The Life and Times of Soma Hikari: Chapter 6

Story by tigera117 on SoFurry

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#6 of The Life and Times of Soma Hikari

The Life and Times of Soma Hikari

Chapter 6: Complications

In the days after I told Haru I loved her, things just kept getting better for us. We spent all our time together, in school, outside of school, every second of everyday pretty much. I was truly happy for the first time in my life and it was all because of her. I'd do anything to be with her and I was pretty sure she'd do the same for me. Our parents got along as well which was an added bonus.

Today was just a usual boring school day, sitting through classes, watching the clock, waiting for that one break of the day, lunch period. Finally it came and I made my way to my usual spot next to Haru. As I sat down, she turned her head and smiled at me.

"Hi, Soma! Guess what?" She said happily, her tail wagging

"What?" I said slightly confused as to why she seemed so happy

"My parents are going to be out of town all weekend and I was wondering if you wanted to come spend some time with me?"

I just sat there open mouthed while I analyzed the situation. She was going to be alone, all weekend, with no parental supervision at all, and she was asking me to come over and spend time with her. How could I refuse! This was a once in a lifetime opportunity!

"I'd love to" I said. "I wouldn't want you to be lonely all weekend"

She smiled and kissed me as the bell rang, and I walked to my next class excited for the afternoon to come. Her and I were going to be all alone all weekend! It seemed like nothing could go wrong.

After school, I stopped by the flower shop to buy Haru some roses; I figured it'd be a nice romantic gesture and that it'd get the weekend off to a nice start. Afterwards I headed to Haru's house with a big smile on my face, I was about to go spend time with the girl I love, and who knows what would happen.

I finally arrived at Haru's house in the late afternoon and noticed a car in the driveway. I just figured it was nothing. I didn't get a good look at her parent's car anyways or maybe they were letting her borrow it. I didn't get an answer when I knocked on the door and soon discovered it was unlocked, I walked inside thinking she was probably waiting for me anyways.

As I walked down the hall I started hearing muffled voices coming from her room, I put my paw on the door and slowly turned the knob, not knowing what I would find on the other side. What I found shocked and angered me greatly.

Haru was lying on her bed, but on top of her was another wolf, a big male wolf, and it looked like they were laughing and having a good time as they wrestled on top of her bed. I stood there and watched in shock as I dropped the bouquet of roses I was holding. She noticed I was there and pushed the other wolf off her.

"Soma it isn't what it looks like!" She said as I turned around and stormed down the hallway.

"I'm leaving!!" I yelled as I headed for the door as fast as I could, not knowing what to do.

"Soma just listen to me!" she yelled as she grabbed my hand "That's my cousin Jake, he came to see if my parents were here, and he was just wrestling with me like we used to do when we were kids, it's a big misunderstanding, please believe me!"

"I'm sorry but I can't" I said as she began to cry "I wish I could, but it looked like more than just playing to me"

"That's all it was Soma, please just give me a chance"

"No, I'm leaving" I replied as I broke her grip on me and walked out the door as she stood there crying.

I couldn't believe she would do something like this to me! I thought she loved me! I didn't think she'd betray me like this, I wished I could believe her, but I saw what I saw, and everything just pointed to her cheating on me.

I finally got home later that night, after driving around town for a few hours trying to clear my mind. As soon as I did I went straight to my room, I didn't want to deal with anyone for awhile. I picked up my phone and saw I had about 30 messages, they were all from her. It seemed like she really felt bad, but still, she was cheating on me, and I couldn't stay with someone like that.

I spent my night gaming, just trying to dull the agonizing pain I felt in my heart, nothing ever went right for me, and just when things were the greatest they had ever been in my life it all went to hell. I was destined to be alone, I knew that now and I didn't care. I trusted her, I gave her my heart and she destroyed it. This was her fault, not mine and she needed to accept that.

It was about 3 in the morning when I decided to check my E-mail, there was just one message from her labeled "proof", I was curious so I decided to open it.

"Soma, I love you more than anything" It read "I know you're angry, but please just listen to me, attached is the proof that Jake is my cousin and not another guy, I understand if you never want to see me again, but I want to try to fix things, because I love you"

I opened the attached picture and stared in shock, it was a picture of Haru as a little girl playing with a little boy who looked exactly like the guy I saw today. She was telling the truth, and I didn't even give her a chance. I felt like the jerk I totally was and I had to fix things, and I had to do it now.

I got dressed quickly and grabbed my keys as I ran out to my car. I drove to her house as fast as I could, I had to apologize to her, I loved her more than anything and I felt horrible. When I finally got there I saw that all the lights were out, I didn't care if she was sleeping, I had to do this now. I banged on the door as hard as I could until I saw a light come on and heard footsteps coming to the door.

She opened the door and stared at me in disbelief as she stood there in nothing but a bathrobe.

"Soma! What are you doing here!" She exclaimed. "It's 3 in the morning!"

"I'm sorry!" I said as I grabbed her and held her tightly in my arms, "I should have listened to you!"

"It's ok" she managed to say as tears began to roll down her face. "I didn't know he would do that"

"Can I come inside?" I asked and she nodded

"Yes, please come in" she replied as we walked inside and she closed the door

We walked to her room and she held my hand as we sat down on her bed together. I held her close as she cried in my arms.

"It's all over now" I said quietly as I rocked her in my arms gently "I still love you and I'm not mad anymore"

"R...really?" she said as she looked up into my eyes

"Yes really" I replied "I'm always going to be here for you, I promise"

"Thank you" she whispered as she leaned up and kissed me passionately "I love you so much Soma"

"I love you too" I replied as I kissed her back

She reached over and turned off the light then looked at me in the darkness, her eyes glowing with a beautiful light as she asked me to stay the night with her. I accepted and she wrapped her arms around me as we kissed lovingly in the dark.

I wanted to be with her forever, and I knew she wanted the same. I didn't care what happened, I knew she was the one for me and I would do anything to be by her side forever, because she was the one who completed me, she was my happiness, she was my soulmate.

I didn't know what would happen during the next few hours, but I knew whatever happened, we could handle it if we stayed together, I knew that, and I knew that things were going to be better from now on............

To Be Continued