GoM-Ep22-Elemental Chaos-

Story by Vangabond on SoFurry

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#24 of Guardians of magic

Uh oh Karma is about to Strike

The Rest of the Guardians of magic, had started to unlock the full extent of their powers. Aaron had Unlocked his dark-fortress for his beast form with Shadow wave being his signature move. Felix's form is a Space Station with starbomb over rush where a falling of stars being his signature move. Zackery's form was a Steel shield with a glimmer of steel, a move where steel reflects the light that creates a steel beam to hit the target. Freddie's form being an ice fountain made sense with sub-zero-frostbite, a move where water is cooled to freeze the target. Jerermy learned that from his fire tank that he could create a barrage of fireballs, Finn's duo shields with fists of protection was a powerful move and Cedric's electric gears unleashing electro shock havoc is just overall chaotic. Brian/Darius Was then challenged to a beast fight by King Artemis and Darius knew what was coming next, he knew that he was going to be exposed at some point but did not think it would be so soon.