Home Sweet Farm chapter 6 "Steaming Bath and Brother"
Home Sweet Farm
Chapter 6
The day was long and hard and at the end everyone was exhausted from the work. Jessica had picked a fine amount of crops for them to sell on the market and Kevin had chopped up every piece of wood and helped plant more plants that would supply more crops. Katie would make the house all neat and tidy for everyone when the day was over. The sun was going down and it was time for everyone to head inside and refresh from there day. Jessica had prepared a lovely meal for them all. After all of them had completely devoured there food everyone except for Kevin got up. He had to think about some things before he decided if he wanted the job or not.
He decided he would wait and see how things went at home before he got the job. He got up and undressed and put on his swimming trunks and walked down the hall to where they said the bath was. He put a towel that was hanging by the door and flung it over his shoulder and opened the door. What he saw wasn't a bath it was a hot spring, they had a hot spring in the house.
"Wow this place sure is big." he said.
He thought he heard something coming from the steam in the room then four black figures became visible.
"Look who it is." a voice said from the steam.
He didn't expect what happened next. Sarah came jumping out of the scene and landed on his head just like last time but it was worse, this time she was completely naked from head to toe.
"S-Sarah what are you doing?!" he yelled closing his eyes.
All he felt was her pushing on his back and when she kicked a third time he fell and rolled right into the water.
"Jesus Christ." he said sitting up in the water.
It didn't occur to him that there were others until he opened his eyes. Katie, Mallory, and Jessica were also in the hot spring and just like Sarah they were all naked.
"Ummmmm im going to die aren't I?" he said.
Mallory nodded and pulled out the wooden pole she had hit him with before.
"Thought so." he said getting out as fast as he could but she grabbed his trunks and pulled him deep into the fog where no one could see them.
"Have mercy!" they heard him cry out.
They could hear whacks and smacks from the fog and soon she came walking out.
"That'll teach him not to peep." she said settling back down in the water.
The next day Kevin had told Katie what he decided on doing and so it was time to go home and pack up. Katie and Jessica both went along with him to his house to help him get everything.
"So what is your mom and dad like?" asked Jessica.
"My dad is an inventor he works for a company that creates new devices for the U.S.."
"And your mom?" asked Katie.
"She's a nurse she works with brainwaves."
They walked along the street until they came across a house with was half blue and half red. It had four windows that was on each of the corners of the house.
"And were hear."
Two people then walked out of the house. One was a tall handsome man wearing a white lab coat and a black shirt under it and black pants. The other one was a woman. She looked a lot like Katie, she had horns and big ears and a very nice body to boost.
"Ah my son I see you finally came to get all your things together?"
The man smiled at him and turned around.
"Good man."
As the woman walked by she glanced at Katie for a split second then turned towards Kevin.
"Your stuff is already packed up sweetie you just need to go get it." she said with a smile.
"Already packed?"
Then there was a voice that came from behind them.
"Yeah thanks to me."
When they turned around they saw another boy that looked a little older than Kevin leaning on the wall. He had two big horns and little ears that pointed down. His eyes were ruby red and his hair reached down mid section if his back.
"Daitaro..." Kevin grunted.
They both balled up there hands into fists and started walking towards each other.
"Are they going to..." Jessica said.
Katie was worry that this time he could get hurt. They both brought there arm back then punched forward. Katie closed her eyes for a few seconds but when she didn't hear any yell or scream she opened them. Instead of fighting they had shaken hands.
"Good to see you again bro." Daitaro said.
"It's been what like five years?"
"Fells that way."
Kevin knew that Katie and Jessica must be confused so he turned around.
"Guys this is my brother Daitaro."
Daitaro nudged him with his elbow and looked at him.
"Way to go." he said looking at the girls.