The Dark Night Of The Fire

Story by Qahnareen on SoFurry

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Out of context.

Paradox. An oxymoron of life.

Just an actor in the art of living.

In the theater of fate.


Always sees the third exits.

I had many plans, many plans to finish the road;

true expert on third exits,

like tears, like water that always flows down.

Like a burning match.

The whole life.

The fire that burns us.

A personality that always leans in some way.

The fire goes lower and lower.

More and more brittleness and blackness.

I know the taste of heat and ash.

I am a Fire Dragon.

My purpose, a purposelessness.

The sensitive fire what thinks about the past.

Always burned memories behind the back.

A spark, somewhere between the wings.

The way to...?

The way may be the goal.

The way is the goal.