My Dead Demonic Boyfriend

Story by Kageichi on SoFurry

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#1 of My Dead Demonic Boyfriend

This story is based off the Beetlejuice Musical, but this version of Beetlejuice is one created by @beetlebitties on twitter who got me inspired to make my own story based on her version/head canon of the garbage gremlin.

32 years after the events of the musical, Beetlejuice finds himself alone again in the modern day. But one day, the Maitlands/Deetz home gets sold to someone new. 25 year old Luka, who unfortunately is able to see the demon begins to live his new life with the specter. And by living together, the two begin to feel something far more than mere friendship.

This story features a Trans Non-Binary Beetlejuice. It's my first time writing a trans character but I've got help in making sure they're presented correctly.

If you wanna see how this version of Beetlejuice looks and all their adorableness/naughtiness, check out the artist and creator Beetlebitties on twitter.

My Dead Demonic Boyfriend

Chapter 1: My New Roomate

It was a dark and stormy night in the town of Winter River. The rain pouring over the town, and not a single person on the streets.

In one home however near the outskirts of town, one person stood atop the roof. His mood was so down that he didn't even care that he was standing in the rain without an umbrella.

This man was Beetlejuice, a demon spectre that haunted the home of the late Maitlands and the living Deetz family. For a millennia he haunted that house, but it was only when he met them that the demon actually felt alive. Which at one time he actually had been... for an exact five minutes.

It had been 32 years since then, and like any mortal life they can't help but change. As she grew up into an adult, his best friend Lydia moved away, her parents had passed away, and before he even knew it the Maitlands who had haunted their home alongside him had decided that it was time for them to move on from the afterlife.

"Ugh... it's been so long. Actually... how long has it been anyway?" The spector pulled out an old calendar from his suit. The moment it came out in the open, the letters were washed away by the rain. Changing from the 1980's into the early 2020's. "Such a long time... and nothing new has really happened."

Beetlejuice may have thought that, but the town had really progressed over the years. From the town, to the world's technology, it seemed he was a bit behind the times.

"Another year of being invisible... another year of being alone..." The demon moaned, looking just as depressed as his hair was purple.

The next day was much better than the last, the sun shined down that morning as a car drove down the road. The driver looked around the sights of the new town, his eyes dimmed a little before he shook himself awake. The sound of his phone ringing helped in waking him up as he turned on his car's bluetooth to answer.

"Luka? Hey, are you there?" A female voice called out from the car's radio.

"Yeah I'm here, I just got into town and I'm exhausted." He groaned. "I've been driving for a day and a half so forgive me if I pass out and die in a car crash...

"Oh come on, you're not that bad. You'd probably just die in bed." She teased. "I'm still surprised you decided to go for that old house on the edge of town."

"I mean, it was the cheapest house in the history of cheap. I literally paid off what little bit of mortgage there was as I was driving here." Luka explained. "It was weird that it was like that, but since it's a big house I thought it would be better than renting an apartment."

"That might be true, but there are lots of rumors that the house is apparently haunted." Another voice chimed in the call, a much softer female voice compared to the softer one. "It's why nobody has ever tried moving there. Are you sure about this, Luka?"

"I want this, Cas. Sides, I need a bed as soon as possible." He answered as he saw the house in sight. "Almost there, just gotta cross this bridge. I'll call you guys and let you know how it looks."

Looking over the town again, Beetlejuice sighed as the act was becoming more boring as the years passed.

"How can I make this interesting?" The spectre pondered, he turned his back to the view but his head turned back like an owl to look again. "Hm... nope, still boring. Still... wait..."

The demon's body quickly turned around, fixing his head to its proper place as he looked towards the road. A car was making its way through the small bridge towards the house. Which could only mean one thing.

"Someone's coming here! Someone's actually coming!" He jumped for joy, floating in the air for a few seconds before he flew back inside the house.

He rushed downstairs and smooshed his body into the house's front window, watching intently as the car edged ever closer to the house until they finally parked in front of it. The blue van's door opened up to reveal a young man, his head was covered in messy dirty blonde hair as if he had just left his bed. His outfit was just a pair of jeans and a black hoodie.

"Been so long since I last saw a breather up close." Beetlejuice pressed his face harder against the glass as he looked at the chubby human.

Luka gave out a loud yawn, his long ride from his hometown was finally over. Here before him stood his brand new home, and all he had to do was move his stuff in. "The rest of my stuff should be coming tomorrow on a moving truck. I could unpack what I have already but..." He looked at the house again, admiring the design when his eyes soon met the mysterious man in the window.

The strange pale white skinned man with oddly greened hair stared back at him wearing a black and white striped suit with a magenta colored shirt underneath. His strange red fingered hands, his chubby belly, pretty much his entire body pressed against the glass window as he stared at him.

"Can he see me?" Beetlejuice wondered. Practically begged as he waved at the new human outside. "Please see me, please please see me!" But his wishes were thwarted as Luka made his way towards the door without a single response "Did he see me and is just pretending he didn't?"

Wanting to find out if that was the case, the demon flew over and stood in front of the door as it opened. The two stood face to face once again, Luka's expression was relaxed and without surprise.

"Hey! Hey, can you see me?" Beetlejuice asked. "Come on you can tell me, I know you can."

"The interior looks just as impressive as the outside, I wonder how the rooms look." Luka completely ignored the demon as he made his way inside. "Oh right, I should take some pictures and show them off to the girls."

"Whoa! Hold up! I know you can hear me!" Beetlejuice followed the human towards the living room, watching as Luka took pictures of the room with his phone. "Come on, you've gotta see me! Please? Just say something!"

"Something..." The sudden response made the demon jump in excitement. "Something sure is interesting about this house, I'll try and take a few more pictures to show the girls."

"Aww, come on!" The demon groaned. "There's no way you're not looking at me right now!"

Beetlejuice pulled at his hair as he followed the new breather throughout the house, entering the kitchen, the bathrooms, even going upstairs to take pictures as the demon did his best to get Luka's attention. Spinning his head around, flying around, but nothing caught Luka's attention.

"It looks like a pretty nice house inside, a bit old but sturdy enough thankfully." Luka stepped along the creaking floorboards, trailing a hand along the wall as he walked through the hall. "It might have more than one bedroom with how big it is, I wonder which one I should take for my own?"

"Hey!" Beetlejuice exclaimed, holding his hands in front of the breather in an effort to stop him. But his determination was dwindling as his hope for someone to see him was beginning to fail. "Who am I kidding... you really can't see me at all can you?"

"... Beans."

"Huh?" The demon's eyes shot up when Luka spoke, his human hand slowly reaching out towards one of his animal-like ones. He felt his face blushing, his hair turning a bright pink as the human's hand suddenly touched his own. He could feel the physical contact as Luka's thumb rubbed against the soft pads on his fingers.

"You have paw pads, and they're so... soft." Luka pressed his thumb against the larger pad, rubbing them more with a smile on his face. "Hehe, they're actually cute."

"You can.. Really see me?" He asked in awestruck.

"Well of course I can see you, you spent the whole time trying to get my attention." Luka answered.

"You really can see me! Yes, I knew you could!" The chubby spectre jumped for joy and latched onto Luka's body, nuzzling his stubbly face against the human's cheek. "I totally knew you could see me! I knew it! I knew it!"

"Will you please... get off of me!?" Luka used all his strength to push Beetlejuice away from his body. "And calm down will ya? You're just some hallucination anyway."

"A hallucination?"

"Yeah, from my lack of sleep. Though I've heard it takes a few days before hallucinations kick in, maybe I'm more exhausted than I thought." Luka yawned. "I gotta find a room to sleep in before I pass out."

"What? Wait, no! I'm not a hallucination, I'm really here!" Beetlejuice proclaimed. "Come on, you touched me and everything! Doesn't that mean I'm real?"

"Hallucinations can be pretty real looking, so it's not like you can't be touched." He pondered the idea, trying to find a realistic answer. "Well, I'm sure if I focused my mind some you'd just go away."

"What do you mean?"

"It's just like this." Luka closed his eyes, relaxing his breathing as he focused on his thoughts. "I just have to calm my mind, relax, and the weird yet handsomely cute guy will disappear. And when I open my eyes, he'll be long gone.Yeah, just like that."

Feeling himself completely relaxed, Luka slowly opened his eyes waiting to see that he was in fact correct. But the hallucination in question had gotten even closer into his personal space, giving a big toothy grin and a pair of rather flirty eyes.

"Hehehe, you think I'm handsome and cute huh?" Beetlejuice snickered. "Gotta say, you're quite the looker yourself."

"Personal space dude!" Luka quickly jumped back in shock. "No way, there's just no way that..."

"That's right, I ain't some illusion of yours big boy. You're talking to the number one ghoul around! The demon straight from hell!" The spectre proclaimed. "The ghost with the most! The one! The only...."

"The only... what?" Luka questioned as the demon suddenly paused.

"Well... you know my name!"

"No I don't, I didn't even know you had a name." He argued.

"Well I can't say it." Beetlejuice told.

"Why not?"

"It's part of the rules, I can't say my name. But you can." He pointed it out. "You just gotta figure out my name, and then you gotta say it three times! It must be spoken and unbroken."


"Now don't worry, I got a great way to help you figure it out-hey!?" He watched as the breather simply walked past him and further down the hall "Come on, don't ignore me!"

"Yeah no. I'm just gonna keep ignoring you again." Luka wearily answered.

"Come on, how about a game of charades? You know how to play!"

"I do... but I choose not to play."

"Twenty questions then? Just ask me anything and I'll give you hints!" The spectre pestered more, only further annoying the human.

"Will you stop? You tell me you're a demon and then tell me to call your name three times? That's some straight up Bloody Mary BS right there!" Luka accused. "I've watched more than enough horror movies to know that summoning demons is the worst thing to do. So there's no way I'm doing that! So do yourself a favor, either pack your bags and get out of my house. Or wait until I get a priest to exorcise your ass! Or better yet? Why not just make like a ghost and be invisible so I don't have to see you anymore!"

Hearing those words really hit home for Beetlejuice, nobody had ever told him to actually become invisible before. Sure he WAS invisible to people, but being told by someone made it hurt even more.

"Wow I... I can't even say anything to that." The demon pouted as his hair turned purple again. "I guess I'll just... do that then." With that, Beetlejuice poofed away in a puff of smoke.

Luka sighed, his exhaustion has brought out a more aggressive side he usually holds back. He felt bad the moment the demon disappeared.

I went too hard on the guy... he honestly didn't seem so bad. I shouldn't have said that. Luka thought, he continued his walk through the halls when he noticed another bedroom door at his side. "Hm, let's see what's in this room."

Opening the door, Luka looked over to find the room had a rather gothic look to it. The red spider themed curtains, the gothic bed frame, even the color of the room was rather dark. "There's definitely a goth girl vibe to this room." He walked towards the dresser by the wall and opened it to reveal its contents. "Huh? What's this?"

When he opened the drawer, Luka found what looked to be a rather old letter hidden inside. He pulled it out and unfolded the letter to see what was written inside.

"This is from someone named... Lydia?"

If you're reading this, then you're probably living in this house now.

My name is Lydia Deets, and if you can see him. I ask that you summon my best friend to enjoy what the world has to offer.

Because no one should have to feel invisible all their lives.

Especially in their afterlife.

"Invisible, huh?" Luka sighed. Even though he told the demon that same thing, he knew exactly what being invisible felt like. "I wish I could say sorry... wait, there's something else."

P.S: We'll always be BFFF's Forever, so don't ever forget that, Beetlejuice

With Love


"Aww, that was actually really cute. If what this letter says is true, then his name is..." Luka paused, he felt unsure at first for summoning this demon he doesn't even know. But there was something about Lydia's honesty in the letter that told him how much she cared about this demon.

"Beetlejuice.... Beetlejuice..." He gulped audibly, he was actually about to summon an actual demon. And here it comes with one more word. "Beetlejuice!"

Lightning struck suddenly out of nowhere, the room around him seemed to grow bigger as the ceiling rose higher above him. A loud hysterical laughter could be heard echoing all around him until the demon appeared right above Luka's head and fell right into his arms.

"You said it! You actually said my name! I could just kiss you right now!" Beetlejuice took up that suggestion as he pulled the human in and kissed him deeply. Luka struggled to pull him away only to fall on the floor with the demon now laying atop of him! "You're not gonna regret it Babs, you and I are gonna have a helluva good time!"

"The hell man!? Y-You don't just go and kiss people out of nowhere!" Luka blushed fiercely as he tried to free himself from the spectre's weight. "N-Now get off already! This is really... r-really weird and you're not helping!"

"That so? Cause you're not really stopping me from sitting like this." Beetlejuice grinned, leaning back as his behind rested on the human's crotch. "Come on, Babs. I'm sure you and I can have some hot and heavy action. What do you say?"

"I am not agreeing to that! And stop calling me Babs!" He shot back.

"That's not what you said a second ago, see?" The demon summoned a tape recorder in his hands as it played Luka's voice.

"I am-agreeing to that!" It quoted as it cut out the "not" in the sentence.

"So if you don't like Babs, how about sweetie pie?" Beetlejuice suggested. "Honey? Sexy? Babuu? I got a hundred of these for ya."

"... It's Luka..." He groaned in dismay. "My name is Luka, now can you please get off me already!?"

"Well then, Luka." The demon continued to grin as he floated in the air and helped his new human to his feet. "Nice to have a new roommate in this house, so how about we celebrate?"

"I'm going to bed... that's my celebration." The tired human finally met his limit as he walked over and flopped into bed.

"Aww come on, it's still so early!" Beetlejuice flew over the bed and continued to nudge on the tired man. "Come on! Let's do something fun! Come on! Come on!"

I should've waited before paying the mortgage...