
Story by Voidwalker on SoFurry

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A cold wind chased him as he ran from home, he had not meant to do it, but there was no explaining what he had done. This was against everything he was ever taught, every moral that had been beaten into him, and he had turned his back on it all. He stumbled and rolled tensing up he hit the ground hard, and sprung up again his speed not being broken. Hard grass stabbing into his paws, the occasional puddle wetting him as he ran on, he had no destination, and no longer had a name or home.

As he ran on he began to calm down looking around and spotting a small cove to settle for the night, barely thinking, his limbs feeling the ice bite of the wind, he pressed himself up against the cave all, as far as he could from the entrance. He looked down on his paws and saw the blood still there, he blinked and he saw his paws were clean. He looked away roughly, this was not what he wanted, and he could not believe what he had done.

He closed his eyes and saw her face flash across his vision, that same pained confused look she had given him before... NO! His eyes flew open and he breathed heavily the tears were flowing freely now. He sunk to the ground and gave in to the feelings that consumed him, his claws scratched the ground and clench over a rock, as his body trembled pressed against the wall, his eyes were holes staring in on direction before he bowed his head, his paw never unclenching the rock.

Dawn came, sun light washed over his eyes and he twitched awake, opening his eyes he was washed with emotion. Getting slowly to his feet he looked around him, the cave was a lot lighter now and a fresh breeze blew past the cave entrance. His night had been filled with horrors, noises and smells that drove him near insanity. Yet the morning came as it always does, and he greeted it, glad that at least this had not changed.

He tilted his head to the morning breeze and looked out into the morning, he had not been looking where he was going when he ran but he knew where he was now. It was a cave he used to play in as a hatchling. They would look for him here certainly but he had not been found out yet. If he wanted to get to safety he would have to move fast, he listened carefully and there were no sounds of persuit. He began walking, running now would not really get him anywhere if they had planned an ambush, on his first step he felt an indent under his paw, looking down he saw what he had been dreading, paw prints, and at least a dozen from what he could tell. He would have to move quickly or go back inside and wait to see what happens, he decided it was best to keep moving.

He set off for the forest to the north, he had heard there was another dragon clan there, maybe, just maybe, they would need an extra dragon somewhere. Thoughts of what happened, crashed over him. Her eyes flashed across his mind's eye again. So sorrow full yet so understanding. And then just before he... did it, she had leaned up and whispered in his ear. The pain of what she had asked, had caused his paw to slip, she had gagged, slowly sinking and with her last breath, she had said "I love you... my son." She died him holding her. He shook from the memory and cried again.

He made his way quickly through the forest keeps low and his wings tightly to his back, he had passed a group of Wolves and they has stared at him, they were bigger than himself and he had just kept moving catching whispers of, "A dragon? This far away from the clan?" this had only made him move faster in an attempt to get away. This was his first time outside the clan lands, and he was completely lost.