Wolf Call, Wolf Cry, Wolf Shout

Story by EZRyder on SoFurry

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#2 of Personal Poetry

Creation Date: March 9, 2016

Under this silver moon so bright

There was a hope, a soul, a light

One so pure as life could be

Bright and full of so much glee

Life would taint and marr its light

Hurting, Burning, filling with blight

Only hope held on to life

Knowing of more than strife

For under this moon so bright

Twas a wolf of bright light

Soaring, diving, flying swift

Soul free above a body left adrift

Still the wolf would call to her

Two apart yet one whole in fur

Cry as she might, hope never relent

Tho her heart shouted with contempt

For two apart would once be whole

After darkness left its toll

For light never would go out

Always growing strength throughout

Under this silver moon so high

Followed by lights in the sky

Born a wolf upon this soil

Born a friend to whom I stay loyal.

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