demolition of the ruins of my house is well under way, the pool has been covered so as not to get dirty, but everything else will be raised to the ground. I know that in a matter of months there will be a new house standing proud, the house maybe new, but it will still hold the memories of Tony.

Linkin and I get out of our cars and head into the main house. Yes I maybe limping, but I feel my leg becoming stronger with every step. I take a seat on the couch in the main room and I begin to relax when suddenly the intercom on the main gates buzzes into life, Senior Doberman answers the call and I hear a booming American voice on the other end.

"Come on Linkin, open the damn gates, there are three tired military furs here that have travelled a great distance to be here"

I recognise the voice instantly; it is the voice of General Stanford from Fort Peterson, I stand and as quick as I can muster I head to the front door just as Linkin is letting the three furs in, General Stanford, Mike Locklear and last but by no means least Micah Stanford.

As I look at General Stanford I instantly salute all three males, General Stanford giggles a little.

"At ease Mr Steel, it is I who should be saluting you"

We stand and face each other for a few seconds, then I see tears in his eyes and he rushes up to me and hugs me tight, then he continues to talk through his sobs.

"Loboron wrote to Micah and told him of the tragedy, I'm so very sorry for your loss, Tony was an extremely fine bodyguard and like you he was worthy of the title elite.......it was.......both a privilege....and an honour to have known him, I'm just sorry that we couldn't make it for the funeral, but we have a month's leave and we couldn't think of anywhere that we would like to spend it more than with a friend in need"

The General now turns to Senior Doberman and speaks.

"And as for you Linkin, how dare you snap up the services of a bodyguard like Wolfie, god damn if I had a platoon full of guys like Wolfie, there would be very little for us to do because the war would be over no sooner than it had begun. All joking aside though, it's good to see you again my dear friend"

Suddenly two very shy canines poke their heads out from the kitchen, both shaking like a leaf, the General sees them and immediately begins to set them at ease.

"Ah Mr Steel, I see we have two new recruits to add to the Steel Family, mighty fine specimens they are too"

I slowly walk to the boys and I take hold of Leo's paw, he in turn takes hold of Mikey's paw and I lead them towards the General.

"General Stanford, it is my great pleasure to introduce you to my two new sons. The strapping Doberman is Leo and the equally strapping Labrador is Mikey"

The two boys instinctively salute the General, the General gains a smile as he replies.

"Boys, the salute was a nice touch, you are obviously being taught well by your father, but as you are Wolfie's boys, saluting me every time will not be needed"

I turn my attention to Micah and our eyes lock, the next thing I know is the Folf is slowly walking towards me with his arms open wide and a look of sadness on his face.

"Wolfie, my father has already told you how sorry we all are to hear about your mate Tony, I would like to add to it though, I am going off to Afghanistan in a while leading a small troupe of soldiers, if you had both been available I would have made sure that you were in that troupe. You both earned the right to call yourselves elite bodyguards, we have even put your names on the plaque that bears all of the names of the furs who have taken and passed the advanced training course, a part of you and Tony will remain forever"

At the end of his speech the Folf throws his arms around me and gently hugs me. As we part from the hug Senior Doberman calls for Todd Styles, the fox soon makes his entrance and speaks.

"Ah I see that we have guests, I will prepare three rooms for their stay and then as the weather outside is unusually decent, I will set up the barbeque"

Linkin looks at his housekeeper.

"Mr Styles, I would also appreciate it if you will get my private swimming pool ready, these gentlemen have travelled all the way from the states so they are no doubt in need of some relaxation and are to be afforded every courtesy of Doberman Manor"

The fox gently nods his head and heads off towards the spare rooms to make them ready for the guests. Senior Doberman now motions to us to sit in the main room, as we enter the room we hear music flowing from the study.