It's Always A Surprise - Chapter Three.

Story by chrisclick on SoFurry

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#1 of It's Always a Supprise

Chapter three.

The alarm sounded, waking me from my sleep. I rolled over to face the bedside table which the alarm was to turn it off and before I reached the button another paw came down and pressed it for me. I looked up to see who it was. I did a double take before I screeched "LUCAS?!".

"uhhh... Sorry for just coming in here... Your parents let me in!" Lucas said, finding words.

"I see... well, you either join me... or sit there and watch me fall back to sleep" I said, with a tired drone.

Lucas slid into bed next to me, and laid there rigidly not moving very much. I rolled over to look at him and see him lying on his back staring at the ceiling not moving at all and looking very uncomfortable.

"Lucas, You alright?" I asked, concerned.

"Y-yeah I'm fine... Just... I don't know what to do" Lucas said with a small blush.

I giggled "Just do as you normally would with someone in bed... and I don't mean banging my head on the headboard!"

Lucas looked at me with a smile, a suggestive smile...

"NO! Not now! Please?" I said with a pleading expression.

"I was only kidding" Lucas winked.

I rolled over to face the wall again, and Lucas faced the back of my head and wrapped his arms around me. Holding me in a warm, safe embrace. I pushed back against Lucas trying to get closer.

"Ya know, if you keep pushing like that... something will happen..." Lucas whispered into my ear making my ear twitch.

I rolled over to face Lucas again, "When did you know?" I asked, quite randomly out of nowhere.

Lucas looked me in the eyes and softly said "well... it's hard to say really. I kinda had an attraction to guys since I remember, but only came to terms with it in the past two months... I d-don't want to go public just yet though... Please don't tell anyone"

"Do you really think I'd tell anyone?" I replied, slightly disappointed by Lucas' trust in me.

"N-no... But... Sorry." Lucas apologized.

"It's ok. Lucas, you know I wouldn't do anything to hurt you. If you didn't know that, I want you to know that. There's nothing I want more than to be with you." I said "The first time I saw you, before I got to know you even you were what I wanted, what I needed. You are the one that I would never have expected to be with but now... We're together."

Lucas looked at me confused...

"W-we are together... right?" I asked, concerned.

"I suppose..." Lucas replied "yeah! We are!" he replied again, slightly more enthusiastically.

I giggled and rested my head on his paw and began dozing off, the scent of Lucas filled my nostrils and caused me to fall into the best sleep I've ever had... For the short time I had anyway.

"Luke!" Lucas shouted "Get up!"

I woke slowly "whu... why?" I asked, again, in a drone.

"Its 3pm!" Lucas said whilst rubbing his left eye with his paw.

"oh.... SHI-" I stammered whilst falling out of the bed.

Lucas laughed at my performance to which I glared at him from on the ground. Lucas noticed I was on all fours and winked. I didn't realise what he was winking at, but then I noticed I was wearing nothing and I was slowly emerging. I felt the skin underneath my fur grow red and hot. I kneeled and pulled my t-shirt over my emerging member and looked down in embarrassment.

Lucas giggled and threw me a pair of boxers and I looked up at him with a puppyish expression.

I slipped my boxers on, and rested myself on the edge of the bed. Lucas walked over and stood in front of me and leaned in to kiss me. I leaned forward and we met in the middle with our snouts touching. I giggled a little and licked his nose.

"So... what do you want to do today?" I asked sweetly.

"Honestly..." Lucas replied

"Yes... Honestly" I said, curious.

"Nothing, just sit in this room with you and talk" Lucas replied

"Ok then" I sighed "What do you want to talk about?"

"I dunno..." Lucas replied.

I rolled by eyes and moved back along the bed to rest my back on the wall, I looked up to see Lucas standing there in front of my with his arm across his chest holding his other arm looking awkward again.

"lucas... Relax. Please." I said, calmly.

Lucas looked at me with the deepest look I've ever seen from him, I looked back trying to find what he was thinking. He reached out his paw, I put out mine also gripping his tightly.

"Lucas, I am here for you... You can talk to me, you know that." I whispered

"I know... It's just-" Lucas replied.

"Just what?" I asked

"I've never really opened up to a... Guy before... You know? It just feels weird." Lucas whispered, stuttering.

"No, Lucas, I don't know." I said, giving a cold tone.

Lucas looked up at me, noticing my lack of sympathy on this matter; some may think this was mean. But Lucas needed to open up and I wasn't going to force him but I was going to stop being so sympathetic about it. Being cruel to be kind, kind of scenario.

I looked around at the clock and saw it was only half four. I had ages left, but nothing to do...

"Lucas, its only half four, if you want to talk about it. I have all the time in the world to talk, but if you don't then figure out something to do." I said, being slightly playful.

"We... could take the Range Rover out?" Lucas said.

This immediately made me smile. I enjoy driving big cars especially Range Rovers, Lucas knew this would make me jump and run to the garage. I took the keys from the desk and headed down stairs and to the range rover. Lucas followed me close behind.

I started and drove outside of the garage and into the field that was opposite, I drove a good 15 miles of field and reached the edge of a river. I reversed and opened the boot of the 4x4 so the back would act as a seat. We both sat in the back and gripped each other's paws.

"Ok. Luke, I have something to tell you... I mean like big... I mean like, big big..." Lucas said.

I smirked, and said "... Big?"

Lucas sighed and flicked my ear "No you retard" Lucas stopped to laugh and then continued "I really, really love you."

I replied "Lucas, I love you too" whilst smiling brightly.

"No, I mean. I really do love you... I've never felt this way before about anyone." Lucas said, again, whilst looking at me deeply with his eyes.

I leant over, and kissed him softly and then nuzzled him.

We both laid back into the trunk of the 4 by 4 and cuddled.

Sorry for such a long wait! I will get back into posting these more often, I promise!

*lick* Wuff you!