Guardians: Chapter Five
#6 of Guardians: The First Cycle
Chapter Five: The Beginning of an End
Alyx opened his eyes slowly and saw the smoke that was collecting inside the building; he coughed weakly as he lay against the wall he'd slumped up against. He was dimly aware of the beeper on his radio going off, he strained and could have sworn he heard more gunfire throughout the entire building. He pressed down the button on his radio,
"Still here." He managed to pant out, before he looked down at himself, "Ah, shit."
Raurian's voice crackled on the radio,
"Alyx!? Goddamnit say something!"
Alyx pressed the button down again,
"There you are! We're trying to get someone in there to get you out." The was a pause on Raurian's side then a deep sigh, "But unless you can get closer to us I'm not sure how well we can get to you, the building is coming down as we speak. What's your status sir?"
Alyx managed to chuckle,
"Don't say that! Don't say that! Just get your ass out of there. You're the one who forced us to train for every god-damned situation, so don't give me any shit about how you can't."
Alyx leaned his head back on the wall and panted,
"You wouldn't believe the amount of blood coming from me. These bastards had armor piercing rounds."
"Well I've got a medivac ready when you get out. We've got Gleets out, the only ones left in there are you, Vance, and Sain."
Alyx closed his eyes,
"No, only me and Vance."
"Sain get out already?"
"Yeah..." he paused for a second, "She got out of this mess." He stood a little wearily and leaned heavily against the wall, "Do you know where Vance is?"
"Yeah he's on his way to you from the south hall."
Alyx groaned as he took a step,
"Damnit. Tell him to just get out one of these asses said something about a working Adamos on a timer. I think I know where it is and if I can I'm going to disable it"
There was a pause and then an explosion of profanity on the other end of the COM, "Alright, fine. I'll tell Vance and I'll start moving everyone away."
Alyx staggered slowly towards where he was sure the Adamos was, as his mind began to flash back on it's own accord again.
. . .
"Get uuup..." Sain whined softly as she pushed against Alyx's side while he slowly woke up and smiled at her. He grabbed her into a hug causing her to meep.
"Mornin' Sain." He kissed her nose.
"It is now, you big, red, lazy lump." She giggled and closed her eyes as he wrapped his wings around her as well. She murred softly as he massaged her back,
"What do you want for breakfast?" She murmured softly.
Alyx nuzzled at her noticing her mane was now silver,
"I dunno. I'll make something you like." She opened her eyes that were now yellow and he purred softly at her liking how it looked. Sain's eyes widened as she saw Alyx's purple mane and blue eyes.
"Hey! You stole my colors." She meeped again as he gently bit her neck,
"You did the same thing."
Sain chuckled,
"Purple is totally awesome on you."
Alyx looked at the hair that fell past his eyes and noticed the light mauve color.
"Hmmm... I wouldn't know yet, but you're stunning with silver and yellow dear."
Sain paused and sighed happily,
"I guess this makes us mates then."
Alyx laughed and kissed her again,
"Of course it does." He frowned after a minute though, "Are you sure we thought it o-" Sain kissed him and stopped the rest of his sentence.
"Even if we didn't it's too late now. The only way we can change how we're mated is if one of us die now."
Alyx nodded slowly,
"I'm happy if you are dear." He purred softly and kissed her.
Sain giggled,
"Of course I am." She grew serious after a second, "But I do wonder if what we were taught about mating with others of our kind is true."
"What the fact we'd literally die if with had sex with anyone else now?"
"Unless the other was already dead yeah." She looked troubled.
"Genetic recombination," Alyx spoke softly, "All other sexual fluids of anyone else are now rejected. We could have oral sex with someone else on the receiving side and be okay."
"And how do our bodies know when our mate is dead?"
Alyx shrugged,
"I don't know I think it has to do with the telepathy. But it takes about three weeks before you're original colors come back and then we're receptive again."
Sain thought for a moment,
"Do you think if we just kept our minds from touching for three weeks that'd work?"
"I'm not sure. I don't think it'd be so easy. Besides, are you having second thoughts?"
Sain growled.
"Of course not lovey. It's just I don't want to die if I get raped."
Alyx laughed,
"You'd only pass away if another dragon raped you which is impossible. Besides I really doubt anyone could get at you if you were unwilling."
"How the hell is that impossible!? Anybody can rape someone if they want to!"
Alyx shrugged again,
"Haven't studied much into dragons have you?"
"No, why should I?" Sian shook her head.
"It would answer your questions." Alyx sighed softly, "First, if another Western Point raped you it would be suicide one his part. Second, you a shifter, surely you tried shifting your gender before?"
Sain blushed a deep navy blue and nodded slowly.
Alyx murred quietly,
"Sexy." He grinned and then went back to being serious. "It's not hard to shift so you have no gonads. I've done it on a few occasions because I got kicked or punched just right," He gestured to an area between his slit and belly were his testicles were located inside of him, "-to escape the pain. I don't know why it's only Western Points that are like this, but I've never heard of a rape of STD among them so I won't complain. And besides I like monogamy." He smiled, "If we really wanted, and I've never heard of this happening with Points because of the telepathy, we could split up and find sexual partners of a different species and be completely compatible, especially since we're both shifters."
Sain nodded,
"So say if I wanted an threesome with Vance it would work? But not with Swanson?"
Alyx frowned,
"Yes, it would work. No, I would never consent to such."
Sain laughed.
"Of course! Theoretically speaking is all I'm saying."
Alyx nodded,
"But because of the telepathic link we'll never want for anyone else until the other dies." He shrugged, "I don't know why, and I didn't believe such for a long time."
Sain nodded,
"Makes sense though. I've never heard of any Points breaking up if they're mated. There have been a few couples I've heard of who were really open, and had sex with different species, but never with a different dragon and never without the other."
Alyx smiled.
"Good example."
"Alright I've got it then." She paused and a mischievous looked glinted in her eyes, "Though being shapeshifters we can experiment with whatever we want without a third person."
Alyx smiled and nodded,
"I wanna try something lesbian with you!" Sain purred quietly at the thought. "Or even better both of us as hermaphrodites!"
Alyx blushed purple and churled quietly at the interesting thoughts.
"Interesting ideas, but it's a new day and we should get up and greet it."
Sain smiled as Alyx picked her up off of the bed and carried her out to the kitchen setting her in a chair,
"You didn't have to do that."
Alyx looked at her almost blankly,
"Your point?"
"I wanted to carry you." She huffed.
Alyx chuckled and shook his head pulling down a skillet for eggs and bacon,
"Fine you can carry me next." He pulled the bacon and eggs out of the fridge, "This okay with you?" He asked holding it up.
"Mmhmm." Sain nodded and watched as Alyx carefully broke each egg into a bowl and whipped them in some milk and spices. She smiled softly watching him move around in the little kitchenette; he was so beautiful to her. She shifted a little in her chair to get a little more comfortable as the sizzles of frying bacon was heard, the tantalizing smell soon wafting through the air. Sain inhaled a breath and purred a little,
"Smells good."
Alyx looked up at her and smiled,
"Breakfast always smells good." He paused as he poured the egg mixture onto a skillet, "It hard to mess up if you have at least a basic idea of what you're doing."
Sain nodded and closed her eyes listening to the sound of cooking food before it stopped quite suddenly and Alyx walked to the table with two plates, with an egg, two pieces of bacon, and a slice of tomato on each,
"Here you are madam." Alyx proffered the plate to her in the manner a butler would and Sain giggled and accepted it and placed it in front of her,
"You'd make a terrible waiter; you don't have the countenance or look of one." She grinned as Alyx enthusiastically agreed bobbing his head.
"Not a fun job."
Sain raised an eye-ridge tasting the food,
"You actually worked as a waiter once?"
Alyx shook his head,
"No, actually I was the chef, but one day none of the waiters and waitresses came to work as a joke." He grimaced, "A very bad joke on their part, and I had to double as chef and waiter." He made a face and took a bite of the food.
Sain chuckled still eating,
"You? A chef!? After that burned out horribleness I saved you from?" She kept eating. "Well this food tastes better than it smells, which is saying a lot."
"Naah, you're just hungry. And I burned that stuff on purpose so nobody would want me to cook."
Sain poked him with a fork,
"Sneaky little twit." She paused. "Or maybe it's that food in the cafeteria that's left me in need of some real food instead of that cardboard mush they call food."
Alyx grimaced,
"Sorry, I can't do anything about the supplies the N.S.P. gives us."
Sain looked down,
"I hate those bastards... The GC's are the only good thing they've ever done!" She looked up her eyes burning fiercely, "Let's take 'em down!" She scraped the last of the food off her plate and looked at it, now empty, "I ate that waay too fast..."
"No, not yet, and yes you did." Grinned Alyx as he ate the last of his food and poked at an empty plate before looking down at it, "Well, I did too..." He looked at the empty plate blankly wondering how he ate it all, that fast, before he set it down on the table.
Sain leaned across the table and kissed him gently,
"None of it matters right now."
Alyx kissed back and moved over beside her,
"You're right all that matters is you."
"Well, I was gonna say you..." Sain tapped her chin before gently licking his cheek, "How about us then?"
Alyx wrapped his wings around her holding her close,
"It sounds good to me if that's what you want." He pressed his muzzle to hers purring hard, "I love you."
Sain's tongue twined around Alyx's,
~~I love you too~~
Alyx murred softly and reluctantly broke the kiss after a bit for air. He licked her cheek before quickly gathering up the dishes and depositing them into the sink. He returned to her side and wrapped a single wing around her purring gently.
Sain nuzzled into his chest and made a small sound as she nibbled on one of the scales there.
"Great red dragon." She murmured looking up at him.
Alyx chuckled and leaned down licking at her muzzle,
"Yet strangely I'm smaller than most other dragons."
Sain giggles and bit his tongue,
"I wasn't talking about your height you lummox." She press her hands against him and pushed him away, "I could really care less considering I'm even shorter than you."
Alyx shrugged and nodded,
"True. But I still love you." He grabbed her into another hug picking her up in his arms this time, "You're wonderful."
Sain closed her eyes and leaned into him a little,
"I am aren't I?" She asked wiggling to get more comfortable.
Alyx snorted and pressed his snout to hers,
"You are strange, Sain."
Sain nodded,
"That too, I guess." She grinned biting at his nose, "Highly aroused also."
Alyx looked down at her a little surprised and didn't say anything. Sain pawed at his nose,
"What? It's the truth." She looked at him a little coyly now, "I am, and we are mated now. So what's stopping you from taking me straight into the bedroom eh?"
Alyx shook his head still a little shocked by the abruptness of her statement,
"Uh... I dunno, I'm still taking in the fact I'm mated." He smiled and kissed her, "Especially to someone like as you."
Sain murred into the kiss as her lips worked against his, passionate all of the sudden. She rolled out of his arms and pressed her smaller body against his as she ran her claws up his chest. She grinned and whispered in his ear,
"Trust me it's a good thing." She paused, "But hurry up and come to terms with the wonderfulness and pay attention to me." She purred silkily, her words sending a shiver up Alyx's spine, before he nuzzled her neck, biting at it softly. Sain arched her neck and churred quietly as Alyx lightly nibbled his way down to her shoulder. He purred deeply and licked down over her chest. In mid lick his radio went off, he stopped and sighed softly against her,
"If it's anything other than a ten-eighty-six we can ignore it for now."
Sain and Alyx stopped moving still pressed together as they listened to his radio. After the attention sequence went off Vance's voice came on,
"Alyx, we've got a situation... Ten-eighty-six, I repeat, we have a ten-eighty-six."
Sain growled softly as Alyx drew off of her, he gave her a small kiss,
"Sorry, love... Duty calls. Let's go suit up."
Sain nodded and slunk off to her room for her equipment as Alyx threw his gear on looking after Sain. He picked up his radio hesitating for a second before pressing the talk button.
"I'm here, fill me in."
There was static for a few seconds before Vance's voice came back,
"Uhh, Zighz and Craight are in some serious trouble. A strike force blew the bunker we had them in apart, and took them. I'm tracking the vehicle as we speak."
Alyx slipped his pants on and grabbed his revolver,
"Sain! You ready?"
"As I'll ever be after that. I'm still too freaking horny, I just hope I don't soak through these pants." Came the muffled reply as Alyx's attention went back to the radio,
"What's the vehicle type?"
There was a pause that was a little longer than it should have been.
"You remember that stolen G&W AC-472?"
"You mean the Gladiator? Yeah, what about?"
"Found it." was the only response.
Alyx leaned against the wall and put his hand to his face,
"A god-damned Arcadian gunship..."
"What about a gunship?" Sain asked, as she came in wearing her tactical gear.
"Tell you on the way, come on." Alyx led the way out down to the hummer he'd come in. He turned around and glanced at her, "By the way if you're really worried about soaking through those you can always shift like I said." He grinned as she nodded curtly and she seemed to flicker for a moment.
"Happy? Now I'm sexless."
Alyx laughed.
"Feel any more comfortable?"
"Not really, just less wet. My insides are still bubbling."
Alyx nodded knowing what she meant as his own form shimmered.
"What? You too?" Sain asked laughing.
Alyx chuckled,
"Yes and no, I just don't wanna catch an armor piercing bullet in my privates."
. . .
Alyx stood on top of the hummer with the binoculars pressed to his face, the gunship was moving slowly through the air about two kilometers to the west of where he had his team. His team had noticed his and Sain's colors but hadn't really commented on it, the only real reaction had been a snicker from Vance. He flipped his COM unit on,
"Alright guys, it's heading over us. Remember don't attack it until we've got Zighz and Craight off of it." He paused and studied the large gunship before him. It had two pivoting thrusters that were each easily the size of a small skyscraper that held aloft the main fuselage. The huge window on the front of the ship threw it all out of perspective, but then again, most of G&W's machinery was weird looking. These ships had been popular for the Rebels because of the vast customization that could be performed upon them, so Alyx feared what secrets this one might hold.
The two massive barrels on the front of the ship could only adjust vertically; his team could use that to their advantage since those cannons fired rounds that were more formidable than he cared to go up against. Other then the two frontal cannons it's armament was, eight other smaller cannons that probably fired 120mm tank shells, along with whatever could be hidden in the rocket or bomb bays.
Alyx sighed and gritted his teeth,
"Are the HH-5's ready to take off Vance?"
There was a strange screechy whirring as the hovercopters powered up, Vance's voice came over the COM,
"They are now. Just give us the signal."
Alyx did a few quick estimates,
"In exactly thirty-two seconds, you have a 'go'."
He pulled his rifle out and checked that he had anti-armor rounds and jumped off the top of his hummer. He crept slowly down the hillside next to his hummer toward a small rock that jutted out of the incline. He got to it and quickly squeezed under it situating his rifle so he could easily see the gunship.
Sain glanced over at him as he settled in next to her, the anti-air rocket launcher she had was set on a remote tripod about twenty feet in front of them, she had the controls and a small monitor in her hands.
"Worst day off ever huh?"
Alyx chuckled as he flipped his safety to 'hot',
"No, the squirrel incident still tops this."
Sain nodded and sighed,
"True, but I'm still so damned turned on."
There was a crackle over the COM and Vance's voice came on,
"We are now taking off. And Sain, flip your COM off, you just dirtied my mind."
Sain put her face in the dirt in front of her and flipped the COM unit off blushing violently,
"Damn thing got stuck." She sighed, "Shifting helped a little, but not much."
Alyx chuckled and shook his head watching the three HH-5's fly out towards the gunship,
"Forget about that and..." He paused, "At least for now, forget about being horny, I'll fix that for you later... Or I could now." He grinned a little his tailtip stroked along her entire tail.
Sain punched him best she could in the cramped space under the rock,
"Not helping!"
Alyx grinned for a second before his grin faded a serious expression coming upon his face,
"Alright they're within range of that thing's guns now, keep an eye out."
The gunship loomed larger now as it continued to close the distance between itself and the retrieval squad. Alyx put his eye to the scope on his gun and tried to discern what tricks this ship had up its sleeves.
To his surprise most of the weapons were unmanned, but as he looked closer and to his dismay he realized that the cruiser was releasing small, one-manned fighters. There were maybe thirty of them all of which probably had at least two anti-air missiles and a mini-gun on them. Their three HH's would be ripped to shreds unless Greg and Sain were as good as they claimed with the remote operated SAM launchers. He pointed this out to Sain who nodded,
"Already tracking them, just waiting for your signal."
Alyx flipped his COM on,
"Alright, Vance you've got small fighters coming at you, get your door gunners ready." There was a muffled roger on the other end as Alyx continued, "Greg, I'm sure you've seen them by now, get ready to take as many as you can out on my signal."
"Sure thing boss."
Alyx put his crosshairs up and to the right of a gunner's head on the gunship,
"Fire at will."
His shot rang out first and the human that had been on the gun fell at the same time the SAM launchers began firing Swarm missiles. A few of the fighters were immediately taken down; another one went spiraling out of control towards the ground as one of the HH's door guns took the pilot out. Alyx crawled out from under the rock and fired a few more shots off three out of four were kills, the fourth was questionable. He glanced down at Sain,
"When you run out of ammo, come help the rest of us with retrieval." She nodded and the SAM fired another wave of Swarm missiles, "Oh, and keep these guys off us in the mean time." He grinned as Sain glared up at him,
"I may accidentally shoot you if you don't get moving!"
"Righto." Alyx leapt onto an ARC S-1 he'd placed there. The machine roared to life as Alyx revved it and took off. The S-1 was pretty much the flying equivalent of a motorcycle, a literal crotch rocket, only more dangerous if you didn't know what you were doing. Alyx blasted toward his HH-5's that were just now setting down on one of the Gunship's landing pads. After a few seconds he threw the engine full out and jumped off the speeder onto the landing deck. He looked up and watched the S-1 explode up one of the directional thrusters.
He dusted himself off as he walked up to Vance with his team as they made their way into the ship,
"That'll slow 'em down."
Vance nodded, a curious expression on his face,
"Like hell it will." He paused to shoot an Arcadian trooper who'd came out of hiding, "Was Sain, purposely trying to shoot you down?"
Alyx shook his head,
"Iunno, probably not. Come on let's get these guys out of here quickly. I hate gunships."
Vance looked around and sighed,
"Well I don't like this one. No coffee makers."
"Even if they had one I don't th-" Alyx flinched as a bullet ricocheted off his scales. He pointed his FAL up and quickly took out the person who'd shot him, "Damn you! That hurts!" He turned back to Vance, "Forget it. Come on!"
Vance shook his head and followed the dragon firing at whatever Alyx didn't, which wasn't much in the first place, they probably got the same amount of kills. They passed through several corridors with only a few guards in each before Alyx stopped.
"Do we know where they've got Zighz and Craight?"
Vance nodded and motioned for Alyx to follow and he quickly found a staircase leading farther up into the gunship. They ascending a few flights of stairs before Vance sprinted out into a corridor whipping out a Glock 18 pistol he took two of the guards in the hall down, the third being torched by Alyx's breath.
Vance stared at the dragon for a second before Alyx noticed his nostrils still smoking,
"What? You didn't think I could breathe fire?"
Vance shook his head,
"Never seen you even blow a smoke ring... Just kinda assumed I guess."
The wolf shrugged as Alyx snorted,
"Of course I can. Imma dragon." Alyx looked at the door closest to him. It was labeled as a holding cell. "I think I found them."
Vance shook his head,
"No,I led you to them and found them myself... You were just in the right place just now. Move aside and I'll hack into it."
Alyx tested the door and it slid open,
"No need it's unlocked." He peered into the dark room, "I smell a trap."
"Maybe they forgot to lock it?" Asked Vance with a hopeful expression.
"No I mean I literally smell a trap." Alyx spun around and pounced on top of Vance covering his wings over the both of them as the room ignited and exploded.
Fire and debris fell around and on top of Alyx as he lay atop Vance. He grinned at the shocked looking wolf,
"Sorry about that, wasn't sure what else to do."
He stood slowly shaking the debris off his wings and flinched as some of the metal bits tore the membrane; the heat from the fire though was welcome to the dragon. He looked out the hole that had been blown through the side of the gunship and saw that it was sinking toward the ground. He quickly looked over the wreckage of the room and saw no bodies or beds or anything a holding cell would have. Then he realized that all of the guards and personnel seemed under-trained to be on a gunship.
"Vance... We may have a problem... Get everyone who's on the ship up into the control room or out to any on the HH's out now. Whichever is closer to them."
Vance looked a little confused but nodded and relayed Alyx's orders through his COM. Alyx motioned for Vance to follow and sprinted up the corridor towards the control room.
They came to the metal doors of the control room and Alyx broke the lock on the door bashing into the room. He looked around and saw no pilots. No robots not even any controls, just a single computer processor without any access. He walked into the center of the room and looked out the large windows. Half of the team filed in, Sain and Swanson the first to arrive. Swanson looked around,
"Now wait a minute. This is-" Alyx raised his hand cutting Swanson off as the rest of the crew came up.
"Did anyone get injured?"
"No sir."
Alyx nodded and watched out the windows.
"Well guys... We've been had. Whoever these people are they set a damned good trap." He turned around and watched his team, "We can't get off the ship... We're gonna have to let it crash land" He paused for a second, "right into our headquarters."