Story by r3dw0lfspRit on SoFurry

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#3 of Written Word

A piece of lore for my RP character Hikami Akairion.


Hikami stood, eyes closed. He breathed deeply, savoring the mist swirling about his feetpaws. Here he was calm, centered, at ease.

_ You're blind, how can you ever aspire to be a true swordsman_, his mind recalled.

Hikami's eyes flashed open from behind a blood red headband adorned with a metal plate. Etched into the plate was his village insignia.

_ I am a swordsman. My blade has tasted both flesh and blood of my enemies. And though I do not walk my village's path or see as they see, I will fight on until my dying breath!_

The bipedal lion sank to his knees before drawing the katana from its sheath at his side. If no one was to accept him as he was, then he would sever all ties with his village starting with the headband around his eyes.

_ I am a ronin; I am the master of myself and now a wanderer._

Bringing the silvery katana blade up, he held onto the knot of his headband and swept the blade across the back of his head.

There was no blood, no sound other than the soft ka-link of the headband's metal plate meeting the dirt road beneath him whence it fell.

Sliding the sword's blade across his sleeve in one hand with the other coming to meet it soon after, Hikami slowly sheathed his weapon in silence.

_ It is done_, he thought, raising his maned head to the sky, I am free.