Thunderstruck Chapter 2
#2 of Thunderstruck
"Come on" Lu said impatiently, as he basically dragged Feign into the middle of the clearing. Feign found that Lu was pretty tall compared to him. At least a good two feet taller. Lu's stride was a lot bigger than his. Feign had to quicken his pace in order to keep up with him. As Lu lead him on, his head would occasionally bump into the side of his leg.
The clearing consisted of a huge grass field with trees surrounding the spot. Lu stopped in the middle and turned to face Feign. "Are you ready?"
"Yeah..." Feign said hesitantly, playing idely with his paws. "What do I have to do?"
"Ok first I need to tell you something important." Feign cocked his head to the side, confused. "You see all living things have natural electrical currents in them. Certain Pokemon." He pointed at Feign. "Like you have the amazing ability to harness that energy and use it in an attack. All thanks to those cute little cheeks of yours." He smiled knelling down to pinch both sides of Feigns face. He pulled on them which caused Feign face to stretch quite comically.
Feign slapped both paws away from his face. "Cut it out will ya!" Feign shouted. He rubbed his cheeks as a light sting was left where Lu pinched.
Lu released a snort from his maw. "Sorry I couldn't resist." He smiled. Feign thought back to the reason why Lu wanted to help him out in the first place. All he had been doing was just teasing him.
"Are you gonna help me or not!" Feign said impatiently. tapping his foot.
"Lighten up I'm just having a bit of fun." He let out a few giggles. A few seconds later his eyes turned serious. "I want to show you something first." Lu place his paw in front of him and clenched it tightly. "I also have the ability to harvest electricity." He closed his eyes. Feign just stared at Lu's paw, all was silent. Lu looked like he was in a trance of some sort. To Feigns amazement Lu's paw started to glow. He continued to stare in awe when he recognized a Familiar sight. Lu's paw started to give out static discharge. Feign couldn't believe his eyes. Lu knew how to do thunder punch, an ability that only the advanced Pikachu could learn. He saw Lu in a new light. Lu was no ordinary Pokemon. He looked at Lu with shock and awe on his face, mouth slightly open. Feignt could even hear the static crack and pop around the paw.
Lu opened his eyes and grinned. "If you think that this is amazing check this out." His face returned to that trance like state.
Feign was really excited now. He raised his paws up to his chest and clenched them tightly in anticipation. Lu's paw stop glowing as Feign stared; waiting. His paw erupted into a burst of flames. Feign was stunned as he saw that Lu didn't flinch an inch. His face remained in that trance like state. The flaming paw was so hot that Feign had to step back a bit; as he could feel the heat emanating from it. The flames died down as steam rose from his paw. Feign felt a cool wind pick up, he shivered in place. It was so cold. His gaze returned to Lu's paw and was amazed to see that it looked frozen. Not only had Lu mastered thunder punch, he mastered fire punch, and ice punch as well. Just looking at Lu's paw he was thankful that Lu wasn't going to use those attacks against him.
"Whoa" was all feign could say as he was shocked that Lu was so skillful. Lu open his eyes and smiled at Feign.
"Cool, Right?" He said. He Reached around and placed his paw on Feign back. His paw was still very cold. Feign yelped as the icy cold paw surprised him. It made his fur stand up on end. He jumped forward to escape the cold. Lu let out a playful laugh as Feign gave him a Frustrated look. He hated the cold.
"Where did you learn to do that?" Feign asked.
"I've learned a few thing though the years" Lu replied. "But its not about me now, its about you. If you can concentrate hard enough you can emit any energy you want, anywhere you want. Just for you, electricity is just the easiest for your Pokemon type."
This got Feign thinking. "So your saying I could learn fire and ice attacks too?"
"Its possible but I've never seen a Pikachu learn ice punch before." He said with a quick laugh. "Its kind of like a Buizel learning flamethrower, sounds impossible right?"
Feign thought about this a moment and nodded. A little disappointed
"Right now let just focus on the easiest energy for you to control." Lu moved closer to Feign. "Ok I want you to show me what you can do and we can go from there." Feign nodded and brought his paws to his chest, closed his eyes and focused. He tried to force himself to do thundershock but only light static emitted from his cheeks.
"Good so far" Lu said. "Now instead of forcing the electricity to come out I want you to try to feel the energy running though your entire body. Don't worry about letting it out all at once. Try to gather enough energy in your cheeks." Lu placed his paw on Feigns head and lightly stroked it. "And relax a bit will ya." He added softly "Don't force it."
Feign tried to do what he asked. He told himself to relax and focus. Concentration was key in this situation and Feign tried his hardest. He focused on his cheeks to will the energy to accumulate. Feign was surprised, he could feel the energy growing inside him. He wanted to release it now but heard Lu's voice.
"Not yet" He whispered "Release when you feel like you can't hold it any longer."
Feign understood and focused harder. He could feel the energy growing stronger and stronger. It grew to the point where it started to hurt. He knew that was the sign to let go. Feign gave a shout as he released the energy from his body. He opened his eyes and saw, to his amazement, a bolt of lightning fly from him and hit the ground just a few feet ahead. The lightning strike smoldered the grass where it landed. Feign stood in that spot not believing his eyes. "Did I really just do that?" he thought. He stood there a bit, still not believing what he did. In that moment euphoria hit him and he threw his arms in the air. "I did it, I did it!" he shouted. He celebrated for a few more seconds and turned to face Lu. Lu was smiling widely at him.
"Good job!" He said, clasping his paw together.
"Thank you so much." Feign shouted. Feign was so happy he jumped at Lu wanting to hug him.
In that moment Feign realized that this was a big mistake. Feign forgot all about the metal spike protruding from Lu's chest. He jumped straight towards it, and when he landed, would be on top of it. Feign braced himself and closed his eyes, waiting for the pain. It didn't come. Lu caught him in his arms and caressed Feign in his chest. Feign was surprised as the pain he was expecting didn't come. Instead it was replaced with the softest fur he had ever felt. Feign sniffed and found Lu's fur smelling of a sweet almost intoxicating aroma. Feign rubbed his face a few times on Lu's chest as he loved the smell.
Lu placed his paw on Feigns back and started stroking it. "Having fun?"
Feign snapped out of his stupor and looked up at Lu Embarrassed. His face flushed red as he gave Lu a weak smile. "I just um... wanted to thank you". Feign found it hard to concentrate because Lu was still stroking him. It felt nice.
Lu stopped stroking his back and hugged him. Feign face was against Lu chest once again. He didn't mind it though, he savored his scent. Feign never smelled something so nice, so intoxicating. Lu bowed his head down and lightly kissed Feigns head "Your welcome." He said softly.