Journey to another world pt2 ch84
#34 of Journey to Another World pt2
Journey to Another World 5 Ch. 16 * * *
(Back at camp)
- * * Rian had just finished snapping the last bungee straps into place that would hold down the rain tarp that covered the top of his tent in place (In case the rain decided to spread out a little, though it hardly ever did). Once he was done with that he put his things inside the tent and rolled out his sleeping pad along with his sleeping bag. "Donovin is certainly taking his time with the dishes. I wonder what could be taking him so long?" He said to himself as he checked over his tent one last time. Once his tent was fully set up and his things packed away within, he got up and looked back to the fire. 'I think that now would be a good time to get to know a little more about Donovin and his Pokemon.' He thought to himself as he walked back over to the fire and sat down opposite to that of Donovin's Gardevoir and Lucario. The two looked to be having a long staring contest with each other, but he knew better as one was a psychic and was probably talking to the other and...the Lucario would occasionally nod which meant that they were indeed talking to each other. "Um...excuse me. I was wondering if I could as the two of you a few questions?" he asked as he looked at the two of them in turn. "Hello Rian. I guess this would be the first time that we have officially talked." The Gardevoir said as she turned so that she was facing him and gave him a nice smile. "As far as your question goes, I think some proper introductions are in order before we get to your question/s." To which he couldn't help but nod with a smile as she'd probably picked up the fact that he probably had more than one question. "As I can already tell, you already know most of our names." She waved her hands on over to the tent to indicate the two that were currently occupying it. "Those two are the most recent of the family. The Milotic is Undine, do not bother trying to talk to her as she believes that she is a goddess and really does act the part. The other is Samantha the Mismagius, we are currently escorting her to the Lost Tower which we hope will reunite her with her son." To say the least, he was a bit surprised. He'd never thought that Donovin was the kind of trainer to have such a colorful assortment of Pokemon. "Um...Thanks Jenavee. Though there is still much I would like to ask you about." To which she nodded. From then on, he asked her several questions about Donovin and she was more than happy to relay the answers to his questions with a few smiles and a giggle here and there from the Lucario. The more they talked, the more he began to idolized him, "That battle against Crasher Wake must have been a sight. Man, I really wish I had been there to witness it first hand rather than hearing about it from some of the other gym members." Rian couldn't help but huff in a slight anger. Jenavee laughed. "Do not worry. I am sure that once we get going, that you will get to see us in a battle or two, and witness Donovin's skills in a battle against many other trainers." To which he nodded. "By the way Rian. Do you not think that it has been quite long enough for him to have finished washing those dishes?" 'Jenavee was right. Donovin should have been back quite some time ago. It usually does not take this long to wash a few simple dishes.' "Your right Jenavee. I do not know what could be holding him up. Though I do not believe that he is in any trouble since he has that Ninetails with him." He paused for a bit then started to sniff at something as his nose made a bit of wheezing sound as if it were stuffed up. "Then maybe the two of you can answer a question for me." Both girls nodded for him to continue. "What is that strange smell?" "Oh no. Not again." Jenavee said as she slowly rose to her feet and quickly started to moving off in the same direction that Donovin had gone. "_ Sorry Rian, but we have to go ." Rena said as she too got up and began to follow Jenavee. " **_Something is very wrong with Kit and we need to stop it from effecting Donovin**." She said as she disappeared into the forest. "Something is wrong with Kit? And how can whatever is wrong with it effect Donovin?" * * *
(Somewhere in the forest)
- * * I couldn't tell if my mind was playing tricks on me, but something had clicked in my mind and I could have sworn that I'd heard something when Kit pulled back from kissing me. Though that though hardly lasted a moment as a sweet aroma started to waft through the air which caused my mind to fog up nicely. As I began to breath in a little deeper of the wonderful smell, I could feel my body begin to relax and slowly slip into a dazed state. 'I don't think that I've ever smelt something so strong, yet remain so wonderful,' I thought as a smile slowly crept across my lips. 'I wonder where that smell is coming from.' Kit slowly lay her whole body down upon mine, but she seemed frustrated by something. It was as if something was preventing her from enjoying laying atop me. She began to use her teeth to pull at the collar of my shirt under my chin, but I stopped her as I placed my hands on either side of her face and brought her head up so that we were looking at each other. "Allow me Kit. I don't want to rip up a decent shirt if you don't have to." I said as I pulled my shirt over my head and allowed her to get a good look at me. She must have liked what she saw as she lowered her head again and began to nuzzle into my chest. The rest became a blur. "DONOVIN!" Someone yelled in a desperate/fearful tone. The yell brought me instantly back to reality like that of a snap of a whip. I quickly started casting my gaze about, desperately trying to figure out who was calling out to me in such a fearful tone. I could feel a very warm and furry body press down upon mine from above and looked up to stare right into the contented face of Kit. She had her mouth open and had her tongue hanging out to one side, as if... 'Oh god no.' I slowly looked down my chest and was relieved at what I saw. Though I really didn't have a chance to look long as a fist came flying out of almost nowhere and knocked Kit right in the side of the head. ' Just what the hell do you think your doing you slut. That is our trainer your...' 'Donovin. Are you alright?' Someone asked as they dragged me up to a sitting position and hugged me from behind. Effectively interrupting whatever that other person was saying 'We were so afraid of what might happen when we learned of Kit going into heat again.' I looked over my shoulder and saw a head full of green hair and realized that it was Jenavee who was hugging me from behind. 'If that's Jenavee, the other voice must belong to...' I slowly turned and looked forward at the person who had hit Kit to see that it was Rena. "What happened to me?" I asked as I brought a hand up to my face and dragged it down. "Man, my head feels all...fuzzy. What's going on Jenavee?" I didn't get a response as she began to sob a bit into my back and the fact that a Flame Thrower attack shot towards Rena who deflected it with her Bone Rush attack as she twirled around the Aura bone of hers to such a high rate of speed that it looked like a blue blur. I didn't know which I should pay more attention to, Jenavee crying against my back to try and console her or Rena and Kit battling it out for some reason. "Man, what the heck is going on here?" * * *
(Switch to Pokemon perspective )
- * * *Why are you interrupting us. I was just about to finally sate my heat and here the two of you come in and interrupt us.* Kit said as she launched another Flame Thrower attack at Rena. \ **Because, you are going about it the wrong way.* Rena said as she brought her hands/paws together then quickly spread them, allowing a bit of her Aura manipulation manifest itself into her Bone Rush's bone. She quickly grabbed it with both her hands/paws in the middle and brought it to bear. Once there, she quickly began to spin the bone in a high rotation that deflected the flames and safely dispersed it out to the sides. Once the flames died from the attack, Rena allowed the bone to quickly dissipate and looked over at Kit. *_ **Do you honestly think that Donovin would have been happy with you manipulating him with your sent like you were? NO! He would have hated you for it. He would have...where did you go* ?* Rena looked around the area where she'd just seen Kit standing before she brought her bone to bare, but now, she was gone. ' **_I have to stay alert. She could pop up just about anywhere.' Rena thought, but before she could start to use her Aura abilities to find out where Kit had disappeared underground to, Kit burst from the ground and hit her with her Dig attack right under Rena's chin. Rena's chin was thrown back from the hit and she was thrown back onto her backside. She didn't have a chance now that she was on her back against Kit and she knew it, so bringing up her bone again she was just able to stop the Iron Tail attack that came smashing down. Again and again Kit brought down her solidified silver tails down upon the bone, bringing it closer and closer to shattering once Rena's concentration would break. Though fortunately Rena wasn't the only one here to try and fend off Kit. *_ **A little help Jenavee. I think Kit's lost it and I am little pressed for assistance .* Rena said in her Pokemon tongue as she twisted and turned to block more of Kit's attacks. Jenavee realized that she couldn't hold onto Donovin forever and knew that she needed to help Rena. So she let go of Donovin and quickly stood up. '_Just hold on Rena. I'm coming.' Jenavee said as she brought her own hands together and concentrated. After a moment her body glowed for a second as her Calm Mind move took effect then she threw out her arms and released a blast of Psychic energy that hit Kit in the side and made her fly a few feet away. *You too, Jenavee? I thought that you, of all people would have at least been sympathetic to my...condition. And you Rena, you know better than her the feeling of being in heat.* Kit snarled as she quickly leapt to her feet and looked at the two of them. *You have been in heat only once or twice. I myself have been in heat for so long that it seems to be apart of me. DO YOU KNOW WHAT THAT IS LIKE!* She screamed as tears of frustration began to appear at the corners of her eyes. *All I want is relief. And if I can not get it by normal means...,* She began to circle Rena and Jenavee then stopped when she was between them and Donovin. *Then I will take it by force!* She lashed out with her strongest Flame Thrower attack that she could muster up as well as adding her own twist to it as it was laced internally with her Dark Pulse attack. Neither Jenavee or Rena could hope to cope with the two combined attacks, due to the type disadvantage, so quickly tried to leap out of the way, (or in Rena's case as she was still on the ground, roll). Though one thing that they had failed to take into account was that of their pregnancies, which in turn slowed them down considerably. So normally that attack would've been an easy evade, turned out to them getting hit by half of the full force of the combined attacks. Both girls fell to the ground as parts of their bodies singed and sizzled due to the burns. \ **She is just to strong. Who knew that being so desperate could make you so strong*.* Rena said as she scrunched up into a ball and held herself while her whole body pulsed with pain from the attack. 'We can not worry about that right now. Donovin is still being effected by Kit's pheromones and wont be able to fend her off if she presses the issue. He is going to be in big trouble in we do not do something and fast.' Jenavee said psychically in pretty much the same state as Rena as she too was fighting off the type disadvantage from the last attack. Though no matter how much she tried to push herself up to try and attack Kit, the pain from Kit's Dark Pulse along with the Flame Thrower, that had a distinct resemblance to a Fire Blast, had left her to weak to do anything. *Now the two of you just stay there. This should not take long.* Kit said as she turned tail and walked back to Donovin. Both girls tried to at least get to sit up, but due to being hit by her attack and their pregnancies, they knew that they were done. * * *
(Switch back)
- * * I had watched the whole fight with stunned eyes. Not even in my wildest dreams had I imagined that these three girls would fight against one another. I tried once again to get to my feet to put a stop to all this nonsense, only to see that I was still having a hard time keeping my self propped up on my arms. Like my head, it seemed like my whole body was in a deep fog or relaxed state. I tried one last time to push myself up, only to have my arms give out totally and I fell to my back. 'What the heck is wrong with me. I can't seem to move around. Did that kid slip me something in my food?' I thought back, but couldn't remember any time that he would have had the chance. Then I was pulled back to this moment in time as I started to hear the sound of footsteps coming closer. I slowly lifted my head to look down my naked form to see that I was sporting a nice erection, and Kit licking her lips as she approached me with hungry eyes. "Oh crap."