A Firefighter to the rescue — 06 — Her Past
#6 of Firefighter
Next Episode of my Series. This Time, it gets a bit sad and somehow a bit romantic I would say :). Have Fun reading
A Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.
The same goes for used Music and those Lyrics.
Tags : Story Series, No-Yiff, Lucario, Story of a Lifetime, Near Tragedy,
A Firefighter to the rescue -- 06 -- Her Past
Once the Fight had ended and the Blaziken had gone, Tala and Tashida went back to their Room.
A few Days ago, Joy had allowed them to share a room together because she had needed his room for another Pokémon, and so her room went from a single to a double bedroom. Yet, the two didn't seem to dislike it or even more, they both seemed to enjoy each other's company, even now.
Once they were in their room, the two sad down on their Beds. Yet they both didn't say something until each one was sitting in comfort.
" Thank You." Said Tashida with a low and a bit of shy voice.
" For what ?" Came back from him.
" For helping me with that .... How did you call him ? That little Bird ?"
" Oh ah..... Yeah. You're welcome. He-he..... Mind to tell me from where do you know him ?"
" Well ähm..... I...." At that moment, someone knocked on the door and Tala said loud.
" Come in."
The door opened and Joy came in with a sightly mad look on her face. Once in, she closed the door, and then she asked the two.
" Alright then. Who did that to him ?"
" Me." Said Tala short.
" Aha. And why did you do that ?"
" I wanted to protect her from him and slipped. That's all."
" Hmmmm. I see. That's honorable from you, but do you have had to do that to him ? You could have easily hurt him badly there."
" Joy. Seriously. I'm still blind! I only acted on instinct to prevent me from falling down when it happened. Do you really think that I would do something like that?"
" HHHAAAHHHH..... No. Of course not. I only needed to ask you that. You know. Rocky is maybe going to ask me that."
" HHmmm... Yeah.... Will he survive it ?"
" Of course he will. He will only have some problems with sitting for the next few Days. Nothing more but.... Tashida.... You really need to fix that problem with him."
Joy said that directly into her face, but she still wasn't able to understand her fully, so she looked with a questioning look at Tala, and he played Translator for her. Yet, once he had told her, she nearly barked out some things that Tala didn't want to tell Joy. So he only told her.
" There is no way to settle things between them on the easy way, I guess."
" HHHmmmm.... Right.... Well then. Is anyone of you hurt ?"
Both Lucarios were shacking their Heads. Saying No.
" Fine. I will leave you two alone then. I guess you will have many to disgust now, but please... Not to long. It's already getting late, and your Meal will be ready soon."
Again both of them only nodded a quick yes and Joy then left the room.
Once she was out, Tala asked Tashida.
" What did you mean with all these mad things that you said over him ?"
" I meant exactly what I said and more." Tashida answered angrily.
" Want to tell me of what happened between you ?"
" Actually not but.... Well, I guess that you deserve a reward for your efforts and actions out there."
She moved herself into a comfortable position, and then she began to tell him her Story.
" Well... You already know that my first trainer was an asshole, right ?"
" Yeah. I do." Tala answered, while he moved over to her bed to place himself next to her.
" HAHH... When I think of him now, I have to say that.... Well.... He was one of my better trainers, even if he was mad."
" What has he done to you ?"
" He trained me from morning till evening, Day by day, without a single break for lunch or breakfast or even for toilet.... He always said that I'm useless until I've had evolved into a Lucario....." She moved herself into a ball position." .... So that he could breed me and sell my child's for a high price...."
She was close to tears now.
" I fear to ask, but... Did he... managed it to... breed you ?"
" No.... Luckily, he became some problems with his Money because he lost a Human game. So he had no other chance then to sell me to another trainer... Yet this one had even darker intentions for me..."
Her Eyes became watery.
" .... He forced me to evolve by touching an evolution stone, and shortly afterwards he tried to.... To.... To rape me by himself and his Pokémon...."
Tala moved a paw to her side. Stroking her slowly.
" Y.... Yet I somehow.... Managed it to kick his Ass away, and then I ran for my Life. Luckily, I found my Pokeball and took it with me while I ran away... I ran and ran.... Until I collapsed in front of a.... Big house...."
Tala began to hold her close because her tears began to flow.
" L... L.... Luckily.... The people of that house had found me early enough, and they looked over me for the night... Yet this house wasn't a normal one ether....."
" What was it ?" He asked very lowly.
" A... A ... Gecha house....."
She buried her Head into his chest before she spoke on.
" They were all nice to me, but they also threatened me as one of their own.... They trained me to be a Gesha.... They trained me how to pleasure males in the best way..... I.... I.... One night I ran away and I... I.... I tried to end my Life in that night."
" How ?" He now whispered.
" I.... I.... I.... Jumped down a Waterfall..... But I..... survived it and was found.....by my last trainer....."
She began to sob deeply, and her tears began to form a stream on his chest.
" Was he also a mad one ?" He now asked her telepathically.
" N... N.... No..... He was the first one.... Who ever threatened me as a Pokémon...... And not a thing...."
" Where is he now ?"
" He's death !!! ..... He died in an accident..... A... A... A Car had .... Crashed into him and me.... He died because he..... He... He...... Used his Body as a shield for mmmmeeeee...."
Her entire Body began to shake now, and her tears began to flow like there was no tomorrow. All of her stored Pain, hate and sorrow reveled itself and Tala was the target. Yet he accepted his fate with pleasure. All over the time now, he had begun to create some feelings for her, and now he only wanted to hold her more closely to his Body as possible. To be exactly. If he has had the choice and the ability, he would have dragged her Soul into his Body to warm her.
What they both didn't knew was that they had been watched from the door. Sebastian had come to visit them but once he had peeked through the keyhole, he had decided to stay outside and once Joy came up to him with the food for the two, he said to her.
" It would be better if we leave them alone for a while."
" Why this ?" Joy asked.
" Even if I don't have understood them, it looked to me as if she had opened her heart to him and had unloaded a heavy burden that was stored inside it."
"Oh.... I see.... In that case, I agree." Joy said with a smile and turned around, but before she began to leave him, Sebastian said to her.
" Is it true that her trainer is dead ?"
Joy stopped in place and said in a bit lower voice.
" Yes, it is. He died in a Car accident, and the driver is still on the run. Why do you ask ?"
" Well.... As it looks to me..... He is somehow showing some deep interests in her, and so does she.... And I think that she finally deserves a peaceful place after all she went through."
" How did you know that she had a bad past ?"
" Rocky told me after I asked her out."
" Aha.... Well.... I would give you freely her Ball, but I have to do some background checks on you first. You know. Government and their politics."
" Of course I do. You know where to find me."
To be continued.