Rexville 16: Online Tournament Part 2

Story by IslanderWave360 on SoFurry

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#20 of Rexville

Chapter 16 of Rexville series, and part 2 of the Online Tournament.

NOTICE: In this version, while clean, there is a small/light NSFW moment in the end of the chapter as part of the plot/story so be warned. The explicit version will be, as always, published separately.

Chapter 16: Online Tournament Part 2

Keanu and Hunter raced through the six world cups out of ten: Jade Cup, Pearl Cup, Sapphire Cup, Emerald Cup, Amethyst Cup, and finally the Diamond Cup.

Arctic Prince and Mount Fenrir faced so much during the tournament; every racetrack posed a different challenge. They rode giant waves off the coast of Hawaii, explored the wild jungle of the Amazonia, avoided booby traps in a Mayan temple, sliding through the Alps in Switzerland, drifting the snaky curves in Amalfi Coast, Italy, and cannoned a thousand feet in the air from a volcano in Reykjavik.

Not all the time would Keanu and Hunter win First place in every race, they had occasionally lost by their rivals but fought them back again in the next race. Both were very skilled, but the other players online proved to be a real challenge.

The result so far, in order, the Jade Cup was won by Broderick and Xavier. The Pearl Cup was gladly won by Keanu and Hunter, showing their potential. The Sapphire Cup was won by Jack and Crystal, Hunter almost had them, but lost. The Emerald Cup, once again, was won by Jack and Crystal, leading ahead from Broderick and Xavier. And the most recent, the Amethyst Cup was won by Broderick and Xavier, leaving them in a tensing tiebreaker.

Finally, the Diamond Cup, the tournament had always saved it for last as being the hardest cup of all ten.

"Oh, Hunter, this is it, five more races to go," Keanu said and drank a bottle of water.

"These are the hardest ones, so get ready, let's show them what we got," Hunter said.

"Good luck," teased Broderick, "we have two cups and you both only have one~."

"You should be worried," Hunter warned, "because Jack and Crystal have two cups, and they can take your championship before you know it."

"Better start praying, Antler Shock," Jack teased. "You're about to get owned."

"Can't wait to end this,"_Xavier muttered. _"And it's back to the covers."

The Diamond Cup turned into a fight for survival rather than seeking the championship, for Broderick and Jack, of course. Their rematch was so dominant in their minds that Xavier could not keep up with Broderick's gaming behavior.

"After this, Broderick,"_said Xavier, _"you need to take a week off from playing this game, okay?"

Keanu and Hunter cruised through the giant valleys of the Grand Canyon, ice-skated the Alaskan mountains, sailed through the hot climate of the Sahara Desert, and journeyed the cooled, tropical climate of Florida Keys from Miami to Key West.

At last, the final race; Aurora Nights, a phenomenon-looking track where racers would ride through the northern lights.

"I really love this racetrack," said Keanu, "it's so beautiful, but it's so hard."

"I never played this racetrack before, Keanu," Hunter confessed.


"I only play it with my brother whenever I'm free."

"Well, I guess it's up to me then," Keanu determinedly said.

"Don't worry, I'll do my best," Hunter assured him.

"You know we have no chances of winning, right? We don't have enough score to win, Jack and Broderick are on the winning streak, either of them will win."

"Then we'll die of trying."

The race initiated its countdown. "5... 4... 3... 2... 1... GO!"

Arctic Prince and Mount Fenrir crossed the starting line, hopping on their boards, and slid through the mystical road. Awed with its constellations and the changing colors on the road. Keanu and Hunter could not glance and appreciate the beauty of the track, they were facing serious rivals on their path.

Arctic Prince picked an item and got a Speed Booster in Seventh place, he did not hesitate to use it and pressed the button, reaching 300 miles per hour.

Mount Fenrir failed to pick an item and relied on riding behind other riders' slipstream.

No one spoke during the final race, only a few swearing and shouting when attacked by an opponent.

They crossed the spiraling loop, the giant ramp about the height of the Eiffel Tower, and the roulette three-way path, Arctic Prince and Mount Fenrir reached Second and First place, respectively by the second lap.

"Wow, we're going well!" said Keanu, his hands were trembling at how far they were. But he spoke too soon, a warning detector alerted him from behind an incoming First Place Rocket, aiming at Hunter. "Hunter, watch out!"

"I know, I know! I have the Sound Wave!" Hunter said. He got earlier the Sound Wave item that could knock off other players by its shockwave and so as any obstacles attempting to strike him.

"Hunter, wait!" Keanu cried.

It worked like charm and the missile blew up without harm, except...

"Damn it! Sorry, Keanu!" Hunter frowned apologetically at his mistake.

Arctic Prince was caught in the blast by the Sound Wave and spun out of control, letting being passed by other players and fell into Twelfth place.

Mount Fenrir remained in First place, but Arctic Prince needed to recover quickly, or he and Mount Fenrir would eventually lose together.

It was now the final lap; Mount Fenrir was still in the lead. Arctic Prince needed a miracle to win the final race. He picked the item box and got another Speed Booster, rocketed through 300 miles per hour, passing two unfamiliar opponents in Tenth place.

After passing a spiraling loop, he shoved one inexperienced player, plunging her out of bounds. Then met with Viking Glacier ahead who had launched a Stun Gun at another opponent, Arctic Prince picked an item and waited for his next attack.

He got the Oil Block, he sniped it at her and she slid off course, hearing her frustration as she plunged into the atmosphere. She would respawn soon.

Now in Sixth place, Arctic Prince sighted Island Cruiser ahead with another opponent as they climbed the tall ramp. The ramp had speed accelerators on the ground to gain momentum when climbing the apex of the ramp. They flew up in the air, performing tricks before landing the other side of the ramp, cruising downhill at 400 miles per hour until they reached an even level. Arctic Prince sped up behind Island Cruiser's slipstream, now fully charged with air-fuel, he boosted at 200 miles, finally passing Xavier's position and took an item box.

He got the First Place Rocket, Keanu gasped excitedly at Hunter, but Mount Fenrir told him not to as he was still in First place. Arctic Prince had to hold it for the right moment. If Fenrir took the breaks, it was a major red flag for those behind him for an incoming rocket, and would lose his position if he did so to attack the already behind opponents.

Arctic Prince had to race without the help of items. While in Fifth place, an opponent in front of him left a puddle of oil on the track, Arctic Prince jumped over it with a full 360 horizontal spin, following the eagle-man's slipstream.

He was making progress. The five players crossed the infamous three-way roulette path, it was very unpredictable as the tournament's choice of cups, every lap was different from the last, and only one was the shortest.

"You pick left, and I pick right, okay?" Hunter ordered.

Arctic Prince nodded, the eagle-man chose the center and he turned to the left, meeting the bright portals ahead.

The results, as expected, were not so much, but Keanu found himself in Fourth place and saw who was now in First place, Antler Shock. Fenrir was in Third and Ice Master in Second.

The finish line was kilometers ahead, and Arctic Prince had to act fast.

"Keanu, this is it, do it!" Hunter said.

Keanu did not dare to close his eyes, or he would miss it and pressed the button to launch the rocket...

Antler Shock and Ice Master were close side-by-side, gliding for the finish line. Their obstacle detectors warned them, Ice Master veered away from it, and Antler Shock was freaking out loud to everyone's headsets.


Ice Master avoided the blast and crossed the finish line. Jack howled in victory.

Arctic Prince and Mount Fenrir passed the limping Antler Shock, and both crossed the line, winning Second and Third place respectably.

Keanu and Hunter high-fived each other with ecstatic smiles.

Antler shock recovered but was passed by the eagle-man and Viking Glacier, claiming Fourth and Fifth place respectably.

_"Xavier, where are you!?"_cried Broderick as he finally crossed the checkered line, claiming Sixth place.

_"Don't bother, I fucked up,"_said Xavier, coming in Eight place.

"You know what this means?"

"That we lost in Second place?" Xavier yawned, not giving a flying hell. He just wanted to go to bed so badly.

"No, it's worse than that, we lost the Super Slider 3000!"

"...Mámame el bicho..." Xavier incredulously said, despite he had to endure Broderick's behavior, he really wanted that special board.

"Hey, what did he say?"_Jack confusedly said. _"Mama-what?"

"So, what did we won?" Xavier asked.

"Just 1,000 in-game credits."

Xavier blew a raspberry. "Que porquería..."

_"Huh? What he's saying?"_Jack continued.

"I don't know," said Crystal,"the former was something about... suck his bug...?"

Keanu and Hunter heard the parrot's voice exploding into laughter in the other line and signed off.

The results came in with an award ceremony cut scene, showing the three teams who won the tournament; Ice Master and Viking Glacier stood on the First-place podium, waving at the cheering audience. Antler Shock and Island Cruiser stood on the Second-place stage, and Arctic Prince and Mount Fenrir on the Third stage. It ended with fighter jets flying over the stadium and fireworks at night with an outstanding ovation from the crowd.

The game ended, Hunter and Keanu signed off and changed something to watch on tv, and both ate and drank their small buffet table on the coffee table.

"So, how was it?" Hunter said.

Keanu smiled satisfyingly. "At least we beat Broderick."

Hunter laughed. "Yeah, we sure did... was it for the other day how treated you when he challenged you to race?"

"I guess, but I didn't think much of it when playing, I was having fun kicking his ass."

"Hey, you said ass!"

"Oh, fudge, I did," Keanu laughed. "But thanks for coming, Hunter. I really had fun tonight."

"No problem, we can do it again if you like, of course, a different kind of game."

"Sure, I have plenty of games we can play together," Keanu's petted his tail on his lap silently with his hand. "Having you here is like having a brother, you know?" he blushed.

"Really?" Hunter looked at him with a kind smile, he knew how he felt about being the only child in the family when he first hung out. Hunter really needed to reevaluate his family, especially his brother Rylan.

Keanu nodded meekly with a smile. "I really like this town, Hunter. I don't know what it would be if I didn't meet you."

Hunter scooted closer confidently with the same comforting smile Keanu liked, placing his right hand on his left shoulder. "Well... don't think on what could have been, Keanu," Hunter tried to find the words as he looked at him in the eye, those gray, glimmering eyes of his. "It happened and that's what matters, right?"

Keanu nodded and yawned, covering his mouth with a fist. "What time is it?" he leaned at the clock in the kitchen, ten in the evening. "Don't you have a curfew?"

Hunter shook his head. "Nah, my parents let me stay up to eleven when I go out."

"Oh, okay. So, are you going this Halloween weekend?" Keanu asked. "I thought of going there and see what it's like."

"Oh, that? Well, there's a contest where you have to solve a Clue game, the winner will win two tickets to Sunshine Park."

"Really? Where can I sign in?"

"This Monday, just write your name in a ballot box in the cafeteria," Hunter explained. "And don't forget your costume."

After he stayed a little longer and kept him company, Hunter bade him goodnight and headed back to his home apartment across the street with a wagging tail.

He opened the door of his house without problems and met his father alone in the living room, watching TV. "Hey, Dad."

The aging wolfman with wise-looking glasses turned at his eldest son coming back home. He came back home a few days ago after his investigation in Florida, looking exhausted and loosen up. Still wearing his NTSB jacket. "Hunter, welcome back, how was your night?" Dylan Montana smiled.

"It was great, Dad," Hunter yawned and stretched his arms. "Had fun at Keanu's house."


Hunter sat next to him on the couch. "Oh, you haven't met him, he lives across the street, I met him when the semester started, nice guy."

"New friend, I see, that's very usual of you, I know you tend to meet new people around and I'm very glad of that," he muted the TV and focused on his son. "Tell me, Hunter, did Rylan have given you a hard time while I was gone?"

Hunter's frowned, ears lowered, looked away, and sighed. "Yes, Dad..."

"The usual?"

"Yes, locking me outside every chance he gets," Hunter crossed his arms.

Dylan exasperated a whisper, almost bitter. "What are we going to do with him?"

"I don't know, Dad, this kind of stuff doesn't come out of nowhere."

"I know, son, there is always an origin of this. I personally believe something happened in high school and he never spoke of it."

Hunter thought of the only terrible thing that happened to Ryland in high school when he was a freshman in high school; Rylan's first girlfriend broke up with him, but Rylan got through it eventually. If it was not the breakup, then what was it? His friend's influences were thought to be a factor, but Hunter could scratch that since all of Rylan's friends were fine to him, especially Perry Brighton.

"But anyways, Hunter, why not go to bed and have some shut-eye, you're very tired. We'll figure it out soon enough, good night."

"Good night, Dad," Hunter stood up and walked to his bedroom.

His bedroom was messy, mostly around the small hamper in the corner where a couple of used clothes laid on the floor when Hunter mindlessly tossed a piece of cloth and missed. He had this room all to himself with a window view of the east side of the town and very spacious for one person, thanks to his Twin XL-sized bed in one corner against the wall made the center walkable.

He sighed tiredly as he took off his shoes and phone on the nightstand, he crossed his arms to lift off his green t-shirt that almost felt like second-skin, letting his muscled torso breathe, and threw the shirt at the full basket. He calmly unbuckled the belt, pulling the cotton strap, and hung it on the wall next to his jackets. He unbuttoned and unzipped, pulling down his cargo shorts, and threw them at the basket, it fell on the floor.

Only in his gray boxers, fitting well his well-formed thighs and hips, Hunter lay on his bed comfortably with hands behind his head and sighed at the ceiling.

His mind was still bothering him, but not much as before. When he hung out with Keanu, it helped him to calm down and think a few things through.

It was about Sol's prank; it was not properly discussed and very rough on the edges when Xavier told him directly what the prank was all about. Hunter wanted to discuss this with Sol if he wanted him to be in the prank, he should give him some conditions.

He picked his cellphone on the nightstand and called Sol, holding his phone on his right face.

Sol answered. "Hey, Hunter, what's up?" his voice sounded well, not very tired at this hour.

"Hey, Sol, about your prank, can we discuss it?"

"Oh! Yeah, of course!"_Sol sounded relief. _"I was worried you would reconsider it. Look, about earlier, Xavier made the conversation a little complicated, okay? I knew you wouldn't like the idea but let me tell you that the sex part was just an overstatement from him."

Hunter was relieved that it was an overstatement. "I see, but you still said that I must do it and I honestly don't like the idea of it."

"Yeah, I know, but what I should have told you is that you don't have to do it all the way. So, tell me, Hunter, how do you want it to go?"

Hunter thought with fingers under his chin now that he had the liberty to give him his terms of conditions because Sol was afraid to lose his only tool to perform his prank.

"Umm, let's see..." Hunter thought. "Okay, first I want to hear from you about the crucial part, and that way I'll tell you what I think about."

"Oh! Well, you see, when either of you make the move, I assume you both be kissing or making out and unclothing each other. I know this is unpredictable, but the most important thing you should focus on is fore-playing him before falling on the bed and continue making out with him and that should be the signal for Natasha to burst through the door. She'll catch you two on the bed. See? You don't have to go all the way, Hunter."

"Well, I'm glad you have thought so much about it, but this all sounded so easy on paper, Sol. And like you said, sex is unpredictable, and what if Robin wants to do something else than what you have in mind? I mean what if he gives me a blowjob?"

"Well, do you want him to blow you?"

"Honestly, no."

"What!? Who rejects a blowjob!"

"Sol, be serious!"

"Okay, okay, but you know you have control, Hunter. Your body, your choice. You tend to be a bit passive when we did it last time. Oh! And about that, Robin is likely to be a bit dominant when he wants to be, he likes big submissive guys that switch roles vice versa."

"How do you know that?"

"I read his description profile on Grindr, that's how I found him," Sol stated. "I suggest you should lead him, so that way, you have steady control on him during foreplay. And try to enjoy it because if you don't, he will notice you're resisting, and he'll think you're not enjoying it."

"Right, I get it. I guess I should let him blow me then."

"See? We're getting there... Oh! If you still don't want him to, try to tease him by keeping his mouth away from your cock and tell him to save it for later. That's a dominant's job."

"That's perfect!"

"And let him touch you anywhere he can you can allow, even stroking your dick, it would keep him distracted, and buys you some time if things get slightly delayed."

"Delay? What do you mean?"

"Don't worry, Hunter, Natasha cleared her schedule to come to meet us at my dorm on Wednesday. Anything can happen, so be prepared, but everything's under control, buddy, so don't worry."

"Okay, now that is out of the way, how are you going to send the signal?"

"Natasha and I will be hiding somewhere in the building near my dorm, possibly the janitor's closet or something. To keep in touch, we will use our phones, you leave yours on speaker and place it on the nightstand, so we can hear you what's going on and that way we can tell when you both landed on the bed, it can creak loudly when you hard land on it. Remember; the bed creak is the signal."

"I see, but what if you guys spoke by accident and Robin hears it?"

"You know you can mute the speaker and still hear you," Sol remarked. "In fact, why not test it out, put it on speaker, mute it and speak."

Hunter pressed the speaker button and muted the receiver, Hunter spoke, "Testing, testing, can you hear me?"

Sol texted him, confirming it. Loud and clear, man.

Hunter placed back his phone on his ear. "I see, so you got it all planned out then. Well, I guess I got all my doubts out. Thanks for discussing, Sol."

"No, problem, man," he said. "Oh, hey, how was the tournament? Did you win?"

"No, we won third place."

"Did Broderick beat you?"

"No, he and Xavier got in second place, Keanu's cousins beat them once again."

"Cool! So, how was your date with Keanu?" he teased.

"It wasn't a date, Sol," Hunter rolled his eyes, "but I had fun tonight, though."

"Really? Did anything happen?"

"No," Hunter recalled the small moment they had earlier and how Keanu told him that having him around was like having a brother. The thought alone made his tail flickered between his legs.

"Nothing? Man, you're no fun, I know you're keeping it to yourself, Hunter, I know you."

"Yeah, yeah, I see you on Monday, Sol. Good night," Hunter hung up the phone and placed it on the nightstand, charging the battery.

Hunter turned off the light and settled on the bed, he was satisfied with his expectations regarding Sol's prank. He lay his head with his hands under his head and pillow and slowly fell asleep, chest slowly ascending and descending rhythmically. He wasn't cold or anything, the temperature inside his room was just right, and didn't need the blanket that was nicely folded on a chair neared him if he needed it.

Hunter was soundly asleep, and his mind was so clear from worries bothering him tonight. He could confidently recollect about today's event and thought about Keanu's feelings when he told him he liked him like a brother that he always wanted.

Hunter smiled subconsciously and dreamt...

The following day, Hunter took a shower. It was Sunday morning, so there was no rush. From Monday to Friday, despite there were three bathrooms in the house, Hunter had to let his young siblings shower first before him as his schedules were relaxed sometimes. On Mondays and Wednesdays, he would take classes at eight in the morning and hopped on the train at seven, arriving at the campus with thirty minutes to spare. He sometimes would skip shower or shower before bed for Monday, but that was up to Hunter to decide a proper morning routine. Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays were the only days he could relax because he only took classes at nine but still met with Keanu at the station at seven.

Hunter drenched his body, it was vaguely warm and soothing, he made sure the water covered every part of his furred body thoroughly. He used his hands to make sure the water reached deeper into his skin under his fur, feeling his pectorals and abdominals, and rubbing each of his arm muscles, he could vaguely still feel its strength, especially in the biceps and forearms. He then gently brushed his nether region, making sure every part of his body was wet thoroughly.

Hunter was done soaking and extended an arm for the body gel but was picked by a white arm. Hunter looked at the person who entered his shower, he didn't startle at the naked sight as if he vaguely expected him to come over. Keanu held the body gel bottle and poured it with the other hand without using a sponge ball that was hanging on the tiled wall.

Keanu looked at him with a calmed good morning smile and rubbed both his hands together with the gel, making foams and bubbles in the prosses, and placed them on Hunter's pecs. He caressed in circles as his chest was covered in soap. He stood a little higher to reach his shoulders to apply some. Keanu picked his right wrist with one hand and the other applying soap on the forearm and climbed up to his bicep and did the same with his left arm.

He was very gentle with care, Hunter assumed, but he could vaguely feel it.

He looked at Keanu somewhat blank but smiled at him subtly. Keanu continued, applying more soap on his washboard abs, his fingers vaguely brushed his contours, but Hunter thought nothing of it.

No words. Keanu leaned forward and sweetly kissed Hunter on the lips, Hunter's heart pumped faster, and cheeks flushed hotly. Hunter held the wolf with his arms and kissed him passionately inside the fogging shower. He vaguely felt it, but it was there, the warming sensation was there. It was different, but Hunter didn't think much about it, he was enjoying it, and he was going to--

Hunter popped his eyes wide opened and gasped, meeting the dark ceiling above him, and one tremendous sensation coming through his crotch--

Hunter exasperatedly groaned.

He reached for the box of tissues on the nightstand if he got a cold or... other necessaries whenever he was feeling it, but this wasn't the case, it came out of his control, literally. All thanks to his aroused brain.

He wiped his hands and picked up his phone, it was three in the morning. He stood from the bed and carefully removed his underwear, throwing it into the basket successfully this time, and walked to the bathroom to wash up and fetched a cleaned pair.

Hunter lay down on the bed and recollected the dream that led to his climax. His heart fluttered when it came to who it was in his dream, Keanu. He felt guilty and embarrassed. It came out of nowhere, which was how wet dreams worked, but Hunter honestly didn't mind it if nature took its course for a hands-free service. Of course, he had to endure the soiling of his undergarments and replace them which shortened his underwear supply, he now had four underwear left in the drawer for the week. He must wash his clothes tomorrow or... today this morning if he wanted to wear a Friday pair.

But, about Keanu? Hunter touched his lips, remembering the vague kiss he received from the arctic wolf, it felt so surreal. Hunter had to admit, Keanu was cute or kind of handsome, he knew he was gay, but he initially didn't do anything about it after Keanu came out to them. The following day, nothing really changed but Hunter talked personally with Keanu about his bold decision to come out to them. Likewise, Keanu knew Hunter's orientation too after his outing, and both had done nothing about it and continued as friends. And not that there wasn't a problem with that.

The time spent so far since the semester started, Hunter had grown to like the young wolf from Little Lake. He had an innocent-looking personality, and shy, but he had opened so much to him and his friends that he became part of the group.

He would meet Keanu during their normal routine as both wolves had to meet up in the station together morning and afternoon and ride to the campus together until finally separating to their respecting classes of today. In their free time, they would hang out at the cafeteria, a couple of times at Winters' Sun Café, helping each other's homework, hanging out, and had fun together until it was time to go back home and walked back together at the station to their homes across the street from each other.

During the past month and the current, they both enjoyed each other's company. But more than one month was not enough for Hunter to know well his little fellow neighbor across the street. Hunter wanted to know more about him and so as Keanu if he wanted to get to know him better. Hunter smiled at the thought and fell asleep.