Engineer (not official title [Work in Progress])

Story by Mat and Mari Productions on SoFurry

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A story idea I came up with over the weekend. Title isn't official, just wanting to see what you think.

I don't know where I am. I do know its dark and cold. My assignment was to upgrade a comm. system and that's where this whole thing started. It started about a month ago. Military installation 056376, the research facility needed to upgrade a comm. system. I was called in with a group of twenty. It was a huge system, and why a facility like this even had it was beyond me. I didn't ask to go I was told to, and that's how I ended up here...

Day 1 Time 0530 Date 12/25/89

I wake to the sound of my alarm clock. I threw the blankets off of me. I got into the uniform and headed to the door. Then I noticed a gift my wife had sent along with me. I had no idea what it was, and I was running late. Maybe later I'd get to it. I get on the tram to my destination, ten minutes later I was standing in front of the communications system. Ah, how wondrously it looked. It may have been old but it looked fantastic. I remember thinking it was a shame to scrap all of these old parts. I was looking over the blue prints and grabbed the materials I'd need. About four hours later I was done with my work for the day. I went around and saw if everyone else's tasks were going as well. They were, but I just happened to have more experience.

I was a computer engineer's child after all and they head me helping them with projects all of the time. By the time I was four I could disassemble a molecular phase converter blindfolded is less than two minutes and re assemble in even less time. My parents held me in high regards especially the ability to figure out something without instruction in minutes.

So having finished my work early I checked out and went to the commercial area of the base. I went to a late breakfast so it was more of an early lunch. I had my fill then I went back home and saw the present looking me in the face. I went to open it, but then my beeper went off. "Get your ass down here! Need help someone is trapped inside of one of the machines and its locked up," it read.

So I went on down there and I assessed the situation. The piston thank fully stopped before it hurt him. I told him to calm down; he was going to be just fine. Now we were going to have to force the piston backwards. The only other option was to turn off the whole section which would only take a few seconds to do but would put us several hours behind schedule. In the end we had to shut the system down, after that we got him out and he was just fine.

"So... Joel, what happened," I asked.

"I don't know one minute I was checking a system out with a supposed error. Then as soon as I got there it suddenly slammed shut and I was trapped, thank god it jammed," joel said.

"It didn't jam. It just stopped a failure in the mechanics of it because several parts were removed. If they were still there that would have crushed every bone in your body," I said, I saw the terrified rabbit shake with fear.

I went back to my room after all of the work was done, which means I got in late as hell. It was past eight when I strolled in I filed an accident report and that took me an hour. Then I received a call on the video phone from my wife Jamie, a very attractive and seductive ferret.

"Hey honey, how was work," she asked.

"Long," I said.

"Well what happened," she asked.

"Some damn rookie almost got himself killed. Had to shut down one hundred yards of the comm. Station just to get him out and then we had to rewire a few systems here and there. So I'm more than a little tired," I said exasperatedly.

"Oh, well have you been home much lately," she asked.

"No, oh right, merry Christmas by the way, did you open my gift to you," I asked.

"Yes and let me tell you shouldn't have. Have you opened yours," she asked.

"No, I've been too busy," I said.

"Oh, well you have time now so why not open it," she asked.

"Alright," I said getting up and walking over to the table and grabbing the present. I then walked back over and opened it up. Inside was a set of tools, and a very nice looking belt I said looking up at the screen, "You shouldn't have either. I love you dear, we should be done within a month. Well if we don't keep getting set back every time we turn around, even longer if that's the case."

"I miss you already," she said her ears falling flat against her head.

"I hate this too, I didn't want to go but they are paying me a fortune. I mean I'm getting paid 40 credits an hour. We need the money, and I really didn't have a choice either," I said.

"Sigh, I know. You just got back from a week long seminar on advancing technology. I was kinda hoping you'd be home for a few days," she said.

"I know Jamie, I was too. I was pissed when that happened. It was under penalty life imprisonment," i said.

"Something wrong," she asked, I never called her Jamie.

"No nothing's wrong, just a long, long day," I said.

"I'm not cheating on you! God, can't you trust me? I admit I did and we worked on it we went to counseling. I'm working as hard as I can to make this work, and I know you are committed to making this relationship last. But you've got to quit doubting me," she yelled.

"I didn't say anything about it, I'm distracted because there was a near miss today. Some young kid couldn't have been more than twenty, and he nearly died today because of negligence. It sounds like you've got a guilty conscience though, but whatever you've done I forgive you," I said.

"I don't know why I ever thought I didn't need you. I love you more and more each day. I want you to call me tomorrow. Love you good night," she said.

"Yeah love you good night," I said as she ended the call. I walked over to my bed and as soon as my head hit the pillows I fell asleep.