Rainfall - Chapter 05

Story by Philip Ribbs on SoFurry

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#5 of Rainfall

Join Lucas, this shy hoary fox living by the border of the Amazon Rainforest, as he struggles with his sexuality in the middle of this simple-minded rural community.

Here I'm again! Sorry to be away for the past few weeks, I was quite busy. I hope you all enjoy this new part of my first book. I also rewrote the first 2 parts in the past tense as promised, and as always, thank you all for a moment of your time!

P.S.: Don't be afraid to leave me your thoughts down below, any insight is very much welcomed!

[Here] is my Google Drive repository, with all the latest versions.

You can also find me on [Twitter] / [Reddit] / [FurAffinity] / [SoFurry]

Thumbnail image by [John Bevan]

Chapter 05


I woke early in the morning from one of the best sleep I ever had. It took me a moment to situated myself, still a little bit groggy, I slowly cracked my eyes open and saw Lucas muzzle next to mine, soundly sleeping, his warmth around my arms, his breathing ruffling my fur.

I heard footsteps in the hallway next to my bedroom, and only after dislodging myself from Lucas's embrace I remembered that we were naked. With a start, I jumped to my bed and threw a sheet over Lucas's lean body, at which point he was starting to wake.

Lucas looked puzzled for a moment, staring at my naked body as I was getting my shorts on. The knock on the door a few moments later sounded like a car crash, even though it must have been as soft as it always was.

"Hey boys, breakfast is ready" The door cracked open a bit, and my mother's muzzle appeared on it.

I acted nonchalant, half sitting with my back on the wall. Lucas on the other hand seemed to be just realizing what was happening, and his ears splayed as it flushed.

My mother looked at him and then said, "Is everything al-"

"Everything is great, mother," I said while getting up and striding to the door. "You know... let's go downstairs and give Luiz a bit of privacy so that he can change." I got to the door and gently guided my mother away.

"What about you son?" she said, her ears perked and her eyes still searching the room.

"Oh, don't worry about it, I can't get something in the laundry," I replied while I closed the door behind me. My mother looked at me for a few moments and then sighed as she turned to go back to the kitchen.

A few minutes later, already dressed and sitting at the kitchen table with my mother, Lucas showed up at the doorway. His tail was curled around his hips, and his ears splayed to the side. "Morning," he said softly.

"Good morning sweetheart. Is everything alright?" My mother said with a concerned smile.

"Uh-huh, I..." Lucas paused for a moment, scratching his ears and briefly looking at me. "I just had a nightmare, that is all."

"Ohhh sweetheart, take a seat and eat something."

He sat next to me and filled his bow with a few fruits and oatmeal as my mother served him a glass of orange juice. I brushed his tail with mine behind the cover of the chairs. He got startled for a moment but then relaxed as I curled my tail to his.

"Your father called, he said he should drop by soon," my mother said while she poured honey over Lucas's bow.

"Hey mother, I was thinking about spending the night there, could I?"

"As long as Mr. Gomes is ok with it, it's fine by me."

"Cool!" I smiled widely at Lucas, who half-smiled in return.

We spent the next few minutes chit-chatting and then I and Lucas went to my bedroom to pack up. There I closed the door behind me and looked at Lucas, he still seemed a bit unsure about this whole situation, so I placed a paw on his shoulder and said, "Hey, listen, there is nothing wrong with what we did, ok?"

He rubbed his forearm and then said, "when are we gonna tell our parents about this?"

"Whenever you are ready for it. Now let's get a packet, your father should drop by in no time."

"Okay," he whispered.

About ten minutes later, the doorbell rang, and we went down with our things. Mr. Gomes was already in the doorway chatting with my mother, who seemed to have explained my plans to Lucas's father.

"So, are you aware that Lucas is going to spend most of the day cleaning the stable, right?" his father said to me.

"Yeah, I thought about helping him with it, sir."

"Huff... when it's about helping me with the dishes he always has some excuses," my mother said to Mr. Gomes.

Lucas's father guffaws in response. "Well, I hope you know what you are getting into, boy. Come, let's get going, that stable isn't going to clean itself."

I waved my mother goodbye and went with Lucas past Mr. Gomes to his old pickup truck. While we both crammed in the passenger seat our parents said their goodbyes and Lucas's father soon joined us.

Most of the early ride was spent talking with Mr. Gomes and appreciating the landscape around us. Lucas's tail rested comfortably between us, his head partially out of the window, the cool early morning air ruffling his fur as he closed his eyes and enjoyed the ride.

It's adorable how most canids love to do so. I placed my paw over Lucas's fluffy tail and started petting it, which got a startled reaction from him. He looked at me with bulging eyes pointing with his muzzle in the direction of his father, to which I responded with a coy smile but quickly stopped my petting.

"You boys have gotten a little bigger for this, huh?" Mr. Gomes said while looking briefly at us crammed in the passenger seat. "Don't worry, we are almost on the dirt road. You boys can hop up to the cargo from there."

At that, we got a bit startled at the possibility that Lucas's father might have noticed something, so we straightened a bit and tried to stay a bit more apart.

As promised, a few minutes later we hit the dirt road, so we hopped to the cargo and spent the rest of the journey quietly appreciating the landscape around us. With a bit more privacy, Lucas didn't mind me petting and combing his long fluffy tail with my claws, pleasurable closing his eyes while enjoying the caress.

Half an hour later we got to Lucas's farm, so we hopped out of the truck, settled our things in Lucas's room, and got ready for the morning activities as Mr. Gomes didn't fail to remind us of.

Most of the rest of the morning was spent getting the half dozen horses out of the stable, shoveling manure, and cleaning. By noon we were already panting profusely in the warm air, at which point we walked to the Farm's porch where Mr. Gomes had left a pair of dishes filled with food for us.

Gomes's cooking wasn't the best but nonetheless delicious to our exhausted and hungry bodies. A few minutes later we were well fed and we spent another half an hour just resting and idly chatting. By the time we finally got back to the stable and finished our tasks the sun was half away down its zenith, so we quickly got the horses back inside so we could head to the little riverlet nearby.

Waving Gomes's goodbye we went about three kilometers west of Lucas's farm until we hit a little tendril of the forest, where the little stream was. Behind some trees in a rocky bed ran the crystal clear water that came from a spring but a few hundred meters south of here.

At this particular place, the riverlet dropped over a small waterfall into a two meters deep rocky gullet, forming a little natural pond in the middle of the jungle. I have been here a couple of times with Lucas before, but this hidden sanctum never ceased to amaze me with its beauty.

Lucas seemed to be also enjoying the sight as he breathed deeply with his long sensitive muzzle, certainly lost in the refreshing scent of the forest around us. I reached over and took his paw into mine, squeezing it affectionately as he looked at me and smiled broadly as I did.

We went to the pond margin and quickly undressed to our underwear. I would normally have stopped right there, but given our newfound intimacy, I decided to strip all down and was rewarded by Lucas's staring eyes.

He got a little flushed, his cute big ears splayed, as I gave him the best foxish smile that I could muster with my feline muzzle. He was frozen, unsure what to do, so I approached him and placed my paws on his hip, just above the fabric of his now tight boxers.

I bent my head slightly down so I could lick his snout, his eyes were already half-lidded, in a relaxed look, and then I went further down, bending over a bit while I slowly removed his boxers. His maleness was already showing the signs of my affection, as was mine. I lightly fumbled with it and then disengaged. He sighed in response, and I chuckled a bit as I turned and jumped on the pond.

The water was refreshingly cool, a nice welcome after the afternoon warmth. Lucas was still by the margin looking at me, so I splashed a bit of water at him, which startled him from his reverie. He slowly smiled at me and then jumped by my side, sending a small wave at me.

We giggled a bit splashing water at each other, when we were done playing, I swam next to the waterfall to rest in the shallows next to it. Lucas quickly joined me, and we sat there, side by side, his head resting on my shoulder as I encircled his with my arm and said, "It was worth it."

He slowly looked up at me, smiling. "Yeah," he whispered.

I liked his snout, and he did the same in turn, then I touched his lips to mine, and slowly we fell into each other's embrace, kissing passionately under the pleasant sound of the waterfall.