Forever by your side
#49 of Writing Prompts
It's been long time since I wrote one of these, but it feels good to do so too. This one is a bit different from my usual fare, what with it being a small horror story and also following this week's writing promt: write a story ONLY in present tense-- no flashbacks or recollections allowed. It was a bit challenging, I do enjoy writing in the past tense a lot and have my characters recollect what they know, still, it was fun.
This story came to be thanks to a conversation I had with Mr Drake over telegram, he really has a way of showing the wonder in certain ideas. Anyway, that's enough talk from me. I hope you can enjoy this tale and let me know your thoughts in the comments.
Forever by your Side
By Odlan Solaz
My hand clenches tightly around my pencil, a soft curse passing through my lips. My eyes glare at the numbers on my paper, its black lines thick with my failure. My eraser, furious and unforgiving, is quick to deal with them. My eyes glance towards the clock at the end of the room, the red numbers judge me silently. I clench my teeth, fire spreads around my stomach. Only thirty minutes separate me from failing the curse, thirty minutes and half a test. Get a hold of yourself, you can do this. You can do this!
My minds swirls back to my test, eyes scanning the sharp black symbols in search of information. One hand inputs the number in the calculator, the other writes down the numbers with desperate speed. My eyes jump through the page like a wolf chasing a rabbit, never looking back, never checking for mistakes. There's no time, there's no more time.
Number after number, my hand diligently writes it down. My mind pulling double duty to keep up with the frantic pace of my thoughts. My mind distills the questions until they're basic concepts, all flowery language or clever trick never passes through; a necessary risk given my situation. The equations flow from my head to my pencil like a river during the seasonal rains, angry and relentless. My hand grows number the longer I kept up my desperate writing, my neat script shifts into a mess of sharp lines. I can do it, I can do it! I shout in my head over and over again, as if praying to some nameless god for help.
My burst of energy meets a swift end when the final equation unfolds before my eyes. My throat goes dry, the pencil falls from my fingers as I mutter to myself in silent horror. My eyes scan the equations in search for a way out, my mind throws itself against the question desperate for a hidden path. But my gut already knows there's no such a thing. The only answer stares at me from the page like a monolith: An iterative method. A quick glance at the clock confirms my fears, only fifteen minutes remain before the end of period. Only fifteen minutes between me and failure. It's not enough, I can't write that fast.
Acid burns in my stomach like an angry dragon, my heart beats like a drum in my chest and my hands grow sweaty. My fate is sealed when my calculator slips from my hand and shatters into pieces when it hits the floor. Tears slide down my cheeks, blurring the words in front of me. A curse is halfway through my lips when I feel it. Hot air caresses the back of my neck. Once, twice. No, not here, not now. I'm okay, go away, please go away.
Thick furry arms slither around my torso, the hot breath rising until it reaches my ear. The hardness of my wooden chair shifts into the familiar softness of fur, the pungent scent of sweat and earth suffocating me. My body is paralyzed with fear except for my eyes that plead for my professor for help. The old badger stares at me with fear painted in his eyes. The strong arms pull me against the beast chest, the bone crushing muscles drawing me towards him. A whine leaves my throat when my back meets his rock hard torso, the arms tightening around me in turn. A soft snort reaches my ear before the beast start to nuzzle his large bovine muzzle against my head. His horn grazing my head with every trip of his muzzle over my head. A silent but effective threat. I can feel all the eyes in the room on us, their fear mirroring my own. The screams all die in their throats moments later, when a low rumble leaves the large beast, his thunder like voice ringing through the room. "It's not kind to stare. Not kind at all."
Loud screeches of metal dragged over concrete fill the classroom as my classmates turn their desks away from us, abandoning me to my fate. The beast's holds on me tightens when sobs leave my throat, a soft off tune melody raising from his chest. A corrupted lullaby that only feeds my fear. I'm okay, I'm okay now. Please go away, please. I shout inside my head, but the words never leave my lips.
My arms fall limp by my side, a warm heat robbing me of all sensation. My legs follow next, my muscles refusing to listen to my commands. The beast nuzzling grows stronger and more insistent, his warmth spreading through my body like wildfire. I am left helpless as my muscles relax one by one, his eerie song growing in strength. Another whine leaves my throat, my heart crushed by dread and impotence. Shivers run down my back when the beast grows still, his rumble coming to a stop. Not a single sound fills the room. Not a muscle moves as the beast lowers is snout until it rest against my ear, its hot humid breath blowing against my hypersensitive skin. "Don't worry. I'm here. I'm always here," the beast whispers in my ears, its words digging into my heart. I shudder when his rough tongue licks my neck, coating it with his slimy saliva. "No matter where you are or what time is it. I'm always here, waiting for you."
Its large meaty hand rub my stomach, the strength behind it clear with every touch. The heat spreads through my belly, soothing the acid on my stomach and robbing me of even the discomfort of my body.
"Don't worry. Leave it all to me. Let go," it whispers in my ears betweenn licks to my neck. My eyes grow weary, the head spreading through my chest. A thud turns my attention towards my desk where a brand new calculator sits and my pen moves across the page on its own, jotting down numbers at a frantic pace. "Just let go. Like you always do. Just let go my friend. You can trust me. You always do in the end. Give in to me, my only friend." My consciousness is fading, the bovine monster's blowing out my will like one would a candle. The darkness eats the border of my vision as my teacher's eyes are consumed by terror. A muffled scream reaches my eyes as those red eyes draw me into oblivion.