Dragons Lair pt 14
#14 of Dragons Lair
They beamed into the bridge and Varek stood up straight, letting Myra relax. The soldier panicked and pointed his gun at Michael. "Don't do anything stupid, put the gun down." Michael warned, edging closer.
"I have to. You took our prisoners."
"You are no longer on Earth. Your jurisdiction no longer applies." Michael replied. He passed the 2m mark, he could now reach the weapon.
"Stop moving" The soldier stuttered as he pointed his gun at Saiu, who straightened up. Michael took the opportunity and used his tail to knock the gun out of the soldiers hands. The soldier panicked again and Saiu picked up the gun, holding it the wrong way. Michael took it before Saiu shot himself, "I wouldn't hold it that way."
"Throw the soldier in Cell C and extract information out of him."
"Could I take him there Saiu?" Michael asked.
"Go ahead. Deck 4."
Michael pushed the soldier in front and led him through the ship, taking him to the cell.
"What's your name?" Michael asked
"William Schofield. How can I understand you?"
"My armband translates for everyone in a certain radius."
"You aren't wearing one."
Michael touched his arm and Michael the Dragon turned into Michael the human.
"Your human!"
"Yes. From Earth."
"But why are you on here? Are you a slave?"
"No! They studied me when I was asleep and I woke up in the lab. Then I fell in love with one."
"You're in love with a Dragon?"
"Yes. Myra is my mate."
"I take it you like Dragons a bit."
"Yes. On Earth I was a furry."
"I heard about them. They have sex with animals don't they?"
"No! They believe in putting human characteristics on animals or animal characteristics on humans. In there." Michael said while pointing at the cell. William did as instructed and Michael sat outside the cell. They talked for the best part of an hour before Myra checked up on them.
"Michael. Where have you been?"
"Talking to William."
"Well let's go."
"I suppose so. See ya William."
William smiled, "Bye Michael. Have fun with Myra."
Michael and Myra walked away and Myra looked at her mate, "Aren't you going to turn your armband back on?"
"Why not? Is something wrong?"
"No. I just want to draw on my laptop."
"Can you draw me?"
"If you want me to."
"It's going to be the background for my terminal."
"Neat. I'll draw it to the best of my ability."
"Thank you Michael."
"I'd do anything for you Myra."
"Awww" She replied as she kissed him lightly . Michael smiled and kissed her back. Myra's tongue flicked into his mouth and she held his head. Michael broke the kiss and smiled, "Can I start drawing now?"
Myra laughed and let go of him. They walked together to their quarters, arm in arm.
Michael sat down at his desk and started his laptop. Myra got on her knees so she could see the picture properly and Michael kissed her head, "Do some Dragons have horns?"
"Nice. I haven't seen anyone with any."
"I have."
"You. You have the most beautiful pair of horns a Dragon can have."
Michael turned pink and Myra laughed, "I didn't know humans could change colour."
"I'm blushing."
"Humans a funny little creatures."
Michael kissed her again then focused his attention on the laptop. He started taking deep breaths and closed his eyes, drawing on his tablet PC. Myra watched intently and saw what Michael was drawing. She was lying on a bed with her head resting on her hand and her tail going over her legs. She was going to have a smirk on her face and her eyes looking at the viewer. Michael had an outline and started working on the details. Myra went to her desk and continued her report.