Beau - Chapter Ten
#2 of Beau
© All characters and storylines involving said characters belong to me: Eben Black.
White. The room around me was so white. I was wearing white too. The blue and black of my fur looked stark and bright against the white tank top and bottoms that spilled over my feet, almost over-sized. I was sat back against a white cushioned throne-like seat. I took a breath and gazed around the white room. It looked almost medievil, besides the odd colour scheme. Towering windows stretched upward along the walls. No doors. The skies outside and in fact everything beyond the windows were white as well. Where was this place? I could move, and stood up, I ached all over like I'd been asleep for so long. I took a few steps forward and gazed around the white high ceilings. It looked eerie, almost ethereal. I could still feel the pull of exhaustion around me. I yawned and turned to face the white throne. I noticed something behind it. Another throne, except this one was done in black. Black cushions, and black polished stone. The thrones were sat, back-to-back.
I walked wide around the two thrones and was stunned at who was sat on the black throne, dressed in a pair of black bottoms like mine and a black tank top. A flourish of orange-red fur with harsh black stripes, pale blue eyes had a coldness, almost dead look to them. He was sat, slouched, hands on his stomach, his legs crossed at the ankles as his tail draped over the arm of the throne, swaying gently. He stared up at me with an almost bored expression. I saw the glimmer of silver spikes in one ear, side by side, his feline form slender but toned like my own form. He spilled out of the throne and straightened up. He towered over me at six foot one.
"Z-Zackariah?" I stammered as I staggered backward.
"Ah, you know who I am then?" he asked with a deep growling tone.
" murdered those people," I stammered again as I backed into the wall between two of those towering windows. I could feel a cold sweat building as the feline stalked toward me, paws in pockets.
"I had fun, if that's what you mean by murdered?" he sneered down at me, "Now, who are you?"
"B-Beau Ballentine."
"So your the one I'm sharing a body with?" he demanded with a frown. He stepped around me, and leaned an elbow against the wall, gazing out the window.
"Sharing a body with?"
"Yeah. I've always had blackouts, waking up in places I don't know. Not knowing who I am. But lately I felt that someone was watching me from afar, almost like I had a cameraman following me," he looked at me as he spoke.
He nodded. "You saw what I did on that campus. The reason I was there was because you were there."
I couldn't believe what was happening. "You slaughtered that frat house?" I demanded.
"That was a good workout," he grinned.
"You truly don't care, do you?"
"Its not a matter of caring, Beau."
"Then what is it?" I demanded.
"Its a matter of having fun," he smirked back.
"You have fun killing these furs?"
He shrugged and let out a long, drawn-out yawn. He looked at me and asked, "Is this the first time you've been here?"
I looked around the ethereal chamber, and nodded. "I've been having nightmares for the last week or so, and thought it was just an over-active imagination," I explained.
"Over-active imagination?" Zackariah repeated with a broad grin, "How foolish."
"What does it mean?" I asked.
"What does what mean?"
"What does it mean to be in this chamber?"
"I believe this is where we decided who gets control of the body we share," he replied. "But since coming here I've recieved all kinds of memories. Memories about you. Your mother's death. Your brothers despair. Damian."
I blushed deep, realising what he was saying. He was sharing memories with me. I'd been doing the same. The dream about the frat house. "That frat house vision?"
"I believe that was a flashback to a memory this body lived through," Zackariah explained.
"This is unbelievable!"
"Indeed. It would seem that way. My deepest apologies for your mother's death by the way. I can feel how bad you reacted to that bit of information," he said.
I frowned and said, "Please don't apologise for her death, when you pretty much do the same thing my dad did, but instead of it being some homicidal accident, you just do it for plain homicide."
He grinned and replied, "Do you want me to kill your old man?"
"E-Excuse me?" I stammered.
"Think about it? I'm a wanted murderer anyhow, and I'm guessing the only reason I haven't been found out is because when I black out, I turn into a whole other person with a whole new strand of DNA. Makes me hidden in plain sight. Quite a nice trick, actually." He smirked and added, "I could kill your old man and make his body disappear. If he's ever found, they won't be able to link it to you because I'll be responsible, and hidden inside you. Perfect."
I gazed across at him and frowned, "He's a bastard, an absolutely cruel bastard, but I don't want his blood on my hands, regardless of whether that be my hands or your hands!"
He grinned again and replied, "I'd love his blood on my hands. You've seen me in action, don't you believe I could take him?"
"Your insane."
"I'm a fun-loving bastard, Beau. Nothing more, nothing less."
"How is this happening? I mean, our bodies look different and look different in the real world too."
"Simply a case of the body taking on the form of whoever inhabits the body at that time, I suppose. Right now, looking at this room's decor, I believe your in charge, more or less."
He grinned and replied, "I believe this room represents the control of the body. The more white, the more control you have. However, the more black," as he spoke, the room's walls and the white throne bled to a pitch black.
"N-No," I stammered in a whisper.
"The more black, the more control I have, and looking at the room now, I believe I have complete control." He grinned at me and then disappeared.
This was bad!
The world swam in colours as the hotel bedroom span around me. I was on the bedroom floor. I reached up a striped paw and gripped the bedside table. I hauled myself up and stood, sleak and naked. Naked? Oh yeah. Beau. He was locked away in the depths of our shared body now. This was eerie. I had so many memories. I'd been living a double life. I turned and found that wolf fast asleep on the bed, my tumble hadn't woken him up. I could feel that distant hum inside me. Was that Beau? Perhaps. I scanned the room and found a dresser. I pulled on some denim jeans, a pair of hiking boots, and the black hooded sweatshirt that Beau had donned last night when cuddled up in bed with Damian. The wolf turned in his sleep. I had to admit, Beau had a decent eye for males. He looked beautiful. But too dominant for my tastes. I had no sexual preference, but was a practiced top, unlike Beau. I crossed that bedroom and stopped at the other dresser. I found a notepad and pen on the side.
I decided to do Beau a favour. I had no quarrel with the young feline, and had shared a body with him for some time. It was like having a close friend, you didn't even know existed. I could tell he wasn't a bad person, like me. I let a pleasant smirk curl my lips, as I scrawled a note to the wolf: Gone home to take care of things with my brothers. Thank you for looking after me. I'll text you later x Beau x. I could sense the thanks flood through me from Beau. It was remarkable having this distant thrum of energy coming from a whole other person who just happened to share my body. Who had owned the body first was anyone's guess. Did it matter? No. Beau would indeed take care of his brothers later on, I knew that he intended to do so. But for now, for now my hunger needed to be sated.
I left the wolf sleeping soundly. The thrum of Beau still lurking inside me like a distant shadow of energy. I had the Jeep keys with me and brought the bag of clothes that Beau had packed too. His clothes were too small for me but his friend's clothes seemed to fit me fine. I headed down in the elevator and tossed the bag onto the back seat of the Jeep. I'd drive into town, find a drunken female somewhere headed home alone and kill her. It sounded a casual thing, stealing someone's life. I was a wanted criminal though, so I intended to keep a low profile. I slipped the hood up and revved the engine of the Jeep. I pulled out of the underground car park and headed off. Clubs or bars were an ideal place to start. It was almost three, so the drunks would be being thrown out as we spoke. Beau was still there, lurking beneath the surface like some harmless shadow. Would he witness me kill someone? It was a possibility, but it wasn't my problem, was it? I frowned as the doubts thrilled through me.
The doubts bothered me for a sheer moment, before they were drowned out by the need and hunger to slaughter an innocent life. I grinned as I neared the club districts.