Furries University Chapter 28: Merry X-mas

Story by Kitsune Warui on SoFurry

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#34 of Furries University

Chapter 28: Merry X-mas. (December 25th 2019 A.D. - Friday 5:30 AM)

Kitsune awoke, alone in the room, a dense air about it. The days were growing longer and longer it seemed to him. He was studying, playing, doing whatever he could to keep his mind from his distant mate. Except for these moments in the morning. Dropping from the bed onto his knees he sobbed into his paws. Shon tried normally to stop Kitsune, but to no avail. Kitsune whimpered into his paws, and then looked up wiping his tears he gave a sigh and a sniff. He could hear movement outside the room which made his ear twitched.

Shon outside was moving about, quickly placing a present onto the desk for someone to find, and then proceeded to sit on the sofa, as he heard the door open, the fox Walking out. Kitsune had a long blue dress shirt covering most of his body, white undies on underneath as he yawned coming through the door. The folf had on only his jeans and a black shirt smiling at Kitsune.

"Merry Christmas" he said.

"Oh....oh my!" Kitsune jumped back and ran his paws through his own hair "It's X-mas!?"

"That's a nice Christmas greeting" Shon chuckled.

"I'm sorry, Merry X-mas" Kitsune said blushing padding out of the doorway and closing it behind him.

"Heh, so you feeling better?"

"....as good as I'll get...."

"...well at least you haven't had anymore episodes"

"Yeah..." Kitsune yawned once more.

" Hey...I've gotta go out to get some more, cigarettes" Shon smiled to Kitsune.

"Don't forget your coat" the fox smiled back.

"Oh...yeah thanks" Shon stood up, grabbing a thick brown coat and putting it on he left the dorm waving to Kitsune.

Walking down the steps Shon looked out at the courtyard. Walking out into the snow covered yard towards his parking lot, he looked up at the sky. Then he saw, a shadow seamlessly fly like lightening across the sky. He waited for a moment to see if it would move back. He shivered and decided to continue moving towards the parking lot placing his paws into his jacket, inside he felt on his right pocket something hard.

Pulling it out, he found a small box, tied together with a red ribbon that glittered from the light of the sun, pulling off the ribbon he looked down at the box and opened it.

Opening it, he found that another box lay inside, he shook his head and pulled that box out, only to find another lay in there, and on it it said "From, Kitsune Y. Warui". HE opened this box to find a slip of folded straight paper. He slowly pulled it open and read across it. He chuckled to himself smiling he put the paper back into his pocket.

'I don't have the money to give you the gift you deserve....... and my heart and soul belong to another man...but...what I can give you is the promise that I will love you, and be your friend eternally, that and...whenever you want I promise you a kiss, I probably have morning breath while you're reading this so I hope you don't ask for it now ^_^'

Shon walked off smiling to himself. Shon's ears perked and then he pulled from his left pocket a silver band reading "friendship" across it, and slipped it onto his right wrist. Shaking slightly from the cold outside.

(Back in the dorm room)

Kitsune sat down in the sofa, tight black jeans on now, he sat back and ran his paw through his hair giving a sigh. Suddenly he felt odd, like something was close to him. The crystal around his neck seemed to be quite warm as he grasped it in his free paw. He stood and then looked about.

'I think...I'll go visit Ryu and wish him Merry Xmas' Kitsune thought to himself nearing the door, placing his paw on the door knob. He could suddenly feel the hairs stand on end as he opened the door. The moment it fully opened Kitsune was grabbed by the arms being moved back, Opening his mouth to shriek Kitsune suddenly met the lips of the other figure who had him. Slowly he closed his eyes, feeling something familiar, a heat running through his entire body, as he blushed, he was pressed away.

Looking his eyes shimmered with tears, as he stared into eyes so familiar. The face of the smiling wolf who stood above him, his fur messy, and his hair long. Kitsune stared stepping back and placing a paw to his chest his heart throbbing. Kitsune felt as though it were a dream, feeling as if he would faint. Ozwot smiled to him taking the fox's paw into his and rubbing the top of it staring into his eyes. A black coat covering his body, a few holes ripped in it.

"I'm sorry" The wolf spoke in that voice that calmed Kitsune's heart, drawing close to Kitsune. The fox sobbed and began to cry and the wolf brought him close into his chest.

"I-I...I was so scared" Kitsune sobbed into the familiar body. The wolf rubbed on his mate's back softly a tear rolling down his own cheek.

"It's okay...I'm never going to leave you again" He spoke serenely into the fox's ear.

"I-I" the fox continued to sob into the wolf's chest "I thought you might be d-dead..."

"I would never do that to you" He said softly into the fox's ear "I could never let you wait so long and me never come...I'd fight the world to get back to you...I'm sorry I took so long". Kitsune ran his arms around Ozwot, pulling close into him as the wolf pulled Kitsune close.

Kitsune felt that love burn within him; that same heat that burned so heavily before his mate left. Though the air was cold from the outside wind blowing into the dorm, Kitsune felt warm close against his lover. Hearing the heart beat of the wolf through his chest, the fox's ears twitching at the sound, as Ozwot Ran his paw down Kitsune's hair softly and slowly. Taking his paw down to the small of Kitsune's back he pressed him close, and rubbed his cheek against the fox's.

"I missed you so much" Kitsune spoke so softly to his mate.

"I know..." Ozwot ran his free paw over the back of Kitsune's head "...I'll never leave without you for so long again, I don't care what's happening...I saw you...I saw you in turmoil...and I could do nothing...I'm so sorry".

"Shut up..." Kitsune sobbed to himself, making oz's mouth gape "...just...stop...just...stop...I don't care, because now you're with me again...and I love you".

"I love you too" The wolf replied Pressing the fox back. Ozwot pressed his foot backwards bringing the door closed and smiling to his mate.

"I..." Kitsune smiled up "...would you like to go see my friends...it is X-mas after all". Ozwot smiled and gave a chuckle.

"I would love to see your friends...and most of all...I want to see Shon" Ozwot said licking his lips "...I have to thank him, I saw him taking care of you".

"H-how did you see all of this?" Kitsune asked as Ozwot opened the door.

"...I'll tell you another day...for today I'd like to just enjoy being with my fox" Ozwot said placing his paw at the lower of Kitsune's back leading him out.

"...Okay" Kitsune submitted to the wolf's decision too happy with finally being close to his lover to wish to argue with him. The wolf led Kitsune up the stairs slowly, holding onto him, keeping him close, as though if he let him too far away he would drift away as if in a current. Coming to Ryu's door Ozwot gave a yawn, Kitsune could tell the wolf had been sleep deprived, he knew this look from when they were younger, his eyes stayed open but a slight difference in the way his eyes seemed to move, and his ears stayed at a downward position.

"You sure you want to do this love?" Kitsune asked staring at his Mate. Ozwot nodded and licked his lips.

"I'm going to see you today...not the back of my eye lids"

Kitsune blushed at the words and embraced Ozwot nuzzling against his chest. Slowly the white canid stroked at the fox's back, his tail swishing about. Suddenly the door opened behind them startling Kitsune who quickly pulled away and turned about, hopping backwards, Quickly caught by Ozwot. Kitsune blushed as he looked up to Ozwot who smiled down at the frightened fox.

In the door way stood aide who seemd to pause for a moment and then jump up and down covering her mouth.

"Your back!" She shouted, and Ryu slowly came in looking over her shoulder. Ozwot smiled to them, holding Kitsune still close to him, moving his arms around and stroking at the fox's abdomen with both paws, laying his head atop of Kitsune's.

"Well look who it is" Ryu smirked at the sight of Ryu "Glad to see you back....everyones inside of the dorm, we're kind of having a gathering rather than a party". Kitsune nodded as the two followed Aide and Ryu into the dorm seeing all there friends sitting around.

Shadow, and Yoshi sat in a corner, talking amongst themselves. Sakura and Kagome, sitting on the couch talking calmly to each other. Miken was tugging on Aide's sleeve trying to gain her attention. As Ozwot and his mate walked in a knock came at the door only a few minutes later. It was opened by Aide, and Rodgers stood in the door way.

"I thought I'd wish Kit a Merry Christmas, is he....oh!" Rodgers became surprised as he saw Ozwot holding onto Kitsune's paw "Oh good, thankfully you're back".

"Merry X-mas" Kitsune said to Rodgers with Ozwot speaking the same only a moment behind. Rodgers nodded and repeated it to them.

"I have to get to a helpers party" Rodgers stuck his tongue out. Kitsune approached Rodgers and smiled hugging him close.

"You can't stay?" Kitsune asked.

"Nope, the vet and I have to stay in the office even on holidays, we swap days with other vets and helpers, today's our day sad to say... Glad to see Oz is back, that means you won't have anymore episodes right?"

Ozwot came up beside Kitsune tapping his shoulder. Ktisune turned looking into the eyes of a serious Ozwot.

"What episode?" He asked, slightly worried.

"Ummm...I..." Kitsune looked at the ground but his chin was raised to look at his lover.

"...." Rodgers paused opening his mouth, but stopping to think and then speaking "Kitsune broke down in class, shrieking out, then collapsed onto the floor, where he fell unconscious and stopped breathing...luckily someone knew CPR and helped" Rodgers submitted before waving and leaving in a hurry. Ozwot grabbed Kitsune wrist dragging him across the room and into the bathroom. He shut the door behind them, most of the furs gathering up and leaning near the door to listen in.

"Foxy!" Ozwot snapped Kitsune standing straight up and still shivering "Why didn't you tell me about this?"

"I didn't think it mattered....and it could have only made you feel bad!" Kitsune threw back, his lip quivering.

"I'm glad you thought of me, but Kitsune I care too much about you for you to leave this kind of thing away from me...I want to know when you've been hurt" Ozwot came close to Kitsune rubbing his paw across his cheek.

"Then..." Kitsune went to speak, thinking he could quickly get away with telling Ozwot nothing more.

"What?" Ozwot had already heard it in the tone of Kitsune's voice that something else had happened.

"I...was beaten" Kitsune turned his head away. Ozwot gritted his teeth and grabbed both of Kitsune's arms giving him a serious stare.

"Who did it!?" He demanded.


"Tell me who did it, so I can kill them!" He shouted at the fox. Kitsune pulling away and backing up, tears starting to form up in his eyes. The wolf shook his head and moved close to Kitsune.

"No no....don't cry foxy...I...I know you don't like it when people shout at you...I'm so sorry...but...please who did it to you?"

"Don't start any fights Oz" Kitsune pressed his cheek into his lovers shoulder.

"...I can't promise"

"Then I can't tell you" Kitsune replied. Ozwot paused and rubbed his paw gently throw the fox's brown hair, Stroking so delicately at it.

"I deserve to know..." Ozwot insisted softly. Kitsune closed his eyes giving a sigh.

"......." His pause was long "....Jerry". Ozwot gritted his teeth, his chest puffing up and down against Kitsune's body. The fox could feel the anger rising in his mate, he could feel that oppressive energy, something he was able to sense forever, the emotions even if hidden appeared to him, the feeling made the fox nervous and anxious.

"...I won't fight" Ozwot closed his eyes and gave a long breath, the heat rolling around the fox's neck "...I want you to be happy".

"and I want you to be happy" Kitsune nuzzled against his mate's neck.

"Then...never stop loving me" Ozwot said pressing his nose into Kitsune's neck and licking softly at it.

"I think...we should go out there...it's rude to stay cooped up in here" Kitsune said. Ozwot smirked moving partially away from his mate.

"Oh? But think of all the things we can do in here" Ozwot smirked menacingly, the fox blushing and smiling. The fox's tail wagged at the reply and then stopped as he stuck out his tongue.

"I'd love to but, not right now" Kitsune giggled "I don't think any of them would go around making love in our bathroom".

"Then we'll let them do that" Ozwot said, and then bent down, swinging his foot over Kitsune's tripping the fox. He fell sideways plummeting to the ground giving a shriek as he lost balanced, suddenly he stopped two inches above the ground slowly rising, and being flipped. He stared into his mate's eyes who carried him so close.

"I wanna meet this guy who saved you" Ozwot said as he opened the door, the furs who were outside it, moving away acting casual, Ryu rolling his eyes as everyone else who was in the room scattered from the door.

"I don't know where he stays" Kitsune said looking up to Ozwot.

"That's okay, we'll meet him whenever he shows up, I want to thank him dearly for making sure you were fine...do you like the crystal pendant?"

Kitsune nodded blushing.

"It changes color" Kitsune smiled.

"Mhmmm" Ozwot nodded still caring Kitsune, and leaning him upwards the fox putting his arms around his lover "It's magic you know".

"Oh really" Kitsune raised his brow.

"Yup, it's connected directly to me, as long as you hold onto it, I'll feel like your next to me...it tells you how I'm feeling and everything"

"How?" Kitsune asked holding it close to his eyes squinting at it.

"I don't know" Ozwot chuckled "Just know what my mom told me, you have to just feel it and know, it doesn't work when I'm close though, it's odd, it's something like a Heart-fire jewel, it tells you how the person you love most is feeling".

"Oh!?" Kitsune's ears perked and he giggled "Are you serious dear?"

"Why would I lie?" He asked "Of course I'm serious, and I know you love me most, wanna know how?"

Kitsune tilted his head asking without words.

"Because while I was gone...I felt as if you were hugging close to my body...in my sleep I could hear you crying and screaming for me" Ozwot sighed and placed Kitsune to his feet, opening the door of the dorm.

"See you guys!" Kitsune shouted to the group as they left the room.

*** (12 hours later)

Kitsune and Ozwot found themselves laying on the couch, as the sun was setting now. Kitsune lay atop of Ozwot, hugging close to his stomach, his cheek laying into Ozwot's chest. Kitsune could hear his mate's heart beat. He picked up his head and noticed the wolf was sleeping licking his lips and muttering Kitsune's name. Kitsune softly stood, trying not to wake his mate.

The door opened to the room, and Shon walked in and Kitsune quickly turned and put his finger to his lips, pointing at his sleeping mate "Shhh". Shon smiled and walked to Kitsune hugging him.

"I'm so glad he's back" Shon chuckled softly and whispered "Because they gave me a notice that if I didn't get into my room by this week they'd take it back...I'm gonna go pack up my stuff, and well I was curious about something"

Kitsune tilted his head asking "What?" Curiously with just his body.

"....can I get my gift now" Shon chuckled.

"Mph...in front of my wuffy...well I did promise it, but you can't groan" Kitsune giggled "or you'll wake him up and he needs his sleep".

"Okay I promise, but one thing about the kiss"

"Yes?" Kitsune questioned.

I get to give it to you, not the other way around"

Kitusne blushed and nodded, Shon bent slightly, pressing his paw to the back of Kitsune's head and pulling him in, closing his eyes, as did Kitsune. There lips pressed, and inali brought himself closer into the kiss, turning his head to the left, and stroking the fox's right cheek with his paw, bringing the timid fox closer with his left. As they parted a simple strand of saliva snapped connecting there lips as they parted. Shon licked his lip taking in the strand into his maw.

"Thank you" He said, rubbing Kitsune's beat red cheek "I just have to get my clothes, I'll leave you two". Inali made his way into the room, his tail wagging happily. Kitsune yawned looking to his mate, stretching out. Then he looked over ot his desk as something in shimmering red caught his eye. He moved to it to find a present box atop the desk, looking at the tag it read

'to: Kitsune Y. Warui

From: Tonga "Shon" Inali'

Kitsune opened the box by it's silk ribbon, folding the ribbon softly and placing it on the desk. He loved the way it shimmered in it's peach tone. Opening the box, he found a silver bracelet in the box, pulling it out, he found it was inscribed.

It read "Friendship". Kitsune smiled happily at the bracelet nad quickly put it on, holding it up and staring at it. He could feel a tear rolling down his left cheek as he stared happily at it. It twinkled in a beauty, this was such an amazing day, Kitsune noticed, that it seemed as though everything hard was passed, that now he wouldn't be alone, now he was with his lover. He smiled to him, his tail wagging as the sun began to darken outside. The snow seemed to release the light it collected in the morning shining as the sun got darker. The sun darkened but the body of white shimmered and glowed peacefully in the coming night shade.

"I love you" Kitsune said looking down, directing it to both the men in his life.

Furries university Chapter 29: There is a light

Chapter 29: There's a light (December 27th 2019 A.D. - Sunday 8:00 AM) "...daemon..." Ozwot mumbled. Kitsune awoke calmly, feeling his lovers paw on his chest. His body was refreshed, an oddly perfect sleep, his lovers body against his, he...

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Furries University Chapter 27: Life's A Drag.

Chapter 27: Life's a drag (November 32nd 2019 A.D. - Monday 5:30 AM) Kitsune awoke, giving a long drawn out yawn, his hair a mess, and a sheet clinging to his body. His nipples erect from the cold, he quickly drew the covers up himself and held...

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Furries University Chapter 26: Wondering the Abyss

Chapter 26: Wondering the Abyss (November 11th 2019 A.D. - Monday 10:30 AM) Kitsune awoke on the medical bed, Ryu, Shon, Yoshi, Shadow, Rodgers and the fox were all around him. Kitsune shook awoke, looking around. He saw most of their faces smile...

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