Vengeance 22: Facing Your Fears
#6 of Vengeance
V22: Facing Your Fears
Nathan woke up the next morning and He felt terrible. He went outside and re-started the search.
He was trying to find Renamon: Despite what he said, He felt bad. Yesterday he had searched all night, but he had found nothing. He start crying, lightly.
Nathan: Why? Why did I ever have to go and make her he hate me? I, I lo-
Renamon suddenly drops from above. She looked angry but, yet happy. She didn't say anything but started walking back. Nathan just followed her.
Nathan: I'm so happy she's ok! So, um, how was your night.
Renamon: grunt Tail hurts. Gotten soft after a year in a bed.
Even though it was very little, Nathan was infinitely happier with Renamon there.
Nathan: So, I just wanted to, um, tell you that I'm really sor-
Right as Nathan was about to apologize he was interrupted. A green shape flitted by them. Then it rushed Renamon.
Renamon: MOVE!
They barely got out of the way and giant Preying-Mantis rushed past them.
Renamon: A snimon?
Snimon: Prepare to die! SHADOW SICKLE!
He crossed his claws and sent a shot of purple energy at Renamon.
I ran in front of her and took the it for her.
Renamon: NATHAN!
He turns around and shaking says,
Nathan: shake You think they could take me down so easily? shake
She starts crying and step forward. She pushes him to the ground and stands in front of Snimon and brandishes her claws.
Renamon: We'll talk about this later. YOU! YOU HURT MY TAMER! DIE!
In a flash of claws Snimon was gone.
A little later . . .
Nathan: OW! Don't do that!
Renamon: Don't be a baby! You'll feel better in a minute!
Nathan: Ah! That does feel better!
There were back at Nathan's house. He was topless and she was rubbing a cotton swab over the large X shaped cuts he had.
Renamon: What possessed you to do that!?
Nathan: I wanted to protect you!
Renamon: I thought you hated me!
Nathan: We got in a fight and I was apologizing until, Buggy got in the way!
She shook her head. Even though they had been over this a lot already she couldn't seem to get why he had protected her. She started to wrap Nathan's wounds.
Nathan: Renamon . . . there was another reason I protected you . . .
Renamon: What was it?
Nathan: Renamon I like, no I lo- AAWW!
She had just finished lightning the cloth on his arms. It was hurting him. Some blood welled up and stained the bandages. After a while Nathan relaxed again.
Renamon: Anyway, what were you saying earlier?
Nathan gets up and looks at Renamon.
Nathan: Renamon, I've never felt so strongly about someone. Will, you please go out with me?
Renamon looks shocked and then happy. Then she started crying. She shook her head.
Renamon: I wan to . . . but I just can't . . .
She breaks eye contact and runs from the room. Nathan collapses into a chair.
Nathan: DAMNIT!