Venturing: OutSuns
Here ya go. As promissed...
Sorry I am late, things got busy in the morning to early afternoon. But I am back
Venturing: OutSuns
"Okay. Conduct experiment two." I announced, pointing to my partner, Zander who looked at me with those strange eyes and tilted his head to one side asking me, "Experiment two? What happened to one?" "Do not get realistic with me, Zander." I demanded, growing at him threatenly "Or you will get kicked out of this room and I will-" "Blow up the entire room if you were not careful, Ling." Zander countered, rolling his eyes as he sighed before lowering his head down to the jewel before his eyes. I said nothing in response to him, only mentally growled hating him for countering everything that I said to him. For while my eyes kept upon him and the jewel, I stayed silent in response while Zander grabbed a hammer from his back and smashed the jewel into pieces.
"Why did you do that for?" I asked him curiously, he turned in response and shrugged. Relaying what was in his mind, Zander answered "I just felt like it." "You did break the jewel into thousands of pieces right now." I commented, walking up to his side as he too turned his attention to it nodding in the following silence. "Yeah. Real easy on finding whatever makes the jewel ticked." "Yeah." I echoed him and threw my claws inside the sea of crystal shards scattered around the white towel. As I looked and searched for what I was trying to look for all this time, I was surprise to not see it on here afterwards. And frowned in response shaking my head to Zander who said nothing to me but shrugged his shoulder. Keeping his eyes upon the attention of the jewel, he asked me "Should we put the jewel back together?" "Alright." I answered, permitting him to do so as Zander went right to work. He grabbed piece by piece, string them together as if there were magnets attached upon the shards. And finished the work afterwards as the jewel became whole once again. But brightly glowed before our eyes as I gasped in shocked and reached for Zander. Only grabbing his black wing and anchored him as I ran off from the small room we were in. Out the door and into the halls, I let go of Zander. He narrowed his eyes to me before our attention was to the glowing door before us.
"You should head in." Zander insisted, pushing me closer to the door. "No." I replied, but he already butted in. "Yes." We held this argument for a while. Arguing like old divorced couple out onto the empty street as our voices increased in volume until we found ourselves screaming at the top of our lungs. And in the mists of our argument, both of us heard a door opened and turned our attention towards the frontal door. The entrance to the station that we were in. And out came Argon and Xenon; both of which were glaring at us wondering why we were arguing at the dead of a night. But we said nothing and stepped to the side, both of us pointing to the glowy door between us while Argon gasped in shocked and ran forth towards the door. Shouting to us as he ran us by, "What did you do to the photo booth room? Did you burned it?" "That was a photo booth?" Zander asked, nudging his head to the door in silence as I looked at him unamused by his attempts of stupidness.
"No. But you should get away from that door before-" I warned Argon. But he had already ignored me and opened the door regardless. In an instant, he was blinded by the brighten light from the jewel as it glowed and pulsed a few times before raising to the ceiling above it and disappeared. And along with it came Argon. Xenon shriek in response; his face eased up and was surprise. But shortly turned to anger as he glared upon me and Zander; grabbed one of our shirts and pulled close towards him. Xenon demanded, "Where is Argon going? What was that flash of a light? Was this your doing?" "Calm yourself, Xenon." I insisted, holding two claws out in response and between our heads. I never wanted to get hurt or be punched. His attacks hurt like hell the first time I had went against him. As Xenon gripped us, the door opened and our heads turned over. I grinned in response. Happy to see that Yang, Kyro and Natty had came by. Nursed to full health perhaps. What is this pokemon? I shook my head of the thought and slowly threw my claws towards Xenon. Pushing him away lightly as to not damage him in any way, Xenon released me and stepped back a few steps away. But his face hardened and his eyes narrowed, pointing daggers at me and Zander while I nervously stepped off from his vision and closer to the trio.
"What is going on here? Why is Xenon angry?" Yang asked, curious while he turned to me. "We found a jewel. Decided to do some experiments with it and poof; its gone. And somehow Argon got tangled into the mess..." I explained, trailing my voice afterwards as I reached the end of my report. "You did what?" Yang remarked, her face was surprised. I frowned and forward leaned to her dropping my shoulders as I repeated, "Broke the jewel and-" "No after that, Ling." Yang replied, waving her claw at me while I still answered her, deadpanning and boring voice. "Then Argon got tangled into the mess..." "How did he got tangled?" "He opened the door of the photo booth room and-" Zander exclaimed, butting in onto our conversation as me and Yang glared at him. He kept quiet afterwards. "But yeah what Zander said." I commented quietly.
"Why do we have a photo booth room?" Kyro asked, wondering out loud. Then groaned in pain while rubbing his sides, frowning towards Natty who smiled brightly and hummed. Yang sighed and lowered her claws to her side. Shaking her head while she released a breath, she asked me "Where is he now?" "I do not know. But perhaps with the jewel." "Jewel?" Yang asked, looking at me. I nodded, "Yeah. The jewel. It was the object that was enhancing the brightenings of the sidewalks which caused you three to become temporarily blind that you..." I began to explain, but trailed off afterwards realizing that it does not make any sense. I mean why would you or anyone else who was blinded by the light to go to the hospital for? Should had went to the eye doctor or something. But sadly, I had not seen any building that does that.
"Regardless..." Yang replied, interrupting my train of thoughts as I looked to her and she sighed again casting her eyes to the side before answering to the silence around us. "We need to know where he is and how may we find her." "And why is a jewel in our sidewalk." Kyro suggested, Yang nodded in response and turned to me poking my chest with her claw. "You are with me, Ling. The rest of you stay by upon the station and find any clues. Zander will help you." "What?" Zander shrieked, and stepped angrily at Yang "Why should I stay behind? It was all Ling's fault. He was the one who dissected the jewel-``''Stop complaining Zander." I growled at him. Zander growled back, but nonetheless turned his back to me and motioned to Kyro and Natty before heading back into the room. Leaving me and Yang behind. I had to say I was a bit worried for Argon But at the same feeling, sorry for myself. Yeah I know. I should not be when in fact, it was Zander who broke the jewel with his hammer. Cannot help myself feel remorse for him. As I swallowed my guilt and felt a tap upon my shoulder, I raised my wings in surprise before turning around. Face to face with Yang whose eyes had narrowed at me. She motioned with her claw and walked out the door. I followed after her. Exiting from our station where we were alone and isolated away from anyone else.
Yang sighed for the third time, closed her eyes and breathed in the fresh cold air that surrounded us. Before her lips split and started taking, she opened her eyes and stared at me. "Where is Argon?" "I do not know." I argued back, then looked around upon our surroundings. "Is he around here? Is he inside of the city?" I turned back to her, "Did you look before accusing me of where he was?" "I am not accusing you. I just wanted to know where he is." Yang argued back. I shrugged and frowned, shaking my head as to prove my point that I was clueless to where he was located. And all that, she still insisted that I had something to do with Argon. We went like this a couple of times. Circling one another like hungry sharks awaiting for the other to make the mistake. In terms of us, yang was waiting for me to spill the revealment of where Argon was. And in truth I still do not know.
On and on we had talked. Towards the daybreaks of the skies. Where birds were chirping, flying south for the coming winter. I still kept my lips sealed and continued looking at her while her eyes narrowed. In about a little additional time after the daybreaks was when the doors was opened. Both me and Yang looked away from one another and stared towards the opened doors. Where Kyro and Natty were standing, smiling brightly and in confident. Kyro answered Yang's question. "Argon is in the outskirts of Vaster." "Outskirts?" Both me and Yang shrieked in shocked, our eyes widened in surprise as we looked to him for addition information or anything that was stuck inside of his mind. But Kyro shook his head and so did Natty. Providing no other answer as to the problem, Yang glanced at me in silence. I winced awaiting but she just hugged me. Tightly that I thought I felt blood stopping upon my waist. As I grip my claws tightly and my fangs were grinding, Yang released me. Her expression had changed. From anger to sorrow; I had noticed that her eyes were about to be filled with tears. I frowned in reply, mirroring her while raising my claw up to her face. In an attempt to wipe away her sorrows, she instead turned and ran back inside. Through the doors, she disappeared while I watched her go.
I had never seen her cry like this since twenty years ago. And I looked to Kyro and Natty for anything. But they remained silent. For their eyes were to me, but sealed lips was revealed. I said nothing in response to them but threw myself towards the doors. Opening them before entering in. The large room was quiet, all I hear was the sounds of running. Someone was screaming which I perceived it as Zander. Which led many questions. Did Yang got angry with him? I pondered, chewing on that thought. As I kept stare upon the emptiness of the room, I turned my attention to the photo booth room. And walked further into it. Entering into the darkness that came through my eyes as I walked towards the desk where the jewel was last seen. I looked back into my memory. Every event that lead onto this point. From the sidewalk, the blinding of Natty Kyro and Yang, opening one of the square to find a jewel stuck underneath it, breaking it apart then to the current point. The disappearance of Argon. My mind was struck. The answer reformed in front of me. It had all came together.
I bursted out from the door and screamed for Yang and Zander. Both of which had stopped and turned their eyes to me. Curious were their looks as I smiled confidently to them before walking to them. For once I regroup onto their circle, Yang crossed her arms and growled asking me "What is it?" "The culprit had help" "From who?" Zander asked, raising an eye at me in interest. I smiled to him and answered his question, "Not from this realm. But from another. I think that jewel possessed the ability to jump from one story to the next. But it can transport anyone or itself if the jewel is pieced together. Hence what Zander did. However. Our culprit was not able to figure that out on its own. Like us dragons, I perceived that this culprit had tried many experiments. Even hitting it with his own claw. Nothing worked. So he delivered it to someone. Who that someone is we do not know. But it must be important somehow." I explained and silence fell once again.
In a few moments among the silence, Yang answered commenting me "Well... I am not sure if that... I mean what you were saying, Ling. Was accurate. But it is the only lead we have so far." She nodded to herself upon that statement and smiled faintly before turning to Zander, "Guess you are off the hook then." "Wait." Zander asked a bit surprise while me and Yang walked away from him. He ran up following after us as we all exited out from the station. Regrouping with Kyro and Natty; both of which were looking bored and were relieved to see us. "Well?" Kyro asked, "What happened in there?" "Ling theorized something about the jewel. It kept on disappearing and reappearing in other stories besides our own. Since it reappeared on the outskirts of Vaster, Ling thinks that must be the other story." "Other story?" Kyro asked, a bit confused. "Are you saying that we live within a fictional vast world story of another?" Natty exclaimed, a bit surprise as Yang nodded. "Yeah. Or that was at least what Ling told me." "Let go everyone." I exclaimed, wanting the conversation to be done and over with.
As our wings were spread out and eyes were casted out into the blue skied horizon beyond us, as a unit we jumped into the air and took off. Flapping out wings rapidly to keep us into the air while Yang shouted overtop of the winds, "Stay close. We are in uncharted territory now. Who knows what awaits us on the other side of Vaster." "Adventure!" Zander screamed, fistpumping into the air excitedly while I hit his side with my claw growling. "Shut up." I demanded. And so we flew westward towards the direction of where the jewel might be. I just hope that we do not run into any trouble...