It Started With Toast - Chapt 2.txt

Story by DJ TigerFox on SoFurry

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It Started With Toast Chapter 2

WARNING this story is going to contain romance between two male characters so if you dont like this kind of stuff please dont read but if you couldnt care about this stuff feel free to read on.

It had been about one week since Crunch had moved into my room and I have to say it was going well, one good thing about himhe doesnt snore.

I put the diary down and closed it and placed it onto the end table next to me yawn, I think Ill go to bed, its getting late. Walking out of the room I hadnt noticed that the book was on the floor open on the last page.


Hey Crunch could you help me move this? Ripper Roo was having a clean out and had started to jump up and down on a table.

Couldnt you do it yourself? Crunch was looking a bit disappointed with his arms crossed.

If you havent already noticed but Im wearing a straight jacket! Ripper Roo looking quite angry at this point. Crunch just kept quiet for the rest of the time, Ripper Roo jumping on each of the objects he wanted moving then moving to where he wanted it to be placed.

It took nearly one hour and by now Crunch was sweating like mad, Ripper Roo was laughing when Crunch left the room. Mumbling to himself Why the fuck could he not take that stupid jacket off? Sigh I stink, best hit the showers. Walking down the corridor before stopping next to the window looking out at the planet down below wondering what it was like, he sniffed the air pulled a face of disgust and walked into the showers.


Walking over to my wardrobe opening it, clothes falling out in one huge pile of mostly greens and oranges. Cursing I start to pick them back up and placing them in the correct order hoping no one would have seen my little mishap. Done tidying I opened the left door wider and was going grab my bed gown but stopped at the last second.

Closing the wardrobe I walk over to my bed and take my top off and trousers off, standing there in just my boxer shorts which were plain red and black, slid into the bed and then drifted off into a playful dream, not noticing the figure watching me from the doorframe.


Walking out of the showers with just a towel on Crunch was looking around the lockers for his clothes but not finding anything, looking a bit pissed off he dries what he can and wraps the towel back round his waist and walks out.

Walking down the corridor Tiny spotted Crunch wearing a towel and pulls a smile and laughs. Crunch lost something? was the only thing he could say before Crunch snapped at him.

Tiny if I find who ever took my clothes I will personally rip their throat out and use their head as a fucking dumbbell weight! Tiny just stood there with his mouth wide open not expecting to hear such a thing from Crunch.


I wake up only to be wakening by the noise of a flowing waterfall and the song of birds.

Looking around I find myself wearing my dressing gown and standing next to a bed of roses that were giving of a sweet scent of fresh baked cookies that was starting to make me drool of hunger.

Reaching out to touch one it moved suddenly making me jump and retreat my hand back, the flower started to float upwards then became a beautiful crimson butterfly and the rest of the roses seemed to join it.

They all flew over my head towards the bottom of the waterfall were I saw the figure of someone standing under it. I couldnt make out who it was this time but I felt like I was being watched, if this was my sleep why does it feel like someone is watching me sleep?


Sneaking down the corridors Crunch was trying not to get noticed by anyone was walking past the library when in the corner of his eye he spotted one of his shoes by the table in the middle of the room. Looking in the room before entering it to make sure no one was in there walks in and picks up his shoe.

Looking on the table he sees that the rest of his clothes are on top of it, closing the door Crunch drops the towel and starts to dress himself. I wonder who the hell put them in here? Picking the towel back up and was just about to leave when he notices an open book lying on the floor near the end table.

Walking up to it he finds that it was open on the last page, picking it up his eyes open wide..