interior/exterior of haven
From the outside, haven looks a lot like the cathedral of Notre dame, except it seems impossibly huge, it's on the very edge of London, almost far enough to where it can't be counted as London anymore, it has a courtyard just outside of Claire's office that can't be seen anywhere else, but at night sometimes they find her in there, her windows seem to allow light, but it doesn't burn her, or any other vampire that enters the room, the room looks a lot like a grand meeting room ya might find in an old mobsters movie like the godfather series, in fact, the desk looks like the one that was in the godfather part 1, there's a mini kitchen with a microwave and mini fridge hidden near the door to the room, there's a bathroom near that, and a hide-a-bed in the wall ear the window, there's a hidden closet behind some plants in one corner of the room, and a grand oak double door leading in and out with a plaque with her name on it. Rovers office is more or less a small room, filing cabinets all over the place, a cot in the back corner, bathroom in the other back corner, and a big desk separating his area from the place where folks come in to get their assignments and any special equipment they may need, he also seems to have a hidden stash of raw steaks in his desk(it's either that or the desk keeps giving them to him to help keep him from nodding off and hitting his head on it as he passes out from starvation) he only leaves once a year to go and apply for grants and money from the government, tho other payments are sometimes used. The bar runs a goodly distance from the right hand side front when you first enter, down about a mile or so to the hallway that leads to rovers and Claire's office, the way back behind the bar has been closed off for a few decades after keep took his position ad became the blur behind the bar, as he dashes to and fro, where he gets his liquor from, is anyone's guess at this point, the bar is of a polished wood, when asked what kind, keep shrugs and continues on his job, not caring about what transpires in most the club as a whole. The front entryway is fairly large, (tho no one knows how quint got in, considering he's as big as a two story building) and allows for most demons to come and go with great ease, some of the bigger ones have to duck to get through, tho a few simply try and stay when they can, there's a door to the left that no one has ever really seen open, some say its quint and slash's room, but no one can say for certain, but they stop anyone who tries to get in that room quite swiftly and fiercely, warding off others as they simply toss the person onto the dance floor halfway across the club if they try. The far walls are where the booths and private tables are located, if one is either trying to not be seen, or simply hates the rest of the rabble around them, they grab one, get cozy with a few folks, and don't go out much since seats are few and coveted in haven, runners make sure to get the orders fast and head to take care of them first since they seem to want to keep to themselves. The front middle of the club holds the sitting area, where demons vamps, were's and furs sit in public, not caring if they are seen or not, simply getting drinks and hanging out until they are either called on or they get bored and go do something in either the upper dorms or the caves. The upper dorms are for those not fond of vampires and don't wish to be bothered during the day by anything but other sun worshipers and the like, the upper dorms runs almost the entire second floor and contains a few hundred rooms, more than enough to keep the patrons happy and the feeling nice and mellow for as long as possible. The middle back part of the club holds the dance floor; it is the only dance floor of its size in the country, boasting its massive size and the sheer number of dancers on it is impressive in and of itself, patrons who are big on dancing can work their way to the middle and dance till the end times if they were determined enough, making it a great place to get lost in a crowd. The back part of haven sports the DJ stations, each one functional, only one that folks can usually see or hear about, the front one houses wispe, who simply bobs along with the music for all eternity, and the back station, where shadow makes his mixes and does all he can to just chill and makes the hard tunes that haven patrons love. The caves, these are the other dorms/specialty rooms, where anything can happen, and usually does, they have dorms for sex, drugs, even fetish rooms, no one knows how deep the tunnels go, save a few who swore they would never tell anyone, preferring the work to going out and potentially facing their own kin in battle, this is the only place that does not seem to odd about haven, especially since the caves look as if they used to house demons, were's, and vamp's long ago, the only way to see the entrance is either to know where it is, or head straight for it thinking its just another part of the club. The lighting in each room is different, while Claire goes for bright and inviting in her office, rover goes for a relaxing yellow light quality while still being bright enough to see, the caves have everything from black lights to normal lights, to UV lamps in special circumstances, depending on the needs and availability of the locale, the dorms go anywhere from UV lamps to natural sunlight, while the clubs one window is completely covered, there are strobe lights running most the club, the constant shifting light keeping it fairly even for the runners to see, to both take orders and to not trip over tables and patrons. please, coment, vote, send messages, Im looking to maybe turn this into a massive amount of stories as well as get things underway, but I need the help of other furs, don't be afraid to let me know things, you have a speciual prefrence, well see what we can work out, want something special, we may be able to work with you, just please, let me know, be honest, be nice, be a critic, as long as its constructive, I wont mind, even if you just think its cool, I really wanna know so I know I'm on the right track, enjoy