The Golden One Pt 6
Matthias had wandered far out into the woods in search of the girl from his visions without going too far out he had picked up the scent of a femal foxan, it was sweet and rather fresh. 'This could be her scent...' a hint of excitement filled his chest at the discovery of a trail to her. However, there was something else about the scent that made his heart quiver with fear. The fear from the scent filled his head with "what if?" scenarios, for instance what if she had sustained an infection that could be too lethal for him to heal? No, he shook the thought from his head, he had to stay positive that she was alright and out there waiting for him to find her. Matthias picked up the pace of his strides to find her, the scent gradually getting stronger. The scent had led him to a small stream, he soon found himself feeling a deep sense of anguish. He had lost the scent.
Matthias growled angrily, now how was he suppose to find her? Looking down at the stream he got an idea, everytime he had a vision it was from staring into some body of water. Whether it was a lake, river, or a small pan of water. This realization renewed his spirits, and he got down on his knees so to look deep into the slow moving stream. He prayed softly that he would get even a small vision just so he could at least locate her by seeing the surroundings she would be in. He took in a long slow breath, opened his eyes and stared deep into the water.
"Come on... Come on." he whispered impatiently. His claws digging into the dirt around him from his growing frustration. He stared there for while, but not a single vision came to him. His heart ached, longing to see a glimpse of her so that he knew she was alright at least. But nothing came to him, a tear fell from his cheek. CRACK! The sound of a snapping twig caught his attention. Matthias looked up instinctively, he froze at the sight. It was a large silver grey wolf with a green sliver in it's right eye, kinda like Matthias's left eye. He recognized the magnificent creature from his very first vision of the girl, this wolf was one of 3 males out of the 5 wolves.
Matthias and the wolf's eyes were locked on each other's, there was a connection between them at that moment. Not like the one Matthias had felt with the girl in his dream, but one that seemed to say they would companions. Despite this feeling there was a growing tension in the air between them, and Matthias could sense a kind of anger well up in the wolf. Never should anyone stare into the eyes of a wolf directly or they'd risk trigger the animal's lust to kill, not even a wolf in it's own pack looks into the other's eyes directly because of it. Quickly, Matthias averted his eyes away from the wolf and the tension quickly vanished. But, the wolf did not look away from Matthias.
For what felt like hours, the wolf stared at him without moving an inch and did not even blink. What was it doing? Was it going to attack him? No. The wolf seemed to be inspecting him. Matthias was tempted to run, but this wolf could easily catch up to him if he tried. Suddenly, a voice yelled in Matthias's head. "Your that foxan!"
Matthias jumped hearing the male voice. He looked around to see if there was someone there near him, hiding in the forests. But there was no one else there but him and the wolf.
'Could it have been... No impossible. Wolves can't talk.' Matthias thought to himself. And yet, his inate curiosity was telling him to speak to the wolf. Without looking into the wolf's eyes he asked, "Was that you that spoke just now?"
The wolf sat down and looked left, then right. "Well I am the only other being here am I not?" The voice said again. This time with a hint of sarcasm. Matthias blinked at the response, was he hallucinating? "You really do have the power of the Sight just like our master." said the wolf, with a joyful tone wagging his tail.
The Sight? Matthias had heard of a story that his aunt Hikari told him as a pup. A story of two wolf cubs, one with fur of pure white and a cub with fur as black as ash with a green sliver in it's left eye. The story told of the two having the power to feel the pain of lera, see into the future from water, speak to all animals and even see through the eyes of other animals, humans, and anthropomorphic creatures. The white cub embodied the light side of the Sight, while the other embodied the darkness and hatred of the Sight. They're names were Larka and Fell.
"You mean the myth? Isn't that just a story?" Matthias asked despite the fact he had just experienced two of the powers of the Sight.
The wolf shook it's head, "That is no myth, just as Tor, Fenris and their daughter Sita aren't myths." It responded. So all that from the story truly happened? Did Matthias have that power? He didn't understand at all, just as he was about to ask the wolf more of it, the wolf threw its muzzle up to the sky and let out a long and joyful howl.
"Whoa! What did you just do?!" Matthias exclaimed nervously, looking around to see if other wolves were coming.
"I had to. As the Beta of my pack I have to notifiy the Dragga and Drappa of an important find or danger should they be out on a hunt." The wolf replied excitedly.
Matthias didn't bother to ask what "Dragga" and "Drappa" meant, because within minutes two other wolves appeared beside the silver grey male. One of fur as black as charcoal and the other with fur as white as snow. The Black wolf was even more magnificent than the silver wolf. With a strong and handsome face it stared at Matthias. It was much larger than the silver wolf and the white wolf was smaller than both of the males in comparison. The white female was beautiful and sniffed the air. "That is him right?" She asked the silver wolf.
"Yes, Yuki. It is him I am sure of it."
"I'll be the judge of that." The black wolf growled slightly, and with one swift jump was on the other side with Matthias. The wolf circled him, looking him over intensely. Matthias couldn't move and merely shook as the wolf circled him. He took slow deep breaths to calm him down before he made water in his pants. Once the wolf stopped and stared at Matthias it said, "He is the one."