The Switch

Story by EZRyder on SoFurry

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#2 of Warm-Up Pieces

Creation Date: October 17, 2012

It was one of those nights, when you knew the full moon was out but the clouds. Those dark clouds just wanted the sky for themselves, so you'd look up to see nothing but inky blackness staring back at you. See, this fox loved these nights more than the bright ones because on these night its body would change. Now, don't go assuming the fox some kind of were or anything of those things, no. This one, what changed on these dark nights was its gender. Having lived with it for a few years, the vulpine had grown accustomed to it and had planned its whole life around these changes. Seeing as they were so drastic. Its usual small and delicate self would grow a few inches, gain some bulk and sharpness into its figure. Its mind would also shift, but it kept its memories so it never took things too far... At least it would try not to.

Tonight was one of those nights, as Rain shifted his leather jacket one last time before stepping into the bar. The left chest pocket had his current name stitched into it, a hot red spelling out "Ithkale" to any and all that stared a bit too long. He didn't like sticking around, his "condition" made things complicated so he moved often making this bar fairly new to him. But the scene was always the same. The married ones at the bar that never turned around until their alcohol had stopped 'helping', the tough ones at the billiards tables wasting time and waiting for a fight, the singles at the tables, eyeing everyone that came and went in hopes of a new lay. It was always a different town, with the same scene and the same coward looking for a place to blend in.

Lifting his sunglasses away from his eyes, he made his way to the billiards table, the place where he seemed to always fit in. In reality he didn't fit in here at all, the vulpine was actually quite nervous. Pulling his shaky paws out of his pockets he grabbed a chair and turned it to face him before sitting in it. Crossing his arms over the back of the chair, again to hide his true nature, he quietly watched a player take a shot and miss the pocket. A few more of these shots would earn the player a few snickers from the group as he angrily growled back at them to shut up. Rain tried hard to hide his grin, finally letting his gaze pass over the group. His gaze stopped, eyes blinking in disbelief at one of the group. A female, she had gotten up from a seat behind the players she teased him, only to get an annoyed grunt from the other male. Grinning, she took the pool cue and lined up a shot. With a loud ka-thunk, the eight-ball that had eluded the male found its way into the top-right pocket and down the hole. The group cheered for the leopardess as she mock bowed for them. She turned to catch Rain's eye, making it obvious that she had noticed him. Rain's gaze met hers and he grinned automatically. In reality it was a nervous twitch, one of the many reasons he was seen as a tough guy and was usually pulled into a fight. But he couldn't help it, not that he regretted it. A quick glance back at her rewarded him with a sweet almost sexy smile from the red-head.

Rain looked away once more, trying to focus his gaze on the table instead, but that was futile as the female leopard had found her way over and placed a hand on his shoulder. Taken by surprise, he turned swiftly as he expected a fist to the face right after, but instead he found his red eyes gazing into her bright green ones. _Talk to herhe told himself, but couldn't. Instead she spoke first, words that he would hate himself for not remembering, and they both left that place. Her arm wrapped around his, his heart wrapped around her finger.

The vulpine remembered nothing of the trip, nor the words exchanged. Too nervous to concentrate, he found himself eyeing her then looking away quite often. This was not the first time he had been dragged away by someone, especially a female, but never had he been captivated by them as he was now. Soon they arrived at an apartment complex, getting out of the car after her, he assumed it was her place and felt his cheeks warm up. She had to turn back and call out to him to get him to move forward and walk alongside her. Otherwise he wouldn't dare do so on his own. On the outside, he just looked thoughtful if not mysteriously silent, a trait that always got him into tight spots. But tonight, he was happy for it. Without it, she may not have been so attracted to him in the first place._

Unlocking the door to the room, the female that Rain now knew as R flipped on the light switch and turned around elegantly to wrap her arms around the vulpine's neck. She shut the door behind them with a flick of her tail and led him into her room. His hands held her sides delicately, happily surprised by her eagerness. Leaning against the bed, their muzzles only inches away from each other, he could swear she was going to kiss him, but she didn't. Instead she hovered as if waiting for him to take the lead. This realization brought the blood to his cheeks; he gulped dreading the thought of trying to figure out what to do. A giggle from her made him look down to find her grinning up at him.

"I've known what you were since I first saw you..." With that she swiftly turned, shoving him on his back and onto the bed. Still grinning she made the night her own. A night Rain, would never forget...

A Cold Night

Screaming, her lungs burning as her voice rung out down the streets. Some cat surely found itself leaping out of its peaceful dream in an alley somewhere. When her breath run out she only gasped and started anew. Her eyes watered, shut tightly as the...

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