Acceptance, what does it really mean?

Story by tripleg on SoFurry

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The young fox sighed as he stepped off the bus, on his face was a mixture of worry and anticipation, the kind of look one only has when they are about to do something with an outcome that is yet unknown to them. He walked down the sidewalk towards the school's entrance, just one in a crowed of a hundred others. He glanced around, looking at all the furs walking past, some laughing, others just chatting with friends. He wondered how many of them shared his secret, he felt like he was the only one...

He grabbed a few things from his locker: textbooks, binders, etc... and made his way up the stairs to room B406. As he entered the room he immediately saw the person he was searching for, his friend was seated in the back row by himself. His friend looked up as he entered "Hey Kyle!" he called out, grinning "Come on back here". Kyle put on a half-hearted grin and nervously walked to the back of the classroom and sat down at the desk next to his friend. "Hey Mitch, I kinda need to tell you something" Kyle said, shifting in his seat nervously. Mitch looked at him, looking slightly puzzled at his friend's odd behavior, but grinning all the same "Alright, what is it?" he asked. "Well..." Kyle began; shifting his gaze towards his lap, a mixture of strong emotions running through his head, the conflict inside him was visible in his eyes as he struggled to continue "Mitch, I'm... I'm not into girls..." he continued, not looking at his friends face "The reason I never hook up with any of those girls you try to set me up with is because I'm already dating someone... a guy. Mitch, I'm gay". Kyle was staring into his lap, bracing himself for something, he looked relieved, but at the same time nervous, visibly afraid of how his friend would respond but relieved to have his secret out. He jumped, startled, when he felt his friends hand on his thigh. "Kyle..." Mitch said, causing Kyle to look up at him, surprised. "Why the hell would I care about whether you like guys or girls?" Mitch said, grinning softly "dude, if you wanna date guys then that's fine by me, whatever you want". A huge grin spread across Kyle's face, all of his fears disappeared "R-really?" Kyle stammered, looking up at Mitch with bright eyes "Thank you so much for understanding, it means a lot to me, really" Mitch grinned and gave Kyle a friendly hug "How n earth could I hate my friend for something as dumb as who he loves?".

For the first time in two years, Kyle felt accepted...

You know what acceptance is? It's not what teens think it is, they think acceptence is being popular, they think acceptance is having everyone accept you for who you are. But in truth, acceptance isn't having EVERYONE love you for who you are, it's having the peopl who you love accept you for who you are, because they're the only ones that really matter.

Room 712

**Room 712** Green trees and fields rolled past as I gazed out the window. The view had been pretty at first, but after an hour in the car the view had lost its appeal. By now the trees and grass just blended into one big boring blob of color....

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Iraq (poem)

A single shot, a splash of red A soldier falls, cold and dead. Sing your chorus, toll your bell Brave men travel the perils of hell. A war uneeded, begun on hate Our children the ones, the victims of fate. They call it just, they call it true It...


Cant you feel that love is in the air

"Can you feel that love is in the air, can't you see them dancing everywhere, now I know why my heart is blue I'll feel fine, fine, fine, for you". Music poured from the speakers and...

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