The Start of Something New: Chapter Four

Story by Kele on SoFurry

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#4 of The Start of Something New

A/N Here we go ladies and gentlemen, chapter four. I fear that this story may be drawing to a close soon, I can only see a few more chapters coming, but I'm sure more ideas will reveal themselves to me at some point...Enjoy :)

Chapter Four: Life & Love

As was now usual for Tye, he entered Streak's ward after school and sat down next to Streak. Except this time would be different. Tye held Streak's paw in his, running a thumb over his paw comfortingly and started recollecting his thoughts and took a deep breath. 'Well, it's now or never I suppose...'

"Streak, I know you may not be able to hear me, but there's something I want you to know. Although it's true we've only known each other for a few days, but when you first talked to me, the first person to show interest in my life for a long time, something changed within me. I used to be so secluded, I used to block everyone out, because no one wanted me around. But you, you changed that, and even in just one day; you showed me how the world can be so much a better place. It was confusing at first, and hell, still is confusing, I feel a mixture of feelings every time I see you. When Drake did this to you, I was so furious yet so heartbroken. I didn't know why, but it hurt so much to see you hurt; I just wanted to hold you until I made it better. And when Drake called you a faggot, yes it hurt but it gave me a glimmer of hope, because I thought to myself 'maybe Streak is like me. Maybe he could reciprocate these feelings that I'm feeling'. It was only last night I realised what this feeling was though. Streak I...I love you Streak. You may think that how can I love you with only knowing you for a few days, but I do, I really do, and I know that there is something that has brought us together, maybe fate, serendipity or some divine being, but all I know is I love you more than anything Streak, and I'd do anything just to see you smile again or for you to wake up. Please Streak, I can't bear to see you like this" Tye was nearing tears as he said these words after having poured all his heart into those words. Tye then laid his head on the fox's chest, and was shocked to feel the foxes arm enclose around his head. Tye looked up to see Streak smiling, eyes barely open.

"Tye," Streak said groggily "I love you too"

"How much did you hear?"

"Enough to know how much I mean to you. And I kinda knew that you've been holding my paw all throughout. Thanks Tye."

"I'm gonna be here every day with you, as soon as I can. I'm staying with you until you get out hospital, and then I'm staying by your side all the time so that nothing like this ever happens again. I don't think I could bear it if you were ever hurt again."

"With you here, Tye, I don't think I can ever be hurt again. I love you"

"I know. I love you too."

* * *

Two months had passed since Streak had been hospitalised. The doctors said he was going to make a full recovery, although they counted him as extremely lucky to survive, let alone make such a rapid recovery. He had suffered several broken ribs, internal bleeding and his legs had been fractured in several places. Tye was there with him every day, bringing him the homework that the teachers had given Streak to do whilst he was in hospital. They became closer and closer every day, learning more about each other and each other's past. Every day Tye would go back home, lie on his bed and cuddle a pillow, thinking of Streak, and Streak, in the hospital, would do the same, thinking of Tye.

The time had come at last for Streak to be released from hospital, although he was still weak on his legs, and the doctors said that he probably always would be. Whilst Tye was watching TV with Streak at the fox's house, he saw how much pain he was in, although Streak would never admit to the pain he was feeling, Tye became increasingly concerned about the his wellbeing."Hey, Streak, I was just thinking. You wouldn't want someone to keep you company tonight would you? Y'know because of your foot and you're still recovering..."

"I'd love for you to stay over tonight. Hey, do ya wanna order in pizza or something?"

"That would be...fantastic" Tye replied, a slight blush appearing as images formed in his head.

"Great! Now...Where'd I put the phone..." Streak said as he hobbled through the house so that he could order the pizzas.

They had decided to get an extra large pepperoni pizza, with extra cheese to share. They'd also decided to put a film on, however, both were too nervous to pay attention to it. This was what both of them considered their first date and neither wanted to do anything to ruin what could be. Eventually Tye built up enough courage to move closer to Streak and nervously he placed his arm around Streak's shoulder. Nearly as soon as he did this, both of them became infinitely more relaxed, and Streak nuzzled into Tye's neck. They stared into each other's eyes, Tye's cerulean blue meeting Streak's emerald green.

"Y'know, we could go upstairs if you want" Streak suggested

"Why? The film hasn't finished...Oh! I see what you mean" As Tye blushed at his slowness, Streak only giggled and arm in arm they headed upstairs.

A/N Yeah, second Author Note...Story can go two ways here and I want the readers to decide, to yiff or not to yiff, that is the question? I feel sometimes yiff can spoil a story, but I can see it going either way. Anyway, comment to your hearts content :)