Beast's & Crystal Beast's Vs Hero's & Synchro's part 2

Story by Vampire Panther on SoFurry

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Jeff's Stardust Dragon attacked my Topaz Tiger. A topaz crystal appeared and a ruby crystal. "What the? Where did that crystal come from?" Asked Jeff.

Our LP:6300 Harvey's LP:5700

"When my Topaz Tiger is destroyed when he's equipped with Crystal Release. I can place one Crystal Beast in the spell and trap card zone." I answered him.

"I set two cards face down and end my turn." Two card holograms appeared face down.

'My turn." Mayra drew her card. "I activate Raigeki. To destroy everyone of your cards." As soon as she played her card it was destroyed, and Jeff's dragon disappeared.

"Did you forget my dragon special ability." said Jeff.

"No. I wanted you to do that, so I can do this: Dark Hole." A dark hole appeared and sucked in everything on the field. "Next I activate Monster Reborn. To bring back my Master of Oz. Now that the field is cleared, attack Matt directly." Her Master of Oz punched Matt. He fell to one knee.

Our LP:6300 Harvey's LP:1500

"Next I activate Card Destruction." Everybody put their cards in the graveyard and drew new ones. I end my turn." Jeff's dragon returned.

Matt drew his card. "I set one monster face down and two cards face down. Make your move."

I drew my card. "I set one monster face down and three cards face down. Go Jeff."

Jeff drew his card. "I summon Magna Drago (ATK/1400 DEF/600) Stardust attack his face down card." His dragon attacked and a sapphire crystal appeared in the back. "Now Magna Drago it's your turn." His dragon attack landed.

Our LP:4900 Harvey's LP:1500

"Everytime Magna Drago attacks directly he gains two hundred extra attack point's (ATK/1600 DEF/600) I set three cards face down and end my turn."

Mayra drew her card, but then she dicarded her hand. "It's been five turns. Master of Oz attack Jeff's Stardust Dragon."

"I activate Synchro Strike. My Synchro monster gains five hundred attack point's for every card I used to Synchro Summon it. And Rush Recklessly giving him seven hundred more attack point's. Making him four thousand and two hundred attack point's. (ATK/4200 DEF/2000) Counter attack." Both monsters destroyed each other.

"I end my turn."

Matt drew his card. I summon Elemental Hero WildHeart (ATK/1500 DEF/1600) attack her directly.''

"Hold on. I activate Crystal Riageki." I said as my card flipped up.

"Trap cards don't work on Wildheart." Matt said sounding confident

I looked at Mayra and she looked back at me and mouthed the words. "Do it." It's not him I'm targeting, it's Jeff's dragon I'm tageting." Matt's attack landed.

Our LP:3500 Harvey's LP:1500

My sapphire crystal shattered and so did Jeff's Magna Drago.

"I end my turn."

"This is your final turn." I drew my card.

"Go Light Force Sword." Matt's card revealed itself and a sword shot out and pinned the card drew behind me.

"I activate my trap card; Rainbow Gravity. If I have seven Crystal Beast monsters on the field or in the graveyard, I can special summon one Rainbow Dragon or Rainbow Dark Dragon from my deck or graveyard." I looked at Mayra again and she looked back at me. "Thank you Mayra for using your Card Destruction."

"Your welcome." She answered

"So come forth Mighty Rainbow Dragon (ATK/4000 DEF/0000)." All seven crystals from each of my monsters floated upwards and and combined together. "You will never survive this." Then my dragon desended from the sky, as everybody watched it. I overheard Mayra say "It's beautiful." It landed right behind me. "Attack his Wildheart with Rainbow Blast."

My dragon attack destroyed his Wildheart bringing their life point's to zero. The holograms turned off and duel disks deactivated.

"Nice duel you two." Jeff said

"You guy's weren't so bad youself's." I complemented them.

"We gotta go, so be good you two." Matt said as he and Jeff left.

"We will." I shouted. And turned to face Mayra.

"That Rainbow Dragon was awesome. Where did you get it." Mayra said excitedly.

"That's the funny thing. When I got home yesterday there was a package on my door step, just sitting there. And I wondered who it was from, but it didn't say. So I took it in anyways because I was curious. When I opened it inside was a rainbow tin." Before I could finish my story Mayra asked. "Do you wanna get something to drink with me? You could tell me your story on the way."

"Sure." I said without hesitating. We grabbed our stuff and started walking, and I continued how I got the Crystal Beast Deck. "And when I opened it the deck was wrapped in plastic, I took the plastic off and turned the deck the other way around. And there it was Rainbow Dragon and all the cards to help me summon it." We arrived at a store with some tables outside and chairs.

We bought ourselfs some drinks, we also sat at a table and talked to each other about ourselves like; what we do or what we want to do. Then we started talking about our decks. Like her favorite monster is Lady Panther and her signature monster is Master of Oz. My favorite monster is Panther Warrior and signature monster now is Rainbow dragon. When she asked me that could she see my deck, I agreed and I was gonna hand her my deck until her paw and mines touched it at the same time. We looked at each other and I had got that same feeling when I first meet her. Mayra broke eye contact and looked at my paw and saw the yin yang symbol.

"How did you get that?" She asked curiously.

"This? I got it yesterday." I said nervously not wanting to tell her the truth.

"That's cool." Said Mayra.

Then I just remembered about the invitations that I recieved this morning. I reached into my backpack and pulled out the white envelope they came in.

"What's that?"

"I was suppose to give you this." I handed her the invitation and a badge fell out. It was gold with three scratch marks engraved in it. She picked it up and studied it. Then I heared a familiar voice.

"Hey, Spence what are you two doing?"

I turn around to see Jackie walking in our direction. "Nothing bro, just having a drink is all. It is summer after all."

"Uh, huh. What's that you got there new girl?" He looked at the badge and invitation.

"It's a invitation to Las Vegas, Nevada." Mayra said still looking at the badge.

Jackie picked up the invitation and read it. When he finished. "My sister got one of these yesterday."

"I just got mines today and Mayra." I said then took a sip of my soda and put it back down.

"What!!! How come you two got invites, but not me. I'm one of the top ranking duelist in this city. Where's the respect."

"Calm down champ, here's yours." I pulled out the third and final invitation and held it in front of him.

Jackie grabbed it and said "Thank you."

"Your welcome." I said

"I'm not talking to you, I'm thanking him." He pointed to the sky and continued. "Praise him and all his mercy."

"Okay, Jackie don't get all spiritaul on us now. Save it for the tournament will ya." I said

"I'm gonna go home and pack for this thing see you guy's at the airport tomorrow." With that said Jackie walked away.

"I'm gonna do the same. Catch you later." Mayra got up and walked the opposite direction.

As for me, I just sat there drinking whatever soda I had left. When I finished my drink I left and went home to pack as well. When I finished packing, I went to bed early for tomorrows trip.

To be continued...

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