Guardians 02: Ever Blurring Lines

Story by Ramea on SoFurry

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Guardians 02: Ever Blurring Lines

The dragon was sprawled out on a pile of treasure, as his species were prone to do when trying to relax, Kaseel reclining on his softer underside, murring happily as his stomach was petted by a taloned hand. The dragon snaked its head around the rabbit's side and nuzzled his inner thigh. The rabbit spread his legs, completely ignoring the fact he still had his clothes on, with his tongue lolling out, and eyes closed. It was an obscene sight to say the least. The dragon, however, made no other move to pleasure the rabbit further, instead, he moved up and nuzzled the rabbit's cheek, simply enjoying the the feel of the blissed out morph's fur.

"Are you looking forwards to getting the wolf?" The dragon asked, halting his strokes along the rabbit's stomach. Kaseel nodded, opening one eye slightly to ask silently for his master to return to petting him. "What are you going to do with him?"

"Well... What can I do with him master?" The rabbit replied, rolling to his side to nuzzle the dragon's chest. The dragon rumbled with laughter.

"He will be yours. Whatever you desire to have him do. He will have to obey. Unless I myself give him a different order."

"Really?" The rabbit squeaked, his eyes widening. "I'll be a master?"

"In a way. Yes." The dragon answered with a nod. "Do you want to train him or have one of the trainers train him?" Kaseel thought, then shook his head.

"I want to train him." he answered, "You trained me so I would know what you want... It would only make sense to do the same as you did master... I want a reliable slave too."

"You will need to be firm with him." Grimnog added, "He must think you are stronger. Crueler. Something better than him. That's what Gladiators respond too."

"But that is not what you did with me." Kaseel murred, pouting slightly.

"You're a special case Kaseel." The dragon laughed heartily.

* * *

Something was different, and the wolf wasn't sure if it was good or not. The cage floor felt... Soft. Not cold, hard, and uncomfortable like it should. Something was different. The air didn't smell of sweat, blood, and decay. It was sweet, and soothing. Then he realized what was different. He was out of the cage, and away from the gladiatorial cells. He slowly opened his eyes, looking around, and finally resting his sight on a white rabbit, garbed in translucent green clothing. He was sitting a safe distance away, but failing at staying still. When he saw the wolf was awake, Kaseel stood and walked over, his ears perked in excitement.

"You're awake!" He chirped, sitting down next to the wolf and looking over his the body, his smile fading slightly. "They didn't treat you very well, did they?" The wolf's fur was a mess, dried blood from his fights, and being tortured, as well as a nice layer of dirt and grime in general. He stank profusely from lack of hygene (Though Kaseel wasn't going to blame much on the wolf currently), and he definitely needed some food in him. The wolf looked at kaseel warily; the rabbit certainly didn't look like a threat, but, that didn't mean he couldn't have the items that Captain had had.

"Touched." The wolf answered, looking away. The rabbit clicked his tongue. The wolf looked back, intrigued by the sound.

"You are going to have to speak in full sentences." Kaseel commented. "You can speak. Right?"

"Little." The wolf answered, still lying on his back.

"What is your name?" The rabbit asked, "You can sit up too. It makes conversations easier, I feel." Slowly the wolf obeyed, wincing slightly as a stab of pain shot through his chest.

"No know."

"Come now. They had to of called you something." Kaseel pushed. "I know!" He suddenly chirped, startling the wolf backwards. "As your new master. I order you to tell me what you were called!" His voice, while rising in intensity and volume, was completely lacking in the force and anger that the wolf was so used to. He looked at the rabbit, quite confused at having a 'master' such as this. If the rabbit was indeed his new master.

"Wolf..." He started, but was cut off by Kaseel interupting.

"I know you are a wolf. I want to know what they called you!" The rabbit giggled, and the wolf's ears laid back.

"Called wolf." He clarified, "Called slave. Called worthless. Called gladiator..."

"I don't like those names." Kaseel said dismissively, with a wave of his hand. "No, I'm going to have to come up with a good name." He smiled, "But, first, to give you a name, I need you to be clean and fixed up." The wolf cocked an ear. Clean wasn't a word he was familiar with.

"Clean?" He asked, then whimpered. Questions never went over well.

"Yes clean. I can't have you representing me in your state. After all. I represent Master Grimnog, and I cannot do justice to him if I keep you in such a condition, for if you are dirty and give me a bad image, it will give Master a bad image himself for having a slave that is not presentable. Understand?" The rabbit spoke, standing and motioning for the wolf to follow. "I will decide on your name when a good one comes to me." The wolf stood, his tail hanging limply, and followed the rabbit through a large set of doors and into a room with a large pool-like structure. "This is the bathing room. Every bedroom connects to it, except Master Grimnog's. He has his own." The rabbit commented idly.

The wolf looked at the room, amazed at it. He'd never seen anything like it. The ground was hard, but neither metal nor dirt, but some flat, brown, square material, separated by some sort of grey dirt. There was a large window, overlooking the city, showing the tall skyscrapers he'd only had glimpses of in the arena. There were mirrors, which intrigued him the most, as he was able to see an unobscured reflection of himself.

"you do look dirty." Kaseel commented when he found the wolf looking at his reflection. The wolf jumped and started to back away from the rabbit, who had stripped his clothing off.

"No touch." The wolf whimpered, shrinking back from the rabbit. Kaseel looked quisicaly at the morph.

"I'm going to help clean you." He huffed, "There's no way you'll be clean unless I do it." The wolf continued to back up, bumping against the mirror and searching along its smooth surface for something to use as a weapon. The rabbit saw the danger as it began to form. "I'm not going to hurt you. I just want to help you." He said, backing up, to give the wolf space.

"No touch. No hurt." The wolf said again.

"No, I won't hurt you. I want to help you feel good." Kaseel spoke, trying to reassure the wolf. "Feel good." The wolf snarled, 'help' was a new word, but 'feel good' was one he'd heard often when he was raped, though not in the context of 'does it feel good for you?'

"Hey!" Kaseel chirped, still backing up. "I will not hurt you... Help... Step into the water." He motioned, indicating the small pool/tub. It would normally fit ten comfortably, but Kaseel had commandeered the room for his wolf for the day. "Here. Come here." He said, stepping in himself and waving the wolf over. Slowly, with his ears laid back, the wolf made his way over. So far, the rabbit had felt different than the guards. He didn't generate such a feeling of malice as them. "There we go." Kaseel smiled, pleased that he was able to handle his new pet so well.

"No touch." The wolf whispered, stepping into the pool. He paused, looking down, amazed that it was warm. Water had always been cold. It was also clear, not the muddy, used type that the gladiators were served. He stood still,staring at the water, and the darker , murkier cloud forming just under around his ankles, from the dirt already being washed away.

"Well. I will have to touch you to clean you. I've been over this." Kaseel sighed, unaware what the wolf was actually requesting. The creature looked to the rabbit, snarling. Kaseel backed up. Twice now, the rabbit had shown weakness, which meant he was afraid of the wolf.

"No touch."

"Yes, touch."


"Yes." Kaseel repeated, stepping forwards, finding courage. After all, he was the wolf's master now. "I'm going to clean you." He grabbed a bar of soap from a nearby edge and dipped it under water, lathering his hands up as he approached. "be good."

"No!" The wolf roared, lunging forwards. Kaseel couldn't help but scream.

* * *

"He certainly did a number on you." The dragon sighed, using a taloned hand to rub ointment on one of the cuts on the rabbit's head. Kaseel winced and jerked away slightly, the ointment burning ever so lightly. "Hold still Kaseel."

"Sorry master." Kaseel whimpered, moving back into place and looking down.

"It's not your fault Kaseel." The dragon rumbled, "I should have sent a guard with you. Instead of in the next room. It was my lapse that put you in danger."

"But I didn't prove that I can handle my own slave." The rabbit sobbed, "I wanted to prove I could."

"Kaseel... This one is a tad more volatile than the usual. Once he has gone through training, you will get him back to finish with." The dragon soothed. "Don't worry about it."?

"Yes master." He nodded wiping a small tear away. "Thank you master."

"What for?"

"Not trusting me fully." Kaseel answered, tilting his chin up so his master could apply ointment to a gash on his neck. The dragon rumbled with a confused laugh.

"Any sane morph wouldn't be thanking me."

"But... If you had trusted me fully... I could be dead..." Kaseel reasoned, "I do feel sorry for him though."

"Kaseel, it's not you I don't trust. It's the wolf... and You have very interesting explanations Kaseel." Grimnog commented, "I think we're done with the ointment Kaseel."

"It's true though." The rabbit smiled sheepishly, standing and taking the ointment jar away to be put back on the medical cart just outside the door.

"What is?"

"that I feel sorry."

"Why do you feel sorry for him?"

"He was very scared... I think he would of done better if he knew I wouldn't hurt him." Kaseel mused.

"He's a slave... a Gladiator even. They are supposed to expect pain. They are controlled by fear." The dragon answered, shifting on his floor mat, so he was on his side instead of his haunches. "As all slaves should be. The fear of punishment."

"But I don't know that he even realizes such a connection yet..."

"He will soon."

"Maybe... I could try something else though first?"

* * *

The wolf whimpered, huddled in the corner of a new cage. This one was shiny, and made from steel, polished to the extent he was able to see his own grizzled and mangy reflection yet again. On top of it, the cage was large enough for the wolf to stand up if he had chosen to do so. Currently though, the farthest corner from the door was enough space. He feared the new torture he would be subjected too, and his fear reached its peak as the door opened and a bear stepped in. He walked slowly up to the wolf's cage and watched the frightened creature.

"Come here wolf." The bear growled, pulling out a long prodder, exactly like the Captain's one from back in the arena. "I said come." The bear pressed the prod to the cell, sending a jolt of electrical current through the entire cage, and causing the wolf to yelp. The wolf's eyes widened once the shock had subsided. never had they been able to just shock him without touching him. He quickly crawled forwards, for fear the cage would shock him again. "Good." The bear smiled, squatting down to the wolf's level.

He met the wolf's eyes, which looked down immediately. At least he understood who was in command the bear noted. He reached down to his waist and pulled out a set of keys. He chose a bronze key and stuck it into the lock, giving it a twist, and opening the cage door. The wolf looked curiously at the bear, not moving. The larger morph stepped back, put the keys back on his belt, and pulled out something long and red from his side pouch.

"Come here wolf." The bear spoke again. This time the wolf did not hesitate, and bolted to the bear, coming to rest on his knees and hands again. "Good." The bear nodded, bending slightly and wrapping the object around the wolf's neck. It was a simple leather collar, dyed red. "Until I am done training you, this is your clothes. The collar stays on. Behave, and you will be fed, and unharmed. Understand?" the wolf looked up.

"No touch." He answered. The bear sneered, grabbing the wolf's head and pulling up on his hair. "No touch!" The wolf yipped in pain, grabbing onto the massive paw to try and relieve the tug on his hair.

"You don't have a say." The bear snarled, then tossed the wolf to the ground. "Slaves have no say."

"I am slave." The wolf whimpered, pulling himself back up to his knees.

"Yes. You are." The bear agreed, "And you will learn to accept it." The bear took the metal rod, pressed the button, and smiled as electricity sparked from it. "Let's start training."

* * *

Kaseel looked at the door, clutching his brown bag he'd brought to his chest. The side facing him was a layer of oak, stained dark, and decorated with little engravings of collars. On the other side of the door, it was steel, engraved with whips, chains, and cages. It was the slave training room. The rabbit shivered slightly, remembering his own harrowing stint in the room (Though it had been his own master Grimnog and not a trainer who had conducted most of the training. Most.) He took a breath in, opened the door and stepped through.

The wolf was huddled in the farthest corner of his cage, his fur speckled with new blood stains. The wolf looked up as the rabbit stepped in, but made no other movements. Slowly the rabbit made his way over, looking around at the empty room. There were six other cages, all empty. Along the walls hung whips, chains, racks, and other 'training devices' that Kaseel was unfamiliar with, or simply did not wish to acknowledge.

"Hello." The rabbit spoke, crouching onto his butt and trying to smile warmly at the wolf. "See you got a collar." The wolf reached a paw up and figitted with it, but did not pull it off, remembering his previous punishment for removing it. The wolf's eyes focused in on the brown bag. In the past, if it was a surprise, it was going to be painful.

"No touch." The wolf spoke, causing the rabbit frown.

"That's all you know isn't it? 'No touch.'" Kaseel commented, "Do you know other words?"


"What are they?"

"yes. No. Touch. Slave. Killed. master. Captain. Wolf. Gladiator. Fighter. Arena. Weapon. Angry. Time. Plenty." The wolf listed mechanically. Kaseel nodded, holding his hand up to stop the wolf.

"But you know enough to understand me?"

"Yes. No." The wolf answered, nodding, then shaking his head.

"Will you come here?" Kaseel asked, patting a spot in the with his paw stretched through a bar. Slowly the wolf inched closer, unsure if the rabbit was capable of the same pain the Bear had been. Although he hadn't fought when he had attacked him. "Good boy." Kaseel smiled, reaching into the bag and pulling out a small cube of meat. The wolf shrank back initially, but became curious when the object was offered to him. He inched a little closer, his nose twitching wildly as he smelled the barely cooked chunk of meat. Tentatively he reached out and took it, hurrying over to his corner to devour it, a little whimper of pleasure and satisfaction escaping his muzzle as his stomach rumbled gratefully for the food.


"Come here. You can't just run away every time." The rabbit smiled, patting a spot right in front of him. The wolf moved back, this time quicker, hoping for another piece of the delicious food. "That's better." Kaseel smiled, handing over yet another piece of meat. "It's good isn't it?" Kaseel asked, gently moving his hand up to pat the wolf's head. His ears lowered, but he didn't dare stop the rabbit, not after the morphs that had appeared when he had attacked him earlier.

* * *

"No!" Kaseel screamed, holding his hand up to block the wolf's teeth from clamping onto his throat as he fell backwards. He felt the wolf's claws at his head, raking against his skin. "Stop!" He pleaded, feeling the water from the pool encompase his head. He squeezed his eyes tightly, held his breath and tried to force himself back up, but the paw at his head held him under. Before true panic could even set in, there was a muffled *Whump* and a few moments later, the wolf's paw was gone, and another was pulling kaseel up. The rabbit sucked in air as he breached the surface, opening his eyes and looking wildly about.

"Back Kaseel." A voice ordered. A few steps in the pool ahead was the wolf, being restrained by a snow leopard. "Hold him steady Noah."

"Don't worry Vignet. I have 'im." The leopard answered. Kaseel looked back to the coyote holding him. His mind reeled for a moment before he spoke.

"Master Vignet... It's okay! Really..." Kaseel spoke, though he still made an attempt to step back, sliding under the coyote's arm. "He's just scared is all."

"Kaseel. It's not your decision." Vignet answered, stepping forwards and unholstering his prodder. He clicked the button and pressed it to the wolf's side. The wolf screamed, starting to struggle even more, though now it was in an attempt to get away, rather than attack.

"It is! He's mine. I don't want him punished." Kaseel pleaded, rushing forwards and grabbing hold of the coyote's arm and tugging against it. "It wasn't his fault!"

"The Guardian said to." Noah commented, grunting as he had to use more strength to hold the wolf.

"Master Vignet!" Kaseel screamed, nearly crying. The coyote eased up, pulling the prod away. "Don't punish him without my permission... It's not his fault. I wasn't listening." The coyote stared at the rabbit, slightly dumbfounded.

"Kaseel..." he started, shaking his head, "Go to the Guardian. That is an order." The rabbit bit his lower lip, but left immediately, not wanting to hear the rest of the wolf's punishment. "The master doesn't have to listen..." The coyote sighed, turning back to the wolf. "Only the slave."

* * *

"Guardian. Sir." Vignet started, pacing back and forth between one pile of treasure and another. He rubbed his wrist anxiously, then came to a halt in front of the relaxed dragon. "It is not good to have a slave be a master as well... Especially Kaseel..." The dragon regarded the coyote for a few minutes.

"Why not? Kaseel is intelligent. He is reliable. Besides, he needs someone he can be with when I am gone." The dragon explained, sounding not the least bit concerned. "And someone to protect him."

"But Guardian... The wolf is dangerous... Unreliable... untrained. He was a gladiator, the only thing they know to do is fight. All he says is 'no touch'."

"Kaseel will train him. That rabbit is... Determined." The coyote twisted his paw, "Sir. It will confuse him... To be in charge of something... yet still remain powerless with so much of his life. It is not what slaves are meant for."

"Nonsense. We entrust slaves with duties every day. It is their choice to carry it out, and how to carry it out." The dragon rumbled, looking down at the treasure he was lying on and picking at a gold coin with a claw.

"Yes! But does he actually get a choice? He still has to do those duties... I could just leave sir... And I would face no reprocussion.... Sir... I doubt Kaseel can do it... He's too forgiving. Too sweet."

"He can be firm when need be." The dragon replied chuckled. "Heaven knows he is with me."

"Sir that's another thing! You are to leaniant with him! It's made him impulsive! And, he has no fear to speak his mind..." The coyote continued, "He was telling me I couldn't punish the wolf for attempting to drown him sir... He didn't want the wolf hurt... he was arguing with me... A superior."

"As he had a right too." The dragon answered. "The wolf is his slave. I wanted you and another there to protect not punish."

"But sir... I would of assumed that you would want me to punish the wolf."

"I did. But if Kaseel did not, then you are to acknowledge Kaseel's authority over his own slave."

"But Guardian!" Vignet started.

"Vignet... I am aware you only want to help. But I must trust in Kaseel. It would please me to no end to know he can handle himself."

"Sir... He's a slave."

"He is my slave, and one that I can do as I wish with." Grimnog snapped, causing the coyote to flinch. "You may leave."

"Yes sir." The coyote bowed, then left, his ears down, and tail limp. It was no good to argue further. As the coyote stomped down the hall he passed the slave training room. He noticed the door ajar and peeked in, half expecting Nester to be training the wolf, and planning on asking the bear if he would be available when finished, but instead found Kaseel squatting in front of the wolf's cage, talking and feeding the slave. He stepped in slowly, watching the wolf speak, though it looked more like repetition of a word than a conversation. He picked his ears up and tried to listen.

"Please, may I have more food?" Kaseel chirped cutely, already reaching into the brown bag. His little tail wagging back and forth.

"Pleeasse. Have more food?" The wolf asked, straining to pronounce 'please'. The rabbit frowned, then spoke again.

"Please, May I have more food?"

"Pleeasse, May I have more food?" The wolf repeated, his tail wagging as the rabbit placed another chunk of chicken in the wolf's paw, grinning broadly.

"Very good!" The rabbit praised the wolf, scratching his ears from behind the bars. The wolf's ears twitched, and his tail wagged happily. The wolf couldn't remember a time when he hadn't been hungry, much less enjoying something. "Good boy. I will see you tomorrow." Kaseel smiled, standing and turning. The rabbit saw Vignet and bowed.

"Hello Kaseel." The coyote nodded, crossing his arms and leaning against the wall. "Does the Guardian require you tonight?" The rabbit would do too.

"Yes he does." Kaseel answered, bowing again. "Is there anything you need me to do before then?"

"No. You run on to the Guardian." The coyote waved dismissively. "I'll find another tonight."

"As you wish Master Vignet." The rabbit smiled and walked out, a slight bounce in his step.

"There's a reason there's only one rabbit here." A voice commented, startling the coyote. Vignet looked over his shoulder at the snow leopard.

"And why would that be Noah?" Vignet asked, raising his eyebrow.

"We'd never get any work done." The leopard chuckled, "And Guardian loves exotics... and well... anything that is rare... and Kaseel is rare."

"They all do."

"Anyways..." The leopard grinned, moving in front of the slightly older coyote. "Since the rabbit's taken... Want spend the night out in town?" The coyote smiled. He had forgotten about the leopard.

"Sure Noah." The coyote answered. "Let's get checked out." The pair turned and walked away. The wolf moved back to his corner and curled into a ball, an odd mixture of fear and satisfaction settling in his full stomach.

* * *

"Master." Kaseel spoke quietly, walking into the dragon's 'den' where he was sprawled on his back lazily. Unlike his main room, where he lounged on his treasurem this one was adorned with various paintings and sculptures, with a mattress set into the floor. The rabbit walked straight to his master's side and stood patiently.

"Kaseel?" The dragon started, rolling onto his side and patting the mattress. "How is your wolf?"

"Oh! He's very scared master." Kaseel answered, "He did better when I fed him though... I think he was starting to like me."

"That's good." The dragon nodded, stroking along the rabbits side. Kaseel took the hint and climbed in besides the dragon, moving his paws along the larger chest. "I have decided however, that he will be trained by the trainer as well. After what he attempted to do to you... I cannot risk that happening again."

"Master. It was nothing." The rabbit squeaked, blushing. One of the dragon's hands grabbed Kaseel's muzzle and pulled it up so they were making eye contact. "He tried to drown you. That is unforgivable... I cannot risk him trying anything like that on any of the other slaves, or workers." The dragon was always amazed at how easily the rabbit held eye contact. That had been something Grimnog had never been able to train out of the rabbit. Eye contact. "You are much too forgiving Kaseel."

"Master, he just needs something better." The rabbit answered back. "I was using the wrong words... What I meant, and what they meant to him were different."

"That does not matter. As a master, the slave must always accept what their master says. Regardless of how they interpret it." The dragon explained, "You have never disobeyed an order from me. That is how good slaves behave."

"But I like your orders..."

"Not all of them." The dragon spoke, smiling slightly.

"I know master... But..." Kaseel faded off, looking down.

"What Kaseel?"

"But... I didn't do it right..."

"How's that?"

"I just expected him to do as I say on the first day... When I was taking it slow in the training room... He responded better..." The rabbit sighed, "I feel like its my fault."

"It's not. It's never a master's fault."

"That's not what you said when you got me back from Guardian Tali..." The dragon growled in his chest, "I'm sorry Master."

"No. No... That was my fault." Grimnog sighed.

"You are being contradictory master." Kaseel smiled smartly. "It's very confusing."

"Ever thought that I let you get away with too much?" The dragon questioned idly, trailing a claw along the rabbits cheek.

"Never master."

That's that for this section... Things will get a little more interesting in the following stories, but right now, I'm just getting personalities and important characters down... Any critics would be amazing and much appreciated.
