Ander - Chapter 5, Subchapter 48
#214 of Ander
Hot! Valery could feel Banno's breath on her neck and it was so hot! She could feel his tongue slathering her throat, and that was even hotter! Just a slimy lump of meat covered in drool, moving up and down as if he were sucking on a choice piece of honey comb. And his teeth...
She could feel them pressing in on the sides of her neck, closing her windpipe, slowly denting her skin, pushing and pushing, not stopping.
She flailed her arms, clawing at the upside-down world and the big, black fingers curled around her muzzle, thrashing like she was about to drown. She could see her own hands slamming against the cobblestones, but they didn't feel like her own at all. They felt like they belonged to some other vixen entirely, because something like this couldn't possibly be happening to her. Those hands must be dream hands, or maybe the hands from her sketches, something that existed in a different world altogether. That was the only explanation that made sense.
The pressure of Banno's fangs suddenly surpassed the frail resistance offered by her skin and she felt them slowly start to slide into her flesh.
Do something! Make noise!
She clapped her hands together hard enough to make them sting, but as she pulled them back Banno simply reached over and pinned one of her wrists to the floor, restricting her movement even further.
She could feel a different kind of warmth start to spread across her neck.
The warmth of her own blood.
Knock something over! He's really going to kill you!
With only one hand left, she reached for the poker leaning against the wall, but it was so difficult to gauge distance like this, and her vision was already starting to double, creating phantom images that swam before her eyes. She made a grab for it, but her hand was doubled, too, and she couldn't figure out where she was grabbing.
It's too far way! Try something else!
She switched her attention to the small pile of lumber next to the hearth, reaching for all she was worth, until it felt like her shoulder was about to tear itself loose. She brushed one of the bottom logs with her fingertips, making it shift just enough for those at the top to tumble down onto the paving stones with a clatter.
Did someone hear that!? Please, gods! Please, someone must have heard that, please!
Her hand closed around a rough, splintery length of wood and she swung it up over her head as hard as she could, cracking it against Banno's skull.
It was something she really shouldn't have done.
The impact caused his mouth to close just a little bit tighter, cutting off the very last sliver of air she had left. Valery tried to suck in more through her nostrils, but it was no use. It was like she didn't even have a nose anymore, only a burning set of lungs sitting uselessly in her chest, unable to expand or contract.
The log slipped out of her hand and landed noiselessly on the crumpled blanket, but Banno did not let go. It was as if he didn't even realise he had just been struck over the head, as if he was incapable of feeling pain.
He moaned softly, and she could feel the very vibrations of his ecstasy travel through his fangs and into her throat, and that was when she realised...
He was enjoying this.
That was why he hadn't simply ripped her throat out in one hard bite. That was why he was being so slow, increasing the pressure in tiny increments. He was purposefully dragging it out, trying to make it last as long as possible, like the last bite of an expensive meal.
She could feel the world slowly start to slip away. Everything was going dark at the edges, like the eastern sky at twilight. Her lips were going numb and tingly, and she knew, she knew without a shadow of a doubt that she would only have one more chance before the darkness took over completely.
She reached back, her arm shaking, not even sure what she was reaching for, only knowing that it was hot. She could see it dancing like a melting sun, orange and broken, scattered, moving in the dark.
Her hand went past the metal bars of the hearth and scooped up a great big handful of coals, instantly searing her palm with a dozen, hissing blisters.
With the last of her strength, she swung her arm up and over her head, right at Banno's remaining eye, rolled back in pure bliss, and she slammed her fiery payload directly into his face, twisting her palm, grinding it in as hard as she could.
Banno gasped and suddenly the pressure around her neck was gone. She took in a huge, whooping lungful of air and jerked her head back, breaking free of the grip around her muzzle. She opened her mouth to scream for help, but only coughed and spluttered, each spasm of her throat sending bolts of pain through her neck.
She crawled away on her hands and knees, tiny droplets of blood dripping from her neck and splattering against the stones. She tried to scream again, but she could barely even manage a whisper. "Dah... Dahd..."
She looked back, her hand clasped over her throat and tears streaming from her eyes.
Banno was on his knees, too, and he had both hands over his left eye. It somehow looked like he was leering at her through the eyepatch she had made for him, like it was acting as a substitute while his real eye was covered.
That was, if he still had a real eye...
Banno slowly lowered his hands, and if Valery hadn't lost her voice, she would have screamed and screamed.
Where Banno's sole eye once was, there was now only a hideous flap of leathery brown skin, like a second eyepatch. She could see it moving and twitching, as if it was alive, and then it suddenly flipped back to reveal he _did_still have an eye, blood red and staring.
"That wasn't very nice, Valery... trying to take my one good eye like that," he croaked, blood slowly leaking from the corner of his eye like red tears. "Such an impatient little girl you are... so eager... but all right... if you absolutely can't wait any longer, I'll help you along... I'll make you real... more real than you can ever imagine... I'll make you a part of me..."
He got up on one knee, and that small movement of his leg triggered an animalistic state of panic in Valery's mind, filling it to bursting with a single, all-encompassing thought.
She lurched forward, but crashed back down to her hands and knees almost immediately. The whole room was spinning around her head, making it feel like she was constantly on the verge of tipping over. She tried to scream and only coughed more crimson droplets to the floor. Her throat stung so much with every breath that it felt like she had swallowed a pile of iron nails.
She heard Banno get back to his feet just as she crossed the line separating the hearthstones with the hardwood floor. She tried desperately to call for help, fighting through the excruciating pain in her neck. "Daahd... Daahdeee..."
She could hear him coming for her, his feet whispering across the floor with every step, she could see his shadow moving across the wall, impossibly huge, reaching out for her with massive claws...
She felt his fingers close around her ankle and suddenly she was being dragged back along the floor with her night shirt riding up to her chest. She could feel her exposed belly brushing against every gap in the planks, and her fur soaking up the trail of her own blood, hot and sticky, as Banno pulled her back towards the fire, breathing heavily, not out of exhaustion, but pure anticipation.
She opened her mouth, took in as much air as she could, and screamed as loudly as she could, ignoring the piercing pain in her throat and the blood dribbling from her neck. "DAAAAAHDEEE!!"