The Golden One pt4
Out in the forest surrounding the small village of Jarlaf, a female foxan struggles to keep going. Her loyal Varg whine as she seems to get weaker right before their eyes. "Urk... K-Kage." she whispered.
Hearing his name, the largest of the 5 wolves a charcoal black wolf padded up to the foxan. He nuzzled her paw lovingly. The foxan looked into the wolf's eyes and whispered, "Please... Find him." She couldn't carry on without getting some sort of food.
She started to fall back and the wolves rushed to catch her and gently lay her on her back. Kage whimpered and rushed to her side, nuzzling her neck. The foxan smiled warmly and placed a soothing paw to the wolf's head. Like a small child, the wolf started to tear up. This Foxan was a mother to him.
"Hurry Kage... Bring him to me." she panted, laying back against one of the other wolves. Kage nodded and with his mate Yuki, a snowy white wolf female; raced toward the village to find the one their master despartely wanted to find.
"Kage the master will live."
"How are you so sure Yuki? She could leave us at any minute."
"She won't. Trust me. She may be weak now, but she will survive."
Kage couldn't respond to his mate and simply kept running. Determinded to save his master before it was too late for her.
The foxan laid with the other 3 wolves, keeping her warm and protecting her. The each killed small beasts for her to feed upon. They gently ripped pieces of meat off the small animals and gently placed them into her mouth. As she bit down on each chunk, the sweet, suculent, life giving juices rushed down her throat to ease the pain of hunger. Gradually the meat gave her the strength to sit up and eat on her own.
"I am grateful to have such compassionate wolves as my friends." She whispered, petting the 3 wolves gently. One of her wolves returned to bring her a fresh fruit for her, placing it gently before her as if she were giving an offering to a god. The foxan took the fruit happily. "Tenkou. Thank you."
The wolf wagged her tail and licked the foxan's cheek. The foxan could see the worry in the wolves eyes and smiled. "We will find him at last." She whispered. She bit into the fruit, its sweet juice renewed her mind and senses, she will be able to make it long enough to find Matthias.
(I will post pt 5 soon. Enjoy pt 4 :3)