He Wanted to make things more Interesting
#5 of To fix my world (young dragon)
ah hello furs, yes i'm back sorry about the big wait, i've still been going through some stuff lately mostly personal stress...but anyways i got back to writing just in time my YS/SF anniversary is coming up soon and i'll be sure to set out a big yiffer around then since i've got a bit of help now to keep me on track.
so for now you fur enjoy the story, and tell me what you think.
Chapter 4
He wanted to make things interesting
I woke up in the bed while it was still pretty dark, lately I've been sleeping very well but I don't know something just woke me up.
I stood up and off the bed only to look back at Izzy sleeping there naked, he'd been removing his clothes at night since the other day and I'll admit I kind of like it.
When Izzy 'used' me the other day he seemed so apologetic I guess it's not normal for him to have sex with his training partners.
Either way I'm glad he did I think we're a little bit closer now than we were before, reason being why he sleeps naked with me around now.
Though it was pretty funny that day when we had finished he had torn apart his cloths so he had to get back to the complex naked, the best part was he carried me back in his arms so I could be his little shield from his nakedness...though I don't see why he wouldn't want to be seen naked, his body is just god like.
I was still a bit tired but I thought I should just get some water and go back to bed; I still had to get my rest.
I walked out quietly and headed to the little kitchen I filled a glass halfway with water and gulped it down quickly.
After putting the glass into the sink I turned back to go to the room when I noticed Lily lying on the couch with a book on her chest.
I walked over trying not to make noise and I looked down at her; she looked beautiful when she was sleeping.
I grabbed the book from her bosom and put a small piece of paper to hold the page for her as I put the book on the floor, I grabbed a blanket from the edge of the couch and covered her just incase she was cold.
I wonder what she is dreaming about...I'm kind of hoping I'm in that dream...
"Hey...come back to bed" I heard a gentle low voice from behind me.
"Hmmm?" I turned my head and saw Izzy "yea...sure" I said looking back at Lily once more before heading back into the bedroom.
Izzy lightly pushed my back into the room as he joined me and shut the door.
As I let myself onto the bed Izzy rubbed my shoulder and held my body close to his and whispered to me "you really love her don't you?"
"Yea..." I replied and reflected on how I felt about her; even with her seemingly fickle and aggressive nature, she's beautiful both on the inside and out, I just feel she has an inner struggle making her always be defensive...I want to quell the pain, whatever it is.
"Xee, what do you know about Lily?" Izzy asked and I figured this would lead to a chain of answers.
"That she's beautiful and smart, and that she needs someone" I reply with a light voice.
Izzy hugged me tighter "you know...the world is full of other females..."
"You sound like something is wrong" I said concerned, what was Izzy trying to tell me?
"Xee there's something I have to tell you..." he seamed to be trying to keep a steady voice. "I won't be able to keep my promise with you"
"what do you mean? Izzy what are you saying?" I could tell this couldn't be good...and something tells me it involves Lily...
"I can understand if you'll be mad...but you got to understand, I have to tell you now before it goes on to long and you'll get hurt." Izzy's arms turned me around so he could look at me.
"Xee I'm sorry but...Lily already has a mate, one that she loves very much...but she...she can't see him for their own good."
I couldn't believe that...well actually I could...I should have seen that coming someone as radiant and beautiful as her couldn't go to long without someone going for her.
How could I be so foolish...?
What was I expecting?
"Please don't be discouraged Xee...I know how you feel" Izzy Hugged me warmly and nuzzled me "it happens and you're still young, very young you'll have someone eventually"
I was still kind of in shock from hearing about Lily... I still had something to say, my feelings were hurt at most bruised and I can thank Izzy from saving me from heartbreak, I only had one thing to ask.
"Izzy who is it?"
He paused for a moment and took a breath "Xee I don't know if I should tell you that right now. We aren't even supposed to speak about it, due to issues that have come up through the academy"
"What could have possibly happened between her and the academy?" I questioned struggling a little to loosen Izzy's grip.
"Xee I can't explain this right now, it's a bit to risky...but I promise I'll explain this when we go on the outdoor mission where there will be less of a chance of things like this reaching the others here"
I growled a little but gave up on it since I knew I wouldn't get anything out of him "fine..." I sighed and just leaned my head back down on Izzy's forearm.
"I can understand that you're a bit upset but you have to make sure no one knows that I told you about this and don't mention it to Lily either, the last time I brought it up she almost cut off my tail." He warned me but in a gentle speech as he tried to rest again.
Ouch it must be a really sensitive subject...I really wonder what happened, no matter how much I want her now I know I can't get her; but the least I could do is make her feel better...at least I can be around her, maybe make her feel like she can be herself around me.
Laying down looking at a now sleeping Izzy I couldn't help but feel stressed about the whole thing, it made me rethink my choices and made me feel like I was being teased...it was very confusing to me but there wasn't much I could do but try and sleep.
"Argh damn it you stupid thing!" I heard a yell from outside the door; I looked around the room and Izzy was gone.
I didn't think I had fallen asleep so easily but it seems I had been woken up by someone's pain.
I quickly got up and opened the door to see Izzy growling at a pan over the flames.
"Morning Izzy" I called out and walked up to him "are you ok?"
He stopped and looked at me and said "good morning" and smiled reaching and arm out to grab hold of me "I'm feeling fine, I'm just having issues with this stove...what about you? Are you feeling ok?" he rubbed my back gently.
I rubbed my eye and just thought about what he told me last night, I was still a bit upset about the whole matter but I knew I had to accept it or I'd just be hurting myself and maybe even Lily.
"Yea I'll be ok..." I sighed and noticed Lily wasn't in the complex "ummm Izzy...where'd Lil-" all of a suddenly Izzy's vest caught on fire from the stove and evaporated instantaneously.
"Ah crap!" Izzy cursed as the flames just brushed off his scales.
"Whoa" I took a step away "why are you even cooking here? Don't we have a cafeteria?"
Izzy blew off the smoke and coughed once "yea but they are closed down today for some reason"
I looked down and realized he wasn't wearing anything "so you decided to make your own food...without any pants...?" I grinned.
"Oh umm..." Izzy blushed but then played it off "actually those accidentally burnt off a minute ago" he chuckled.
"Is that so...?" I stared down for a little bit before snapping out of it "maybe instead of cooking here we can make something over a little spit I know how to cook on those how does that sound? We're going on that outdoor mission soon aren't we?" I suggested.
"Hmm yea that'll work but we'd have to catch something to cook...want me to go catch something or set up the fire?" Izzy said turning off the pesky stove.
"I'll set up a small fire in the back courtyard" I said thinking of the best spot to put it.
"Alright then lets get going" Izzy gently nudged me out the door before he realized he wasn't wearing any clothes "you go ahead I'll just put something on quickly" he closed the door and I headed out to head to the back courtyard.
As I was just about to head out the smaller exit door to the back I noticed a twitch of a tail entering a room not to far away.
It seemed a little odd since there was a clank noise and a gentle glow coming from the cracks of the door.
"What's this now?" I whispered to myself creeping a little closer to the door to take a peek inside "whoa" I looked though an opening next to the hinges.
Inside was that wingless hornless guy I had seen on my first day here, it was weird because I hadn't seen him since.
but it seemed like he was building something he was using some kind of hot sparking mechanism, he was putting metal pieces together I couldn't really get much of a view of it since there was to much light from the machine.
I turned away since it was starting to hurt my eyes, I wondered to myself what he could be doing but I really didn't have any concern about him, if its done in this place its most likely for an assignment.
So I made my way back to the exit door and left though I was still a little puzzled but I'd guess I'll find out if it's something big.
A few minutes later I had set up the spit with the turner and everything but I still had to wait for Izzy but I left the fire small so I wouldn't waist any wood waiting.
"Oh hey Xee, what're you doing?" I heard a familiar friendly voice.
It was Aiderun he walked closer to me gave me a quick hug which kind of caught me off guard.
"Are you feeling ok?" I asked.
"Yea I just haven't really had anyone around to hug lately" he replied with a smirk on his face.
"I see..." I said hiding a little blush "did you find your sister before she got into any trouble?"
"Oh yea" he chuckled "it turned out she ended up hiding in my closet the whole time, I found her when I heard the tin of sweets I have in there being opened."
I laughed to, that seemed like something I would have done as a little hatchling. "Well at least you found her"
he nodded and looked at a small device on his wrist "yea...but I have to get going or I'll be late for my next class, see you later Xee" he turned and waved bbriefly before running off.
"That was a little odd" I said to myself and looked down to see the fire was going out.
I didn't want it to completely go out because then I'd have to set more firewood up, so I leaned over and blew a little flare on it to keep it running.
Suddenly I felt a big hand touch my lower back so I instantly stood up straight to look.
"I thought you were giving me a little show there for a second Xee" Izzy chuckled.
I gave him a 'funny but not right now' look since I was hungry and didn't want to mess around which he seemed to still giggle a bit "what did you catch?" I asked opening my hands.
"I got some big fish that I found left in the freezer from last week and a chicken that I just plucked on the way here." He showed me and handed me the fish to start.
I pushed the fish onto the turner and threw in a small log underneath and blew a little flame to get it started.
About an hour later we had finished eating though not really full it was enough to get me going for the day.
"So you want to do what training I have for you today? It's still early." Izzy asked licking his fingers clean.
"Yea sure I guess...but I thought Lily always taught me in the mornings, where is she anyways?" I asked I was a bit concerned since I hadn't seen her since last night.
"Oh yea ummm she kind of took the day off, she said something about visiting family" Izzy said standing up from where he was sitting.
"Hmmm alright..." I was a bit disappointed but I guess it was fine at least I could have a whole day with Izzy.
We walked to lightwing and stretched a bit before training, Izzy always said it was better to stretch first especially after eating.
He took off his shirt and I could see his rippling muscles and the shine off his thick red scales, it was hard to look away when he stretched he was just such a wonder to me on how anyone could be so strong.
"Ready to go Xee?" Izzy opened his hand and had his palm almost touching my muzzle.
I snapped out of it and readied myself "yes what's the practice today?"
"this time your going to show me how quick you are" Izzy grabbed something that looked like a big blue circle and stick it on his abs "you have to be able to hit this sticker 5 times but I'm not just going to stand around I'm going to be blocking you but I won't move from this spot." He explained.
I nodded and focused on the sticker and where he put it, I knew with his big hands he would block anything I could throw at him but he did say I had to be fast...I wonder what I should do.
I took a step back and then lunged but instead of heading towards him I jumped right of him and opened my wings I flew a few feet into the air and looked down at him as he stood there.
I dove down since he didn't seem to be moving which turned out to be a big mistake, he opened his hands and grabbed my head making me stop in my tracks he flicked my nose which sent me about 2 feet from where he was standing and I landed on my stomach.
"Your really going to need to do better than that Xee" Izzy smirked.
"I know..." I groaned and stood up quickly I rushed up to him again and threw a left hook to his right and then tried to hit the sticker when he blocked my other punch, but he caught me and bumped me to the floor.
He was starting to laugh, but he didn't notice I was very close on the floor when I landed on my back.
"Maybe this is to much of an exercise for you" Izzy stated looking down at me.
"Not quite" I said before kicking at the sticker before he could block; I got in 3 kicks before he grabbed my foot and threw me over his shoulder.
"Well let's see what you got then" he said with a bit more enthusiasm.
I maneuvered my tail under his legs and went up tapping the sticker again "there's 4" I said before being pulled between his legs and being held upside down to see him face to face.
"so you have...hmmm, how would you say we make this a little more interesting Xee?" Izzy said almost not sounding like himself.
"I suppose what did you have in mind?" I said trying to get out of his hold but he was holding my tail to tightly.
"If you can finish this exercise in the next 5 minutes then I'll do anything you want for the rest of today" he paused "but if not..." he brought our eyes a little closer "then I get to have my fun with you after were all done" he smiled mischievously.
I wasn't sure whether or not I should go with it...but I didn't want him to think I was a coward.
"You're on!" I said and he threw me about two meters away letting me land on my feet.
"This is going to be fun, the timer starts now" he braced himself and intensely focused on my movements.
I was going to do this I figured he was already easily exposed from bellow, but now he was probably expecting that...maybe do something unexpected like going over his back and tripping him.
I rushed at him like before but this time I jumped over his head as he blocked and ducked lower as I landed on the other side I grabbed his tail and dashed with it to his side; but I found myself being dragged by his powerful tail throwing me the opposite way.
"damn" I cursed to myself and got up again running at him, I spin and attempted to throw a kick right at his shoulder but he grabbed me again and flung me away.
"Tic tok Xee times running out you have 2 minutes left" Izzy said smiling.
that's not good I had to rush now but I have to think where can I get him, maybe if I aim at his head...wait don't think just do maybe if I don't think about it I can just rush on what I see.
I ran forward and this time slid onto the floor but I went to soon and slipped, he grabbed my arm and roughly threw me far into the wall.
And suddenly I just felt a rush of warmed hit me and then a blinding light I couldn't feel anything, it was strange I couldn't even feel the wall or anything just nothing but it all shattered within a second and I opened my eyes to find myself pressed up against Izzy with my wings surrounding us and my markings dimly lit and it looked like I was hitting the sticker.
"What the-" Izzy said as he saw me so close to him "how'd you do that?" he sounded surprised.
I withdrew my wings and wondered that myself, I pulled off the sticker and held it up "I'm really not sure how I did it...but it looks like I won" I stick my tongue out at him.
He growled a little and then sighed "you surprised me there and you did a good job" he said lifting his head back up and giving me a soft smile. "It looks like you can do what ever you wanted with me for the rest of today."
I chuckled "don't worry Izzy I'm not going to go crazy with what I'l going to do to you but it's going to be fun for me"
I pulled us both out of Lightwing so we could both head back to the complex
I wonder if Izzy knows what I intend to do with him
End Of Chapter 4
well now you see that Xee has got a bit of an upper hand on Izzy i wonder what Xee has got planned.
but what do you think happened there with Xee?
how did he win?
What is Lily doing?
and what was that mysterious hornless wingless guy doing in that room?
to be answered in the next few chapters!
and thanks to all you readers who read my story, i hope you liked it and please *comment * thank you!