Righting Your Wrongs (Chapter 11)

Story by Path Unknown on SoFurry

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#12 of Righting Your Wrongs


I don't know how long I sat there, staring out the main-room window. It was as if I felt every beat of my heart, noticed every leaf shift and turn in the breeze, saw every ray of sunlight disappear beyond the horizon. It wasn't the first time I'd felt this way, but I wish it had never come again. The feeling of absolute uselessness was a crippling one. I felt no need to move, no need to eat, no need to breathe, like I wasn't worth the energy required to remain alive. Not a word had been said towards me, the other pokémon knew better than to disturb me when something was wrong, they knew that not everything between Syne and myself is as it was the previous day. But he was right, I had proven to myself that I was almost entirely self-focused when it came to life and it's everyday tasks. But that is how I am. And unfortunately for me, Syne couldn't accept that as who I was. That wasn't me, it was only a part of me. I didn't know how to put into words how much I cared for him.

I heard someone call my name, but I ignored them. There was no reason to answer, the next moment in my life came down to Syne. "You should eat something. Luyo?" It was Saria holding a bowl of food that was labelled with my name. But I remained still, ignorant to the rest of the world. "She hasn't moved for hours, were you told anything?"

Saria must have turned around and asked either Taine or Liun about what might've happened. I didn't hear them give a response, but it didn't matter to me. I heard Saria step away from me to the other side of the room, leaving me to myself and the world outside. I figured that she would be asking Kein to tell her what had happened and why I was acting like this. Whether or not he would answer would be a matter of his conscience. Would he tell Saria to see if she could do anything to help, I don't know. Would he say nothing and pretend he didn't hear anything, possibly. But again, I was helpless in the decision.

* * *

Several hours passed and it was probably morning by now. I didn't know. I hadn't moved since Saria went to bed probably an hour ago, again, I didn't know. I wondered if Syne had managed to fall asleep while I was almost tearing myself apart on what I would do if-. Calm down. If he has taught me anything over the past month it would be... It would be to... I've got to talk to him... I pushed myself up onto my four legs. I have to let-

I had turned around only to see Syne sitting behind me. "How long have you been here?" I was surprised to see him. But Syne made no movement.

"Long enough to know that you're tired, and hungry."

"I don't care unless you tell me what is going to happen." Syne remained still, taking a long breath and looking out into the world before staring straight back into my eyes. The moonlight reflected beautifully off them, the gem set in the centre of his forehead also glowed unnaturally. "I don't know what else to do."

"You have done enough Luyo."

"Enough? Enough for what?"

"When you left me in our room yesterday, you gave me the power of control. There were no threats, no strings attached, nothing but you asking me a question, more or less, the most important question we could ask each other. I believed you entirely when you said that you were judging me the whole time, because I know you would've been lying if you hadn't." I didn't know where he was going with this, but I hadn't moved. I was still standing, staring at him. "Luyo, I've been thinking. It's not your fault for what has happened, and what did happen before I met you, from what you told me it was a mutual decision to have the battle. You're both as responsible as each other."


"I'm not finished." He interrupted me. "As to why you feel it's your fault, I believe it's because you're here and he's not. But you have to let things like that go. These things happen every day, and you should know that better than anyone. In the end, they are just another pokémon in the world, nothing more, nothing less." Syne lay down and motioned with his head for me to follow. I sat down, but refused to move further, I felt slightly stiff after not having moved for so long. "Although I might not be able to convince you that it's not your fault, you must remember why I am doing this for you."

What was he talking about? What has he done? "You haven't done anything." I glanced around the room slowly, trying to avoid Syne's gaze. I always had the suspicion that he could almost read my thoughts if he stared into my eyes.

"That is true, I haven't done anything, yet. But because it is what you believe we want, why I wish for us to become mates." I immediately looked at him. He was being serious. The only emotion that was required when a decision like this was being made.

"You mean it?"

"Why wouldn't I? I admit, I wasn't sure when we last spoke, but just before you left I knew there was something about you that wasn't right. I could tell that you were conflicted." Syne stood up and stepped towards me, rubbing against the side of my face. "And I knew that this means a lot to you."

I returned his affection, but pulled back after a moment. "You're not just doing this for me are you?"

"This is for us Luyo. You were right, both of us do want this. I just needed the right reasons to believe you." Syne turned around and motioned with his head to follow. "You must be tired. It will be morning soon and you've spent all night just sitting there."

"I don't need sleep." I turned around to stare out the window once more. "You know, there is so much you can learn from the world just by watching what happens before everyone else awakens."

"I don't doubt that fact." Syne approached my side and sat down. "So what are we looking at?"

"Nothing. There isn't anything to look at. You just learn." I continued to stare out the window when I felt Syne lean against me. "But it is hard to think when you're leaning against me."

"I was wondering where you were Syne." I turned my head around to see Saria standing in the corridor to our room. "I was worried about you."

What are you doing up this early? I asked Saria, watching as she walked into the other room and hearing a bag crinkle open.

"Since you didn't eat anything last night, and you hadn't moved all afternoon. I figured that you would still be here in the morning. I was surprised to see Syne there though, which leads me to believe that what happened yesterday doesn't mean anything anymore."

I think it's better if we all forget about yesterday. I replied to Saria, immediately telling Syne what I had said to her.

Saria returned from the other room holding my bowl, immediately placing it beside me. "So, tell me. And this is something I need to know. When do you plan on having a child?"

I turned to face the bowl of food, immediately going to work on ending my appetite. We don't know yet. But soon would be a logical answer. Again, I repeated myself for Syne.

"Soon? How soon?" Saria questioned.

"Yes, and why so early?" Syne added.

"Alright then, you tell her when you think it will happen." I answered to Syne, who immediately turned to face Saria as I went back to the food.

There was a slight silence between everyone. "When do you think it will happen?" Syne asked me. I scoffed at his question, almost choking on the small portion of food.

"Is soon good enough for you?"

"I guess it has to be."

"Then there is nothing else we can tell her."

"Umm, Syne? Luyo? Any ideas?"

We don't know.

"Then there is nothing I can do. If you can't tell me when you plan to, then it I important that you tell me when it has happened. Saria pushed herself up off the ground. And headed off to leave the room. "Otherwise I won't be able to set up another part of the room for it, and won't get the time to tell Taine and Liun before I get blamed for being negligent."

They both have other things to worry about.

"I know. But I don't like the odds that they won't notice you just randomly gaining weight Luyo."

"It just means you'll have to take it easy for a few weeks."

"Yes, I know. You don't have to tell me Syne." I had finished off what was left of the food, enjoying the lack of hunger I now felt. "One reason I thought it'd be better to quit battling others."

"And if Syne does make it to the championships..."

"I'll be too busy taking care of our child." I finished for Syne, standing up and stretching my forelegs out. "But that is then. And this is now."

"What of now?"

"Right now I just want to enjoy what the day will bring. Now that I know I don't have to worry about us."

"You should've gotten some sleep Luyo. You'll be tired all day you know."

"I'll live." I turned around to look out the window once more. Enjoying the landscape before me. "I wouldn't be able to sleep anyway, the sun's up." Syne sat down beside me only so I could stand up again. "I'll be right back."

I bounded to the other side of the living area and walked through the corridor into our room. Saria?

"Yes Luyo?" She grumbled out softly, trying to get a little more sleep before morning came.

Can you not tell anyone of our plans until we have made it official?

"Ok. See you in about an hour." After that, she shifted in her bed and I left the room, returning to my place before the window, leaning against my future mate.

"What was that about?"

"Just making sure that no-body knows about us until we have mated."

"What difference will that do?"

"It will give us at least a few more days of freedom from the questions of when."

"That sounds good."

* * *

"So, when is it going to happen?" My original thoughts of being left alone for at least a few days were pointless. "When is there going to be a little Absol running around?"

"If I've told you once, then you already know the answer Rathe!" She had been bugging me for the past hour she'd been awake for. And if I didn't know her then I wouldn't have hesitated in threatening her with a battle. "Leave us alone because we don't even know ourselves." Syne was laying by my side on the edge of the cushioned circle.

"Alright, fine. If you don't want to tell me, then I'm sure Syne would."

"Luyo wasn't lying. We haven't decided when."

"That's not very nice. Keeping such big news to yourselves. I think it'll be fun to have another pokémon running around here. Another name to learn, at least this one will be small enough to run around the room without running over anyone." I glared at her for a moment until she eventually turned around and stepped away, only to turn her head back to face me. "And Luyo... I told you so."

I dropped my head into the cross of my forepaws. She was right. If only I had listened to her in the first place. Syne had been waiting, all I needed to do was make the first approach. "Luyo?" Syne questioned me.

I lifted my head and turned to face him. "Yes Syne?"

"What was that about?"

"What was what about?"

"Why Rathe said 'I told you so'."

"Because the second day I was here Rathe was the only one who talked to me. And she assumed then that this would be happening between us. I just never believed her."

"And I wouldn't have believed it either back then, I thought you were going to find yourself back where I first found you."

"I forced myself into being a part of this family. I didn't want to waste the opportunity to live in a family again." I kissed Syne lightly on the cheek. "And I'm happy I did. It was hard, but this is worth it."

"I'm happy you stayed too. Then again, I don't think anyone isn't happy that you have stayed. Taine wouldn't have the Cobble badge if it wasn't for you, so Rathe and Kurath get an opportunity to battle in the championships. The only ones who I can't speak for are Kein and Zica. Because I'm sure Saria and Liun will be excited to have another pokémon around."

"That, and. I don't have anywhere else to call home anymore. I destroyed mine trying to send you away."

"It doesn't matter anymore. You're staying here with us, and there is nothing you can do that will make us change our minds."

"It does feel nice to belong again." I leaned closer against Syne. "But there is still much to look forward to."

* * *