Project Warblade: Chapter 3
#6 of Vincent Kazira
Having slept throughout his Growth Stage, a Genetically Engineered wolf known as Vincent is awakened from his slumber and cast into an entirely new world. Will he adjust and adapt? Or fail like the predecessors before him?
Here it is! Chapter 3 imported directly from furaffinity! I hope you guys enjoy, I will be posting chapter 4 tomorrow!
Vincent's instincts demanded that he jerk away as soon as he heard the noise, but he merely tensed up for a moment, his curiosity and some traces of sedatives somewhat overcoming his fear despite every bit of feral knowledge screaming for him to stand back, run away, or even fight to the very end. He couldn't see that far in front of him, but he could tell that someone was there, as was confirmed by the voice, and the fact that he could just barely feel some kind of presence. It was kind of hard to focus though, rubbing his snout as he took a few deep breaths and got used to using his lungs to their fullest extent.
231 was expected to start out quite weak, though the fact that he was alive at all was screaming that some form of progress had been made. Blitz stood ready to brace his specimen, knowing full well that they could easily fall over and injure themselves on the sterile surfaces. "Are you...My angel...?" Vincent questioned in a clearly inebriated tone, trying to find the source of the noise. Most specimens were blind after exiting their tanks, mostly due to the fluid getting in their eyes, it typically went away after a day or two, well, if they were lucky.
It only took a moment for the glass tube to slide up and into the ceiling, allowing Vincent to exit. Though the wolvan was clearly hesitant, Blitz knew it was best to be kind to the creature, to show some limited form of affection that he actually lacked, in order to avoid forming an attachment that could be lost far more easily than how it was gained. "Hm, perhaps... That depends on what your definition of that term is. Step forward, please, but take it slow." the fox replied in a soft tone, gesturing over towards Crux. It was his cue to bring in his security to ensure proper protocol was followed, as usual.
Vincent did as he was told, taking a few cautious steps forward. His pawsteps were a little off, as his lack of useful vision and light sedation meant that he walked in a slight waddle. Though he could make out a few figures and something reaching out towards him. Slowly, he reached his paw out towards it, but was suddenly met by a cold, tight constriction around his neck. Crex had summoned two of his Guards to ensure that proper ''Safety Protocols'' could be enforced, though the doctor had never quite agreed with them.
Vincent attempted to back away immediately, but the grip around his neck was simply too firm to get free of. It felt cold, restrictive, and completely ungiving. It never felt any good to be at the opposite end of a restraining rod like this, as they were mostly made more for handling large, unruly animals rather than sentient creatures. "Apalogies, Vincent, but we can't take any risks... It's only temporary, I promise. Just do what these men tell you and it'll be a lot easier, okay?" The arctic fox stated, taking a moment to look at his clipboard in an attempt to hide a thinly veiled look of dissatisfaction towards their policies.
This wasn't even the first time that he had regretted his decision, though with the actions of the Wolvan Council, there was no turning back.
Crex stepped forward, and turned to face his two loyal Soldiers whom forced the specimen up against the wall. "Take him over to the Medical Research Unit, get him cleaned up and examined." Crux ordered, the two lupines silently nodded at this and slowly began leading Vincent out of the room. The Darkwolf did continue to put up some level of resistance of course, but another harsh pull was enough to discourage any further dissent.
"Doctor, how long until the others are ready to be removed from their Growth Vats?" Crex glanced at the other specimens, they all seemed to have different fur colors, but were all Darkwolves of some form. They had originated from the same genetic material, and so they would likely have the same proportions. There were males, and females, indistinguishable aside from a few small differences in body shape. Blitz took a small stylus pen from one of the pockets in his Lab coat, and glanced at the other tanks for a moment. "I'd estimate, about five months, and that's assuming we don't have any unfortunate setbacks. Which we almost certainly will." the fox pondered , twirling the pen in his paws as he glanced at the empty container.
"Forget that, Draconis wants a full Demonstration Batch by the end of the week. They want Supersoldiers, not pickles. If they don't grow in time, then we're going to have to rip them out of their tanks and have the faulty ones disposed of. And then, then we just have to hope for the best." Of course, this elicited a little scowl from Blitz. "With due respect Lieutenant, I understand the processes here more than you do, and I say that they need just a little more time. Draconis sent you to assist and oversee the Warblade Project, not take control of it. Besides, we have a Living Specimen, which should be enough to hold them off for a while." The Grey wolf listened for a moment, and nodded. "Very well then, I'll contact Draconis and give them the news. Just promise me he won't die on us, or else we're both toast." Blitz nodded, and the wolf slowly stepped towards the door. Before he left however, he glanced over his shoulder at them.
"Oh... And Blitz..."
Servin briefly glanced up from his datapad, fox tail wagging gently as he stared towards the Military Officer. "Hm...?" There was a short moment of silence, though with how busy the day was, neither of them would really mind.
"There's been a change of schedule. I uh... Might be able to take some time off this weekend... You and me, correct?"
There was another short moment of silence that followed, a chance for Blitz to at least temporarily escape the social boundaries of his ever so present coldness. "We shall see, Kulvis, we shall see..."