Project: Tuqiri -unfinished-

Story by Tuqiri on SoFurry

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The rain came down heavily onto the glass windows stained with the darkness of the sky; it was forecasted to be rain throughout the week, common British weather. Suddenly the doors blew open slamming into the tiles leaving huge cracks. A tray being wheeled along the tiled floor, on the table it had a mass number of glass containers of all different shapes and sizes containing a strange substance, by the side of them there was a thick folder and printed in bold lettering "Project: Tuqiri".

"We...did it, we finally did it!" Came the shouting of the brown fox pushing the tray. The fox was wearing a white lab coat that had blue blotches all over the front that seemed to have dried into it. His bushy fox tail followed behind him as he took the folder and put it onto the table next to other folders that has the word "Fail" stamped onto the front of it. Then a crowd of people started to hover around the table looking at the folder there faces turned to smiles. "Good job Blackwater" said one of the workers who was picking up the test tubes on the tray and shaking them making them sparkle with the light in the room. Slam! The door bashed the the tiles again knocking the cracked ones smashing onto the floor, there stud a well-built grey wolf in a black suit holding a brief case. He ignored the people working around him and went straight for the desk the people are crowding around the table.

"Who are you and how did you get in here?" stutters blackwater, the other workers slowly moving away from the table and back working sheepishly.

"Oh! I'm sorry for not introducing myself. My name is Zack, I just bought your contract from your boss." He smiles. "Just grab that folder and follow me to my car."

He sighs as he picks up the folder and slowly starts following Zack out of the room the other workers watching curiously then going back to work. Outside the rain is still hammering the ground, the black car outside running quietly the rain dulling the noise of its engine. The door of the car opened to let the two people into the car, BlackWater putting his folder behind his coat to stop the rain getting to it, as they both sat onto black leather seats. Zack nodded to the person outside then shut the door the overhead light turning back on filling the dark car with light.

"We have been watching your progress with Project: Tuqiri for 10 years" He opens the black case on his lap inside it had pictures of BlackWater working in his office he takes them out and gives them to Blackwater. "Your research is important to us; you will now work in a more modern laboratory with people who are just as skilful as you are" He smiles.

This is the story so far please comment on any improvements that could be added when i continue this.