The Storm(Chapter 3)

Story by Nicole Badger on SoFurry

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Three months later, dark clouds had formed over the island. Penguins and puffles, making their way to safety, glanced upward anxiously as heavy drops of rain began to fall. It was with quickened steps that they hurried to find their assigned tents, while those who were staying with friends that fortunately lived safely inland or in the mountains quickly hurried inside, casting nervous looks to the heavens as a violent burst of lightning split the sky. High up in the mountains, the Sensei stood at the top step of the stairs carved into the mountainside, his dark grey robes flapping in the wind, silent and wise as he gazed over the island and its stormy seas. Penguins who saw him, looked on and were reassured. If the Sensei could stand there steady as a rock against this disaster, then surely all would be all right, no matter what happened.

Safe in an observatory in the mountains, Gary and his researchers were carefully monitoring the storm and ocean activity with the help of a large satellite.

"Storm's getting stronger," Gary told the group. "The tsunami will strike within the hour."

No one said much. In her seat by the window, Dot gazed out at the stormy skies and suppressed a shudder. Across from her, Rookie was also looking out of the window, nervously biting the inside of his lip.

Neither Jet Pack Guy or Ace had returned yet, having been sent out with several teams to assist any remaining penguins in getting to safety.

The rain was falling harder now, coming down in ice-cold sheets that stung the face like needles. Penguins huddling together in their campsites and cabins hugged one another and their puffles as rain pounded the walls of their homes and tents. No one on the island was saying much. All were thinking of loved ones and relatives, hoping that all were safe.

"I'm sure they're all right," Dot said. "Ace and- and everyone. I'm sure they're all going to be all right. Won't they?" she asked, looking hopefully at the others.

"Yeah, they're fine!" Rookie said. His voice was high and tight with suppressed emotion. "Guy and Ace can handle anything! Just you wait and see! I'll bet they'll come walking through that door any moment now!"

But they didn't. Minutes stretched onward, and still neither Ace nor Jet Pack Guy had returned. Eventually, Rookie's nerves got the better of him and he stood up, pulling on the thick white parka he'd brought with him over his red Hawaiian shirt and swapping his red sunglasses for a pair of snow goggles.

"Rookie, what do you think you're doing?" Aunt Arctic said.

Rookie paused, and seemed to be struggling to find the right words without upsetting his boss. Eventually he decided to just give it to the group straight.

"I'm going to find Ace and Guy," he said.

"No. No, you won't," said Aunt Arctic firmly. Then when Rookie opened his mouth to argue she said "It's too dangerous to go without a partner. I'm going with you."

"Are you sure that's a good idea?" Gary said hesitantly.

"Absolutely," said Aunt Arctic. "There's no way I'm sitting on my tail feathers when there's a chance my agents could be in danger. Ace wouldn't hesitate to help us when we needed it. I couldn't call myself Director if I wasn't willing to do the same for him now."

"I'm going too," said Dot. "If Ace needs help, I want to be there for him too."

"Then it's settled," said Aunt Arctic as she and Dot pulled on their protective winter gear. "Gary, stay here and keep monitoring the storm. Inform me immediately when the storm is at its most dangerous."

Gary nodded. Raising a flipper to the side of his face, he saluted his team as they did the same.

"Good luck to all of you," he said.

Then Aunt Arctic smiled at him and was gone, heading out into the merciless night with Dot and Rookie close behind. Gary stood in the doorway, watching them as they grew farther away before vanishing completely from his sight. With a heavy heart he went back to monitor the storm, praying that his friends would return safely.

"Finally got the drop on you, didn't I, Ace?"

Bound and sitting on the ground, Ace grimaced at Herbert P. Bear, his old foe.

"Herbert," he said, wincing from the pain of being struck on the head. "What are you doing? Don't you know there's a storm coming?"

Herbert snarled. "Of course I know that you fowl fool! It's the perfect opportunity to get rid of your Elite Pest Formation for good!"

"Wow," Jet Pack Guy said with cold sarcasm. "That's your plan? And here I used to think you only looked stupid. Now we have undeniable proof that you're severely lacking in brains. OOF!"

He grunted in pain as Herbert punched him squarely in the jaw.

"Oops," Herbert sneered. "Sorry. I just find your puny slights on my incredible intelligence rather irritating."

Jet Pack Guy tasted blood in his mouth and spat it out, glaring at the polar bear.

"The feeling is mutual. Also, I know girls who can throw a punch better than that."

Herbert growled.

While Jet Pack Guy was distracting Herbert with his insults, Ace had spotted Aunt Arctic, Dot, Rookie and rest of their team members and the other agent groups a few yards away. They were staying hidden behind the trees, but it was clear that they were slowly spreading out to cut off all escape routes from the Dock. Ace made eye contact with Dot, and nodded to her. She smiled, and nodded back.

Jet Pack Guy still had Herbert distracted, and Ace had almost managed to free one of his arms from the ropes tying him up. But suddenly Herbert's eyes were on him again, so he stopped.

"And what do you think you're up to?" Herbert snarled at him.

Seizing the ropes holding Ace in one massive paw, Herbert lifted Ace into the air, his eyes narrowing with anger. "Trying to wriggle free are you? Well guess what? You won't be escaping that easily! Any last words, Ace, before I tear you to pieces?"

Glancing over Herbert's shoulder, Ace could see that the EPF was now ready to attack. Jet Pack Guy must have seen them too, because he had gone completely silent and still. Looking back to Herbert, Ace grinned.

"Nope! Now...let's dance!"

Driving his foot hard into Herbert's throat, Ace cause the bear stagger backward and drop him. Ace rolled to his feet as twenty-four agents dashed passed him, all of them moving in to attack Herbert and bring him down. Lightning split the sky and thunder roared as the penguins fought Herbert in driving rain, but his strength was greater than theirs, and he was able to hold his own against them. Then, as Ace was about to attempt another attack, he saw in Herbert's neck fur a thing that made his blood run cold: A Card-Jitsu Ninja amulet.

"Stop!" he yelled, but it was useless.

No one could hear him over the shrieking wind or driving rain, and so they had no warning for what came next. Herbert unleashed a column of flames straight at the agents- it was only by sheer luck that they escaped death by darting away from the flames, but Herbert had succeeded in what he aimed to do. With the agents scattered, he made a wild dash for the safety of the trees and was gone within moments.

"See you later, Endlessly Pathetic Failures!"

"DAMN IT, HERBERT!" Ace yelled after him. "YOU COWARD!!!"

He was about to chase Herbert down, but Aunt Arctic grabbed his shoulder and held him back.

"No Ace!" she said. "We can't go after him, the tsunami is coming! Come on! We need to get to higher ground now!" Reluctantly, Ace joined the other agents in their mad dash back up to the the safety of the mountains.

The Storm(Chapter 2)

The following day, Aunt Arctic called a press conference at the Club Penguin Times to inform the island of the coming disaster. Within hours of its announcement, reporters and concerned citizens had crammed themselves into the Coffee Shop. The...

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The Storm (Chapter 1)

On the morning of January 30th, 2017, EPF scientist and inventor Gary the Gadget Guy was on his way to his lab, ready to begin another day of experiments and inventing. As he entered the Everyday Phoning Facility, he was distracted from his thoughts...

A Date With Rookie

On the morning of February 14th, 2022, Jet Pack Guy was jolted awake in the wee hours of dawn by the sound of his alarm clock beeping. Groggily he rolled over in his bed, and punched the Snooze setting to shut off the noise. Stifling a...

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