Forbidden Blood 4
Page 4
Two months have now passed by but everyone was now on edge due to the unmistakable sounds of footsteps roaming around their home in the middle of the nights. A few times they would even hear whispers coming from just outside their home but definitely knowing it was not anyone they knew. They even had discovered some unknown footprints around their home during daylight and they knew it wasn't theirs since wolf footprints were much larger than a fox's footprints.
Due to these dire circumstances, the family has asked the elder of the tribe for a guard to be placed near their home in case of an attack. The elder allowed not only one but two guards to watch this family knowing that the fox tribe would most likely be looking for one of theirs. The family was very grateful for the placement of two guards instead of one but this was because the elder knew something that only the young wolf's father knew, and that was the small pup they kept in their home. He knew that one day this pup would be the bearer of an enormous ability that she will discover sometime in the future.
The next day the elder had visited the young couple's home. The young wolf came out to greet the elder but the elder said, "Forgive me young one but time is short and I must give you something before the time comes." The young wolf nodded and welcomed the elder into his home, offering him a place to sit, "Please come in Great Elder, and tell us about it." The elder gave a weak smile as he walked in and took a seat on one of the chairs as the young fox arrived from the bedroom to welcome him but said nothing out of fear that he probably blames her for her kind roaming within their lands.
"Young wolf, I have become old and weak after so many years. When my power to protect this tribe fails, my body shall fall and will not be able to rise to defend. I do not know if I will be able to stop them from attacking so I must hand these ancient scrolls to you."
"Great Elder... Surely there must be someone else more worthy of holding those scrolls than us!"
"No young wolf, there is no one more worthy than you and your lovely wife. You see your child, will be carrying incredible abilities that surpass even my own, but she will not be able to realize them without these."
The young wolf stared at the scrolls for a moment before saying, "Great Elder... I accept these scrolls but who will teach her the old ancient language it is written on? None of us know the language except you."
"I know in my heart that she will take great care of these scrolls with her life once she has fully grown and will be able to translate them in time."
"I must take my leave now. My people need me."
"Thank you for visiting us Great Elder."
"May the great Alunderian Spirits watch over you two."
As fast as he had arrived, he had soon left back to his people. The wolf's wife walked over to him as she glanced at the scrolls, unsure of what to say. The young wolf looked at his wife for a moment, then stared at the scrolls that he was given as the elder's voice said in his mind, "...your child, will be carrying incredible abilities that surpass even my own..."
A few moments later his father walked in and said, "Son, I strongly suggest you and your wife start to pack up things and use the secret tunnel as soon as possible. Take only what you can carry." His father immediately left to help out his own wife to start packing as well. The couple simply looked at each other for a moment before starting to pack their things for the long travel they'll about to embark.
Finally after packing some of their necessary items, the couple proceeded into their hidden entrance that was hidden under their, once safe, bed. They stopped only just a few steps ahead as there was another opening, which belonged to the young wolf's parents. They climbed out of the hole only to wait for the young wolf's parents to finish their packing.
The young fox handed the pup to the young wolf's mother, as she remembered something, there was hardly any food for the pup. The couple argued for a moment trying to decide who should go into the village at this dangerous time. Both finally decided they should go but the young wolf's parents insisted that they should be the ones to go, only to be denied of doing so as the young wolf said, "Don't worry, we'll be back. We're only going to get some food for our child, that's all." His father placed a hand on his son's shoulder and said, "Son, please be careful."
The couple immediately left, the young wolf acting as a guard to his wife, making sure that nothing gets past him. Although somewhere half way the unthinkable happened. The young fox suddenly gave a blood curling scream as she felt something clamp on her leg tightly, causing her to collapse onto the ground. Her husband immediately looks over to what got a hold of her and sees it was some sort trap that looks like a bear trap, "Shhh... stay still as much as possible let me see your wounds."
"Ah... ah... it hurts please get it off," the wife cried.
The wolf tried with all his might to pry the clamp open but it was no use. The teeth of the clamps had buried itself too deep into her leg which is allowing a small view of her bone as well. The wolf looked around hoping to see anyone nearby for help but instead of seeing anyone, he heard footsteps nearby. He tried calling out who it was only to have silence returned back to him. It only got worse as he began to hear more footsteps approaching closer, backing up as closely to his wife, waiting.