The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions Book X Chapter 15
#229 of The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions
Chapter 15
He stretched out with a long yawn, paws sliding over soft scale.
A sweet feminine moan made him freeze.
Spyro opened his eyes, the eyelids snapping upwards with ease, completely rested and fulfilled as if he would sleep through several days in a row like a hibernating bear. Yet when the senses joined his eyes he became aware of the fact that this fulfilling feeling had practically nothing to do with sleep at all.
He woke up resting on gently rising chest, black and magenta colors filling his eyes. He woke up on Cynder's soft body, charmed by its touch he instinctively greeted the loving flesh with a tender, grateful caress. One of his paws touched her belly, every now and then sliding a little bit farther to trail with a toe or two the shapes of her marking he could not see, but perfectly remembered where to find on her thigh and back. The other was on the chest, serving as support for his resting head.
He moved his purple snout, rubbing his cheek over the sweetly heaving magenta scales that were so alluringly enticing that he held himself back from kissing them with great difficulty. The urge was quickly pushed into the background however the moment his eyes laid upon the beautiful snout of his mate.
A long, loving smile stretched his purple lips, making the scales on his back to stand on end like a cheetah's fur and dig into the black paw resting there.
Cynder's beautiful draconic face radiated with happiness and satisfaction, she was smiling even through sleep, her mouth stretched so widely that the tip of her red tongue stuck out from the corner, the adorable sight making him love her a bit more.
His tail betrayed his joy, making shy swings as he sunk into his favorite view, the observation of his sleeping mate, the view so much more potent when he could basically taste the relaxing energy wafting from her. Cynder was leaning against the wall, it was not a typical resting position, but it seemed that she didn't mind, even despite her special sensitivity. Just thinking about it made his heart race with arrogant pride.
He wrecked her world during their last mating, he could read it from her blissful expression, as clear and bright as the sun.
One might think that he took advantage of her, cheated basically since her hyper sensitivity made her so vulnerable that he was sure if he would tug her tail in just the right way in the right moment it would still be enough to push her over the edge. One might say that his last performance wouldn't count, no points would be going into the book of scores for a perfect lover, one might say that Cynder's satisfaction in that moment is as fulfilling as breaking an ape's raid party while being pumped on Spirit energy.
Too bad for_One's_ though, he did not care about opinions, logical or otherwise.
He pleased his mate like he never did before, gave her all the attention she deserved and offered far more than he believed he had in him. He sacrificed everything for her and it was all that mattered to him, cheating or not didn't matter, he made Cynder feel special and worthy and if it meant that Cynder would need to be juiced on sensitivity again to achieve a moment like this again it was the sacrifice he was willing to make!
His eyes widened.
He pressed his lips against her rising magenta scales to muffle his laughter.
By the Ancestors that sounded wrong.
Her condition was not normal at all and of course he would prefer that she was back to her typical self, as fun as it was he suspected that after awhile it would get exhausting. Still he could not silence the butterflies in his stomach, he still remembered the fond memories of their mating and no matter how hard he would try to disregard it, there was no way of cheating natural reactions.
The crashing butterflies inside his belly testified without hesitation that their last love making was wild and simply awesome. He inhaled deeply, claws delicately clutching her sweet flesh, the nose pressed against her rising chest intoxicating itself on her wonderful scent.
Dear Ancestors have mercy on me, he was already ready to go again.
He grinned to himself, finding the urge absolutely amusing.
It would kill her.
Cynder would be first dragoness in the world killed by a dick.
People would for sure then forget about her villain past after that, just as she wished.
He chuckled, it was a primitive joke but he simply couldn't control himself, he unglued his mouth from the magenta chest, slapping both his paws against his snorting mouth.
The snorts only becoming louder, every now and then making him choke.
Cynder stirred with a whimper, her paws sliding up and down his scales, waking up together with their owner.
Despite the amusement Spyro couldn't let an opportunity like that slip by, giggling he immediately started licking and kissing his waking mate all over her pretty draconic face.
Her senses immediately recovering when she felt the warmth of the hot, affectionate tongue, Spyro remembered his given promise and once more accompanied her waking up with loving care. She giggled which to her surprise made him laugh.
"What's so funny?" she cooed, rising her neck to let his tongue slide over her chin
He only snorted louder.
"It's nothing" despite his words he began to laugh
"Come on, tell me" she nuzzled him, following his lips
"It's stupid" he planted quick kisses along her whole snout, giggling harder and harder with each press of lips
His joy was intoxicating, making her chuckle as well.
"I want to hear it, don't be a dick"
Spyro couldn't hold back anymore, he pushed back, bursting with laughter.
Cynder's eyes snapped open, frowning as she observed her laughing mate with incredulous amusement, she had a feeling what was going on here and something told her she didn't want to hear it.
"It's something dirty isn't it?"
He did not answer, laughing only louder in response, that was all the answer she needed though, she didn't have to be a genius to figure out that whatever stupid joke went through his head had something to do with their mating.
Her lips stretched into a smile nevertheless, his joy alone was amusing in itself.
She simply loved this immature fool with all her heart.
"Dork" she gave his cheek a playful punch
"I'm sorry" Spyro whined, his dying in squeals laughter stealing a pretty giggle from Cynder in the meantime "I'm done, promise" with the last spasms of joy he wiped his tears away before lying down onto the magenta chest again, head supported by two front paws touching the soft body underneath
He looked straight into the green eyes, smiling still but trying to look serious nevertheless.
"So, how are you feeling?"
Cynder rolled her eyes, giving the purple nose a boop.
"Wipe that grin off mister, I'm not going to rub your ego"
"Hey! That's not what I meant! Seriously!"
She gave him a meaningful stare, eyebrow raising in doubt.
He bit his lip.
"Alright, maybe a little, but that's not the point!" he scratched her lovingly "I'm serious Cynder, are you alright? Didn't know...went a little too overboard?"
She pushed her head into the wall, letting out a long exhale, mentally preparing herself for the consequences passion was about to serve her soon. Her sensitive body will make her pay for that wonderful moment of forgetfulness.
She breathed slowly, chest pumping in steady rhythms, only then she realized that a piece of her chest has a harder time rising than the rest, it was the spot where Spyro had rested his head.
Besides the typical stress of carrying additional weight on her body there was nothing else besides that that drew her attention.
Her special sensitivity seemed to be gone.
This time it was her who started laughing, her joyful blare bouncing off the ceiling.
Spyro propped himself on her chest, cocking his head in surprise, ignorance or not, his lips still stretched out into a smile.
"What's so funny?"
"It's gone. My sensitivity is gone and all it took to wipe it away was a good pounding" she shook her head in disbelief "Man, I'm really starting to think that all those jokes about chicks going through a mental transformation after a romp are based on real life stories" she laughed again, slapping both paws into her shaking in disbelief black head "This is so embarrassing"
He kissed her chest apologetically, expression turning serious.
"I just wanted to make you feel good, it was never my intention to embarrass you"
"I know that silly, I'm kidding" she scratched his head comfortingly, looking down onto his cute snout with loving attention "It was great and we both needed that. For all we know my condition probably was there only for a few hours tops, that we took advantage of it just to find it gone after everything is just an ironic turn of events" she giggled "Funny though"
He reached upwards, sharing a brief, grateful kiss with his mate.
"I love hearing you laugh"
She grinned.
"Is it before or after staring at me while I sleep?"
"After, you snore cutely when you sleep, sounds like an underwater gurgle, makes me feel like I'm on vacation" he winked
Cynder chuckled, embracing her partner.
"Come here you creep" she pulled Spyro into a deep, affectionate kiss, his paws massaged her flanks, making her tail tap lively against the bed in happiness
They eventually pulled back, even though their tongues no longer struggled in passionate hugs, their staring at each other eyes were still locked in a fight, trying to decide who loves who the most.
It was always a tie.
"Amela was right" she cooed, rubbing her mate's cheeks with a simply breathtaking, charmed expression
He couldn't move his eyes away from her, neither his paws seemed to get enough of her scales, caressing the soft scales up and down unendingly.
"What about?" he asked, even though his beating heart already knew that the answer was about him
He never felt so completed and triumphant before.
"Dreams do come true" she leaned forward, pressing her head against his, rubbing her tattooed head into his as if it would be the ideal cushion "Thank you for sticking up with me"
He purred, nuzzling his mate affectionately, it was uncalled for, he never asked her to say things like that, aware that to Cynder their relationship is more than hormones and love alone. Due to her past their bond is her entire life, after all as wrong as it may sound, it was with the chain around her neck tied to him when she started truly living again.
Her passion for their closeness and her gratefulness wafting from it was humbling.
After all he promised her that he will make her dreams come true.
"I will always be here for you"
Cynder smiled.
"And I would adorn your scales with my thanks if my lips wouldn't be so dry" she chuckled "Barely can find the spit to moist my tongue"
He swallowed, feeling dry as well, he too could use a drink, not to mention that the perspective of spending some more time with Cynder was really enticing.
"Stay here" he gently pushed her back on the bed, giving her neck a playfully nip
She giggled, arching her back as she clasped her paws on the back of his head.
"I will get us something to drink, don't move okay?" he purred, nipping her throat again
"Promise!" she squealed pulling him up by the horns before kissing him with the remnants of her vigor
He grinned when their lips parted, Cynder falling numbly onto the sheets as Spyro pulled himself from the bed. Her dreamy sight ventured to the window, where a calm day was shining upon the world, never before the sight of clear sky was so beautiful.
So peaceful.
Peace, no wonder Coriza is willing to chase it, if that would mean she could wake up to more days like this than she would gladly become the cleric's assistant.
Spyro gazed back on his mate as he approached the door, smiling to himself, noting with great satisfaction just how cutely relaxed she looked. She was stretched across the bed, lying on her back, both forepaws resting on top of her slowly rising chest while the head was directed at the window, her glistening, green eyes sparkling like two real emeralds as she dreamily observed the world outside.
He could only wonder what was going on in her head right now, but nevertheless he felt that pursuing his curiosity is the wrong decision here, there are hardly times where Cynder especially could feel any sense of safety that only a home can provide.
There was no way he was going to take it away from her just to satisfy his desires.
He basically snuck the rest of the way to the door, quietly placing his paws as to not disturb his mate, even his press on the handle was barely noticeable. He opened the door as delicately as he could, passing the doorstep with basically no sound, sliding through like a snake.
Only when half of his body was in the corridor he decided to finally give his surroundings a careful examination.
"Why are you sneaking like that?"
The familiar, masculine voice gave him a heart attack, it was the voice of someone he knew from birth.
"Sparx!" he squealed like a slaughtered animal
Cynder's eyes shot wide open, bolt of freezing chill snatching her spine, making every toe and claw stand on end.
"I didn't see you there buddy!" Spyro cried out through terribly faked laughter "What a nice surprise!"
Sparx frowned, making his way towards the door, observing his weirdly acting brother while tapping his forehead.
"Everything good going on in there man?"
"Perfect!" the dragon sprang up the moment his brother was making a turn towards the door,, slamming his forepaws into the door frame he climbed up stretching as far as he could while spreading his wings, every paw moving hectically, blocking as much view as possible.
Sparx shook his head, dropping down to push through only to find a purple leg springing in his path to stop his advance. The same situation repeated itself two more times until he eventually pushed back, body bursting with intense light.
"Bro! Move your fat ass! You're blocking the way!"
"Sorry!" Spyro let out a prolonged yawn, his voice dampening into an echo "Can't help it, just woke up, give me a sec"
Second passed and his brother didn't seem to be going anywhere anytime soon, which wouldn't be much of an issue, but this erotic dance of his was kinda gross.
"Whatever dude" he flew up, tugging at the small windowed entrance above the door that was specially constructed for dragonflies to fit through
It was locked.
"You locked this thing?" he groaned, trying to open the entrance to no avail
"Oh yeah" Spyro rubbed the back of his head, chuckling nervously "I needed a nap and didn't want anyone to bother me"
"Oh really?" the dragonfly folded his arms, giving the drake a stern glare "Did you already forget that I sleep here too dude?. This is how you treat your only brother?"
"I didn't forget!" purple paw made deep, focused scratches on the scaly neckline, amethyst eyes darting everywhere, yet never focusing on the dragonfly in front "I just thought you won't be coming so soon... I mean you spend so much time with Coriza lately that-"
"Okay man, spill it out" Sparx clapped his hands
Spyro gulped, freezing on the spot, turning towards his brother shyly.
The dragonfly leaned forward with a focused glare, pressing his finger against the tip of the purple nose.
"What's going on here?"
"Nothing!" the purple wings fluttered to block more space "I just woke up and you came along!"
"Yeah and that's why you're jumpy like a drunk cheetah. Not buying it dude, so as long as you didn't poop in bed I'm going in"
"This is definitely what happened! I pooped myself" he shook his paw in front of his nose, pretending to be smelling something bad "Don't get in there, it's really bad"
Spyro was a terrible liar, he couldn't do it and now was no different, in fact the longer he was coming up with stupid excuses the more it made Sparx want to go inside. Besides he really wanted to talk to Spyro anyway about serious stuff, having a little distraction from it all is more than welcome.
Also getting the chance to poke his brother a little is a nice far cry to days long gone.
Everyone needs a little reset every now and then.
"I see, so that explains this black thing around your left back paw"
"What black thing?" despite his better judgment he looked down, the moment his head dropped he began cursing his stupidity, there was nothing on his paw, it was all a trick
If Sparx wouldn't use the word black, a color that he had all over him in the last hour or two, he would never look down.
His brother took advantage of his confusion immediately, dashing through the opening between his upper paws, slipping past before Spyro managed to block him.
"Hah! Victory!" Sparx exclaimed triumphantly
He however didn't share his enthusiasm, throwing his body into a spin when he felt his heart getting stuck in his throat.
"This is not how it looks like!" he blurted out immediately, even before his eyes managed to take in the whole room he already saw Cynder sprawled on the ruined bed, her tired and rested relaxed in the afterglow self all the evidence needed to tell what they were doing here not so long ago
He inhaled deeply to yell another pitiful excuse that in the end would make the situation even worse, yet the breath he accumulated only squeezed his throat when his eyes landed on the bed.
The empty bed.
Cynder was nowhere to be seen.
He had to desperately fight back the urge to bend down and look under the bed to check if she hid there like he did when Amela barged in when he was cuddling with his mate.
"What on the Ancestor's name Spyro?!" Sparx whined, making rounds near the bed frame, pulling out a nail from the wall that was so bent that it resembled a weakened spine of the elderly
Oh yes, the painting that fell down, one of the many things that they dropped most likely, he wasn't sure but he believed that he also kicked down some books from the nightstands.
"You don't like people giving you stuff for free?" Sparx flung the painting away, making it crash over the bed "What would mom say?"
"That I'm not appreciating what I have"
"That you are not appreciating what you have" he darted towards the purple snout, making Spyro jerk his head back when a yellow finger shot forward, Sparx expression turning wrathful
"If you did something with my spot dude you better keep your head down or there will be more things flying!"
Sparx dashed near the ceiling, towards his resting spot he called nest, it was exactly as he left it, or so he thought, its been a while since he spent a night here.
"You're lucky man, you're spared my awesome wrath"
While his brother was busy throwing a fit up there he decided to give the room a quick once over, Cynder vanished, but that didn't mean that she didn't left anything behind, unfortunately she did, both of them, the thrown about sheets and general mess all around clearly showed that some sort of havoc ran through this place.
"So bro" Sparx grinned as he flew down "Wanna tell me what got you so railed up?"
Spyro tapped his fangs against his flicking tongue, causing himself pain just to distract his subconscious from blushing.
"Nothing. I was just thinking and messing around"
"Messing around hmmm?" he made circles around the purple head, lying on his back as he hovered in the air, relaxed and smirking
"Yes and you were not supposed to see it, I would clean it all up"
"Bad plan my man, I nap here too"
"Come on, out of the two of us I'm the one who spends more time here, you're almost never here and now you just showed up and caught after I made a mess" Spyro waved around the room dismissively "And this is nothing, there were times I did worse"
"So you can't handle stress and take it all out on poor furniture? Come on bro, since when you let it all get to you?"
"A while now, something you would know if we spent more time together like before"
Sparx stopped suddenly, his eyes widening, growing while the glow surrounding his body started to dim down, making him look way smaller with each fading stream of light. He did not even realize when he lifted himself from his comfortable, cocky position, the words pulling him up into a straight pose like the strongest rope.
Nothing remained of his maliciously triumphant smirk either, his expression morphing into a sour, serious line more suitable for a cemetery visit than a casual day with family.
It seems like his brother is far more clever than he is willing to admit, guess they are right when they say that siblings share some kind of telepathic bond where one knows what the other wants to say, or is currently thinking.
And Spyro guessed correctly his worries.
Something that the purple dragon noticed as well, while he did not know what was eating his brother, he felt in his heart that he accidently struck a nerve. Family matters, especially those he was responsible for, always made him feel like dirt.
"I'm sorry Sparx, I didn't mean anything wrong by it, you're a good brother"
The dragonfly sighed, his eyes dropping, arms wanted to follow but even though that his shoulders hurt from the strain he managed to keep them firm and aloft, seemingly confident. No matter the situation he had to keep the mask on, this was his job in this relationship, the pretense of having everything under control was always one of the details why their duo worked so good.
"Nah, you're right bro" Sparx' sighed, his lowered gaze aiming at the ground, near the bed, by accident noticing something silvery reflecting his light
His mouth twitched into a small smile when he recognized the object lying under the bed, if he wouldn't do that then he did not deserve the title of the annoying sidekick at all.
It was a silver choker and there was only one dragoness who he considered family to wear something like that.
His sister spent time here with her brother.
It sounded so wrong, but at the same time had so much annoying potential, if only he wouldn't be so downtrodden by things slipping past his fingers then he would thrive in their brotherly relationship he loved so much.
But things turned out differently, he got shackled to Coriza only to realize that as much as wonderful she is she wasn't Spyro and he was only a small dragonfly incapable of world shaking deeds.
His smile faded, he desperately needed to find purpose again, to feel worthwhile or there won't be anything left for him to see. Everything will simply be too big for him to handle, he needed a willing mount to grasp the events of the world, otherwise he will miss too much.
Like the fact that Spyro and Cynder are mates now.
"I've missed so much stuff"
He raised his gaze from the bracelet, acting as if it was never there, he looked through the balcony door, in the face of the fading sun he could see the reflection of his disappointed parents. Each day they told him to watch over his brother, back then it was infuriating, youth doesn't like chores, especially if they are made of something like boring babysitting.
Even though he hated it, pulling pranks against Spyro over and over again his parents weren't mad, they yelled at him of course, but in the end he watched over his brother, just as they wanted.
Back then he was oblivious to the fact that his parents weren't favoring Spyro, from the very beginning they latched something invisible against their necks, like a necklace Malefor created later. It took him years to realize that this was not a chore or punishment, they needed each other, after all it was their combined efforts who put Spyro on the path of saving the world.
He sighed, nodding at the reflection of his parents, acknowledging their worries.
"I'm always here Sparx, you just need to ask" Spyro comforted his sibling
Asking was exactly the problem, back in the good old days there was no need for questions.
"We need to go on an adventure bro" he spun around, putting up his mask, folding arms in fake confidence on his chest, his body bursting with a fresh light that cleared off the wrinkles of worry from his face
"Kick some asses, get some nice praise, the usual stuff you know? So what's the plan bro? Where are we going next?"
That was a little sudden, his paw automatically rose to rub the back of his head, impulsively trying to restart the brain that lately thought about nothing else but Cynder and the desire to stay in one place with her. Still the rubbing worked it called out the plans like a warm hand does a djinn from a lamp.
Wishes or not, his heart had its duties, especially important were those which were carved with the power of promise.
"When Iris gets better we are taking her to the portal, I'll try to bring us back in time to find her mom"
"Really?" Sparx cocked his head "You wanna help that broad?"
"I know how it looks, I'm stupid I know, I shouldn't be doing it after everything she had done to Cynder, but" he shrugged "I don't know...I just feel I need to do it"
"Hey dude, whatever floats your boat, I'm game" the dragonfly dashed down, giving his brother a cocky poke with a shoulder "That's why I must go with you this time, you can't lose a crazy chick like that from your eyes" he threw a quick, meaningful glance at the bed "Yours are too busy with something else" the last sentence left his throat in the form of a whisper, some secrets are better left to be revealed by the one who created them
Besides this will be his personal milestone, the moment Spyro reveals his relationship with Cynder he will know that everything returned to normal.
He tasted the other spectrum far too much already.
Spyro rubbed his leg anxiously, Sparx' unexpected enthusiasm was unnerving, he did not show such eagerness in a while now.
"Are you sure? Don't get me wrong I'm glad you want to have my back and all, but aren't you afraid of leaving Coriza alone?"
Of course he was. But he was also aware of the fact that there is not much he can do to change that. This city is on the verge of going berserk, Brill was nuts and his insanity was holding a grip over the attitude of the people tending to him almost to the point of some cult.
Of he wants to hold onto the father that keep Coriza's fate under his control he needs to travel to unknown places, learn some new tricks and gather information and who knows, maybe there is something out there somewhere that might give a dragonfly like him some real powers.
"She can take care of herself, she killed the crystal, remember?" Sparx explained his reasoning, spreading his arms in a gesture of indifference like his usual self
Yet it couldn't fool Spyro who was used to his brother's indifference, he could clearly tell it was fake, doubt was present in that voice and Sparx was simply avoiding voicing his true thoughts. It was always so irritating to pull his tongue.
"She had help"
Sparx' burst with a brighter glob of light that quickly died down as swiftly as it appeared.
Spyro gulped, realizing that this tongue pulling was sometimes also very dangerous. That flash was a clear sign of a touched nerve.
The dragonfly's teeth scratched against the lips so harshly that they tore pieces of flesh from them.
She had help.
But it was not him who helped her you ignorant fool.
"Whatever man" Sparx hissed finally, the sharp sound that he made the purple dragon jerk his head back when the breath that hit him in the nose basically stung him
"Besides, can't you see what's going on here?" the glowing orb lifted itself near the ceiling, yellow arms spreading widely "People are getting restless, the longer we stay here the more we provoke them. We must get out of here, give them a breather, just don't forget to tug Cyn by the tail too"
"What do you mean? I didn't see anything special, I mean some people were more itchy than the others, but nothing out of the ordinary"
Of course you didn't see anything, from the way it looks you were too busy groping the ass that causes all this fuss.
"Trust me bro" Sparx noted confidently "If we won't get out of here soon we will feel how it is to swim in filth. If the people won't snap by themselves than that crazy mole priest will lose the rest of his sanity and call a purge or something"
"Is Brill really in such a bad state?"
"Man, imagine Brill being the same thing that we are for the Atlawa, just give the lamas Cyril's personality" he snapped his fingers "Boom. Malefor doesn't sound so bad anymore. It's bad bro and if we won't move our asses it will get only worse"
Spyro scratched his head in thought, Sparx was acting really strange, there was for sure more going on with him then he was letting on, nevertheless he had no reason to doubt his instinct. Out of the two of them it was always his brother who had better perspective on ongoing stuff"
"Fine, we'll go when Iris will get better"
"Perfect" yellow hands clapped, room flashing gold when the body to which they were attached to pulsed brighter
Sparx dashed towards the opening in the door.
"Just don't forget to snatch Cynder from the balcony"
The purple dragon balked, his heart stopped its beating track, tail momentarily stood on end, stretching and freezing like a board.
"Cynder is not here!" he cried out, eyes darting towards the balcony door, only to find them closed and empty
His eyes widened, only then he realized just how big of an idiot he is, panicking like that surely doesn't draw attention, especially when it comes to Sparx. There were bigger chances that his brother would believe that he once again believed to be a dragonfly than to believe that his purple butt was alone in this room.
"It was a joke dude, why the stress? Is Cynder here with you or what?"
"Cynder? With me?" Spyro laughed, shaking his head, beads of sweat trickled down his forehead as he faked a very weak grin "Of course not!"
Sparx rubbed his face to hide the smirk that stretched his lips, he quickly recovered from this brief moment of uncontrollable satisfaction why he wasn't really in the taunting mood it still felt cool to see Spyro nervous, especially when the effect was not intentional.
"Whatever man, just keep me in the loop. See ya!" the dragonfly dashed through the opening in the door
Spyro stood motionless for a while, his heart racing, pounding against the chest so strongly that he felt his lips pulsing. The dread of the moment passed soon however, dispersed by shivers running along his whole body.
He squeaked when the chill brought him back to his senses, his head turning towards the balcony door. He swallowed, a thought crossed his mind, as chaotic as this meeting with Sparx.
Was Cynder really out there?
It was nonsense, it was like telling your parents when you are young that there is a monster in your closet. It was simply improbable that something as silly as this could be real.
But then again he did hide under the bed from Amela.
What the hell.
He made his way to the glassy door, he opened the lock, it put up some small resistance, enough to tell they nobody touched the handle in a while. Nevertheless he stuck his head through the opening, turning his head from left to right.
His eyes bulged, he couldn't believe what he was seeing.
"Cynder?" he squealed an incredulous whisper
His mate was lying on the balcony of her own room, pressed tightly against the ground to cover herself behind the railings as best as she could. She was so stretched out that she looked as if a golem would step on her and splatter her across the ground.
"Is he gone?" she whispered back, voice wavering with fear
"Yes" he felt sad for her, yet her childish dread was also humorous in its own special way, making him smile despite everything
"Were you on this balcony all this time?"
"Yes. I used my shadow powers to teleport here"
"Why didn't you teleport inside your room? Wouldn't it be safer there?"
Cynder turned her head towards the mentioned door, she gulped, her startled gaze staring at the glass as if seeing it for the very first time, completely unaware that it was always there.
"I don't know, I panicked"
Spyro snorted joyfully.
"You're safe now, Sparx' gone"
"Does he suspect anything?"
"Got only the standard treatment, he didn't saw anything. I played it real cool" he grinned, teeth sparkling arrogantly
Cynder visibly relaxed, her flattened body rising, finally showing that there are bones under all those scales after all.
"Shit, how long we will have to hide still?"
"Probably for a while, Sparx is afraid that people are becoming nervous, they are looking for someone to blame, he said it would be better if we disappeared for a while. Another timeline preferably"
"I'm not talking about some random folks. Sparx is your brother Spyro, don't you think he has the right to know? Amela knows, Coriza does too, what's the worst that can happen? I survived, you will too"
His head dropped down in shame, not for the fact that he kept his private affairs away from Sparx, but out of guilt that he too played a big part in the role of decadence of their brotherhood. While one might say that it is natural for such relationships to decay with maturity, it still felt horribly wrong to keep such a secret from a creature that he shared the world with. Sparx was one of the first alive creatures he saw when he opened his eyes for the first time in his life.
That alone demanded some sort of obligation.
"You're right. I will tell him when I get the chance, if what Sparx said is true then trust is the thing we need the most right now"
Cynder smiled.
"Sweet" she lifted herself up, looking over her body "I'm starting to develop burn marks from all this floor kissing"
Spyro chuckled.
"Comfort among friends, check. Any other wishes madam?"
She inhaled deeply, looking around the world and the fading sun behind the horizon. From up above, far away from people, where the closest inhabitant of Warfang was the size of a bird soaring across the sky, it all seemed perfect, calm and peaceful.
Both of those things her entire existence lacked most of the time and the scraps she manages to get hold of, as beautiful as they are, are only temporary moments of relief.
And breathing on temporary doses of relief will quickly turn into torture, just like her desire for people to leave her alone after Spyro kicked her ass.
This was not about temporary fixes, this was about consistency, preferably calm consistency, just like this sunset.
"Comfort alone will do" Cynder whispered into the slightly chilly air, her voice vibrating over the wind like a bird's song
Spyro followed its trail, listening closely for Fate's return call.
It offered nothing but silence in return.