Husky's - Chapter 3
To help with some of the confusion (if there is any) for some of you, that have read the previous chapters. This is a flashback, back 6 months. I felt like this was kind of important to the character, though.
I just wanted to put that out there. Plus, some of you hate cliffhangers, so I thought I might make you wait a bit longer. Sorry.
P.S. I'm sorry if this makes you sad or make you want to cry.
I woke up from my deep sleep. Light peaked through my satin black curtains in front of my window. I stired, stretched and yawned. I sat up and let my legs dangle off the side of my bed. I rubbed my eyes and walked over to the window. When I opened the curtains a gush of light hit me in the face and I squinted as my eyes dilated. I looked outside into the cooler autumn weather.
I rubbed my right shoulder that had been sore from last nights football game. We won the game, but not by much. My whole body felt sore after that game and I was still feeling the side effects. I walked away from the window and over to the mirror to look at myself. My white and light blue fur seemed to glisten in the sunlight and my blue, white tip tail wagged slowly behind.
I walked over to my dresser and opened the top drawer. I pulled out my light blue boxers, that blend in with my fur. I slid them on over my naked body and grabbed a pair of black and orange superman lounge pants. I grabbed a white t-shirt from my closet and slid it on.
I walked downstairs and into the kitchen. Before I could even get there I smelled bacon frying and waffles cooking. I stepped into the kitchen where a female Husky, with white and light blue fur was.
"Morning, sweetie."
"Mornin', Mom." I sat down at the breakfast bar where a plate and silverware was laying.
"'Bout time you got up, Joseph." I turned and saw my dad walk in from the other door. He was a white and silver colored Husky. I didn't get much from him in the way of fur color. I got the light blue from my Mom, but my personality came from my Dad.
"It's only ten!" I exclaimed.
"Well your car has to get done at some point." He sat down in the seat next to mine.
"Have you thought of a design yet?" My mom brought over the bacon and two waffles and put them on my plate.
"Yeah. She's going to be black with four dark blue stripes. Three along the sides and one across the hood." I took a bite of the bacon.
"I still think you should go with a grid pattern at an angle in a lighter blue under the stripes."
"Yeah, but I don't know how that will work. I don't think I care for it that much." I swallowed the bacon and took another bit.
"OK, do what ever. It's your car."
"You got that right." I laughed a bit as my dad punched me in my arm, not to be hurtful, but in a playful manner. Even though it was my car my dad loved it just as much as I did.
"You know your father and I are going out tonight, right Joey?" She said as she placed the frying pan in the sink to clean it.
"Yeah. I figured I would go over to Colton's house and hangout with him tonight." Colton was my best friend, I had been though so much stuff with him in the past. Like when my best friend Jacob died, I went through a depression that lasted for months. Colton was there with me everyday to make sure I would be alright and cheer me up. Colt was like a brother to me, I loved him like a brother too.
The night went on just like normal. I went over to Colton's house and ate some pizza from Pizza Hut. We watched _ The Fast and the Furious _, it was our favorite movie. Plus we both had a tendency to race ourselves in our cars. We played Halo 3 most of the night, we loved that game.
Colt and I were playing games for four hours. I was starting to wonder why my parents hadn't called yet, to let me know that they were home. I guess that they just didn't wanted to bother me. Plus they never called after midnight. The very instant I started to think about that, my phone started to ring.
I looked over to Colton, "Who could be calling at four in the morning?"
"I dunno."
I looked down and saw that it said, 'UNKNOWN CALLER' I answered the phone, "Hello? I raised one eyebrow, trying to think of who it was.
"Hello, Joseph, this is Sargent Adams, of LAPD. I need you to come down to the hospital." Sargent Adams was my fathers best friend. My dad was a Sargent in the LAPD as well.
"Why? What happened, Sargent?" My heart started to beat hard and fast. I thought of all the different things it could have been.
"I just need you to come down here. It's better if I talk to you in person." He sounded upset as he hung up and the line was dead.
I turned and looked at Colt with a strange look on my face. "We need to go down to the hospital."
"Why? It's four in the morning?" Colt looked at the clock.
"I know, but that was Sargent Adams. He said I need to get down there." I stood up and walked out of his room and into the guest bedroom, next to his, where my stuff was. I took off my lounge pants and slid on my jeans. I grabbed my keys and cell phone and slid them into my pocket. I heard the sound of weight on the hardwood floor in the hallway. I looked up and saw Colt standing in the doorway. He had already changed and was ready to go. "You don't have to go, if you don't want to."
"I want to."
"OK." I stood up and walked out into the hall and downstairs. We walked outside and to my car that was sitting on the driveway. My car was all sanded down to the bare metal, for now. I started the car and took off.
When we got to the hospital I parked the car and we got out. We walked up to the door and into the lobby. I didn't know where the heck to go so I walked over to the receptionist at the desk. She was an Otter wearing a light pink uniform.
"Hi, how can I help you?" She looked up from her desk.
"I'm Joseph, Scott. I was called to the hospital by Sargent Adams of LAPD." It was a long shot that she knew where I could go.
"Yes. Mr. Scott. Sargent Adams is in the emergency wing of the hospital."
"OK. Thanks." I still wasn't sure what happened. My first thought was that it could have been another one of my friends.
When I got to the emergency room lobby I saw Sargent Adams standing there talking to a Doctor. The Sargent was a tall German Shepard still in his navy blue uniform and the Doctor was a White Tiger in a white coat. As I approached them I was able to pick up on their conversation.
"No, I will tell him." The Sargent insisted. "I just need you here, just in case." He must have seen me coming because he took off his hat and held it in his paws.
"Hello, Sargent Adams."
"Hi, Joseph." He looked upset for some reason which was strange.
"What did you have to tell me?" My eyes wide with curiosity.
"I think you should sit down." He motioned me to a chair but I didn't move.
"I think I'll be fine."
"I... I don't know how to say this Joseph..." It seemed like he didn't want to tell me what ever he was supposed to. "Your father and I worked together for a long time and have seen many deaths."
"Yeah, so what are you getting at?" I wanted him to spit it out.
"I got a call earlier tonight." His eyes watered a bit. "Like I said, 'there is no easy way to say this'. It's your parents, Joseph. They were hit by a drunk driver..." His head lowered. "They didn't make it."
Shock hit me, like falling from a tall cliff and hitting the icy cold water below. "W... Wh... What?" My eyes started to tear up.
"Your parents were killed in a car accident. They're dead, Joseph."
The water continued to build up in my eyes. I looked over at the doctor and as soon as I met his eyes, he looked down at the floor. I then fell to the floor and cried. I sat there on the tile floor in the fetal position, my head in between my knees. Tears came from my face, down my neck and hit the floor. I looked up at the Sargent, my eyes blood red and tears running down my cheeks.
"It can't be... They just can't be... dead."
"I know Joseph, I know it's hard."
I then began to shake, I felt so alone. In the middle of the sea, nothing around me, nothing to hold onto, no one. I started to moan in sorrow, "No. No. No!" I just kept saying. I placed my head back in between my knees, and cried more and more. I felt Colton put his arms around me to comfort me. I turned into him and he gave me a hug and held me in his arms. "It's just not fair." I cried more and more, soaking Colton's shirt with my tears, but if I didn't let go, neither did he. He truly was a brother.
"It's OK, Joe. I'm here." He placed his paw on the back of my head as I cried even more.
Three days went by. I didn't say anything to anyone. I just sat there and made decisions for the funeral. I was staying with Colton and his family, my new family. I still felt alone, no one there, I was in another wave of depression.
Everyone my parents knew stood around in the cemetery. It was raining hard that day, everyone had an umbrella, except me. Someone stood there and held one for me. I didn't cry much, I felt mostly anger and sadness.
There were some words said, and a twenty-one gun salute for my father. Everyone started to walk away a minute or two after that. I was the only one left, everyone left me so I could say my last goodbye. I stood there in the rain, my suit and fur getting drenched, but I didn't care. I just stood there looking at the two coffins, not knowing what to say. I hugged the two coffins and whispered, "Goodbye." I stood there hugging them for a few minutes before stepping away. I started to cry again. I started to walk away, even though I never wanted to leave that spot.
Colton ran over to me, he put the umbrella over me, and put his other paw around my shoulder. "Come on, Joe." I leaned into his shoulder and cried some more