The Golden One pt5
A sense of dread and sadness was distracting Matthias from his lesson. 'Why do I feel this way...?'
"Aye! Matthias watch your paws boy!" Skra yelled. Matthias yelped, he had almost burned his paws with hot metal. "What in the name of Fenris is wrong with you?"
"I-I don't know uncle, I'm sorry!" Matthias was cowering, scared that Skra would beat him. Skra sighed and noticed Matthias's fear. "It's alright boy. I won't hurt ye."
Matthias was almost in tears, "I'm such a coward!"
"No your not boy! I'm sure that there is or will be something you want to protect." Skra said hoping to bring up Matthias's spirits. The moment Matthias heard that an image flashed in his head, the image of the girl. A surge of energy raced through his veins. Yes! He did have something that he longed to protect, a girl he wants to meet. "Yes uncle Skra! I do have something that I want to protect!" Matthias exclaimed, he grabbed his simple sword and was out the door like a shot. "And I'm going to find her!"
Skra couldn't stop him and merely watched as Matthias ran down the path leading into the woods, off to find that girl before it got too dark.
(siblings stealing comp gonna cut this one short. next part coming real soon :3)